My version of 15 by 15

Yeah, the loner-hater has definitely gotten more desperate, with his badly faked "report the 15s" non-existent conferences. He posts the same delusional threats on the KGB thread, making everyone laugh.

It is sad and comical to see what this solo whack job does on this and other threads. A nobody who wants to dictate his version of how he thinks people should do their jobs. What a fool.

Thanks for the clarification you bureaucratic toady. I stand corrected and in retrospect I can see that you are a useless manager. Only a useless paper generating manager could parse words to make them more inane.
But you should pray the layoffs don't touch you as you will find it next to impossible to find real employment on your resume. In the real world they don't care what the color coding on your excel spreadsheets are. A real sales organization preaches results. A subject so foreign to a Merck manager it might as well be Farsi.
Have a good " office" day. Be well indeed.

Another observation about your posts - never said I was a sales manager. You really haven't been paying attention here. Finance and Legal run this company so, no, I'm not worried at all about the employment on my resume. I think you should ask Santa for a clue because you sure need one.

Whatever. A toady is still a toady, no matter what department you're in. Even more reason to pay even less attention to what you have to say. Finance is bad- pencil pusher- legal is worse- pencil neck. Heed Shakespeare on the lawyers.
No I haven't been paying that much attention what happens at Merck anymore, but then again who has?

But your original post about home office " being checked out" and numbers would lead toward finance. Pencil pushing, pencil neck. You know numbers but haven't a clue as to were they come from. An accountant who doesn't count. Replaceable by the hundreds waiting in line for your cubicle. Go back to your beans, bean counter.

Whatever. A toady is still a toady, no matter what department you're in. Even more reason to pay even less attention to what you have to say. Finance is bad- pencil pusher- legal is worse- pencil neck. Heed Shakespeare on the lawyers.
No I haven't been paying that much attention what happens at Merck anymore, but then again who has?

But your original post about home office " being checked out" and numbers would lead toward finance. Pencil pushing, pencil neck. You know numbers but haven't a clue as to were they come from. An accountant who doesn't count. Replaceable by the hundreds waiting in line for your cubicle. Go back to your beans, bean counter.

Just remember there is a good chance I make triple your salary.

Just remember there is a good chance I make triple your salary.

You have concocted " cubical derangement syndrome ". Get out and see the sun. Your fantasy life is intruding on reality.
You have NO idea what I make. Or what I do. Or were I am.
However sales people certainly make more than accountants. They also generate revenue were as accounting only navigates revenue.
Unless they are " 15er" then they are only on the debit side of the ledger.
You've let the title they gave you that you proudly display in your cubicle go to your head.

" hater"? It's hard to understand anyone who is more of a " hater" than one who spits in the face of a company who provides a paycheck, especially those who have so consistently done so little to earn it. Falls under, " biting the hand of the one who feeds you."
But there are always those with an overriding sense of entitlement. Again, usually coming from those who have done so little to earn it. That's why it looks so much like theft.

I don't see the need to " out" the 15ers. They usually out themselves and soon find they are " out."
On the outside looking in at life.
Here's wishing you unemployment. I've been there. Then how smug and smart will you be?

Here's wishing you pick up some normal social skills so you can make some real friends instead of whining like a spoiled 2 year old on an anonymous website. "Wah, wah, wah, things aren't going my way so am going to pout, cry and pick on other people until I get my way. Wah, wah, wah, my way is the right way and I should get what I want, wah, wah,wah!"

Here's wishing you pick up some normal social skills so you can make some real friends instead of whining like a spoiled 2 year old on an anonymous website. "Wah, wah, wah, things aren't going my way so am going to pout, cry and pick on other people until I get my way. Wah, wah, wah, my way is the right way and I should get what I want, wah, wah,wah!"

Now here is a loner/ hater.

Clearly the 15's have won this little skirmish-

Go away kgb loser.

Hooray and Merry Christmas to 15's everywhere.

The 15s can't compete on anything valued or admired. They are cowards who just suck the hind boob of humanities wealth. Workers not, slotheful yes, admired never. Get on with that ugly spouse. Birds of a feather they say!

The 15s can't compete on anything valued or admired. They are cowards who just suck the hind boob of humanities wealth. Workers not, slotheful yes, admired never. Get on with that ugly spouse. Birds of a feather they say!

Coming from a loser spending most of his life on an anonymous website wishing people ill will who don't work the way he thinks they should. You are a mentally sick hypocrite.

Coming from a loser spending most of his life on an anonymous website wishing people ill will who don't work the way he thinks they should. You are a mentally sick hypocrite.

There you go again. Trying to have it both ways. Defending " 15" but trying to call what you don't do " work." Next you'll be telling us about all the fake awards you've " won."
An anonymous , faceless, nameless hypocrite swimming in a sea of hypocrisy destined to live his life from beginning to end in invisible anonymity. Wearing your little business suit, driving around all day in your little business car delivering lunches but doing no business. Leaving your mark nowhere. Unremarkable, unremembered, unnoticed. Nice work to match your useless qualifications.

There you go again. Trying to have it both ways. Defending " 15" but trying to call what you don't do " work." Next you'll be telling us about all the fake awards you've " won."
An anonymous , faceless, nameless hypocrite swimming in a sea of hypocrisy destined to live his life from beginning to end in invisible anonymity. Wearing your little business suit, driving around all day in your little business car delivering lunches but doing no business. Leaving your mark nowhere. Unremarkable, unremembered, unnoticed. Nice work to match your useless qualifications.

Aww, little baby is soooo jealous. I love my job and love my 15 by 15 hours. I also love that you have no control over how I choose to work the minimum and it upsets you. You have a mental illness and an obsession of the mind. You really should talk to a doctor. Hopefully, if you do, I hope you have to wait to see him because a 15 by 15 rep is talking to the doctor first! LMFAO!