My version of 15 by 15

Exactly. If they had any true talent, skills or ambition they would have moved on long ago.
They complain continually about what a crap hole Merck is yet they remain and wallow in it, kidding themselves that they are taking the company for a ride when the true reality is Merck doesn't really care much about what they do one way or the other. Merck has sadly become a very mediocre company and has been for some time. What does that say about the mediocrity of the sales people that remain there? " Water seeks it's own level." Were they to try to change outside that nice womb of Merck they would realize just what " Merck" on a resume means. Not much. They remain, because they choose to. They skate, slide, kiss managements ass to cover themselves because that's what they have always done and couldn't do it anywhere else but at the mediocrity of Merck. They've labeled themselves to prop up their egos and try and give some validity to what in reality is a pointless career. Fine. Just don't call it " karma" or any other stupidity. If there is such a thing as " karma" than these will be just as useless in the next life as they have been in this one.

I am neither and doing just fine. You are just a shallow @sshole who can't stand your own meaningless life so you lash out at those you envy. You probably live alone because nobody can stand being around you so you escape on the internet every chance you get. It's not healthy. You should see a psychiatrist.

Have you ever noticed that the name calling 15 ers never offer anything but insults in defense of their ineptitude? Matter of fact they never put forth any argument at all. This is what comes from years of spewing mother Merck memorized verbatiums and platitudes. You cease to be able to think for yourself. Then one day you just throw in the towel and stop doing anything altogether and hope she won't even notice. And Merck has become so bad, that she doesn't. How bad is your job that no one even notices when you stop doing it?

Have you ever noticed that the name calling 15 ers never offer anything but insults in defense of their ineptitude? Matter of fact they never put forth any argument at all. This is what comes from years of spewing mother Merck memorized verbatiums and platitudes. You cease to be able to think for yourself. Then one day you just throw in the towel and stop doing anything altogether and hope she won't even notice. And Merck has become so bad, that she doesn't. How bad is your job that no one even notices when you stop doing it?

It is untrue that the 15s go unnoticed, wait to you would hear the uproar from the unfed at lunchtime.

Exactly. If they had any true talent, skills or ambition they would have moved on long ago.
They complain continually about what a crap hole Merck is yet they remain and wallow in it, kidding themselves that they are taking the company for a ride when the true reality is Merck doesn't really care much about what they do one way or the other. Merck has sadly become a very mediocre company and has been for some time. What does that say about the mediocrity of the sales people that remain there? " Water seeks it's own level." Were they to try to change outside that nice womb of Merck they would realize just what " Merck" on a resume means. Not much. They remain, because they choose to. They skate, slide, kiss managements ass to cover themselves because that's what they have always done and couldn't do it anywhere else but at the mediocrity of Merck. They've labeled themselves to prop up their egos and try and give some validity to what in reality is a pointless career. Fine. Just don't call it " karma" or any other stupidity. If there is such a thing as " karma" than these will be just as useless in the next life as they have been in this one.

Great very true...all that is left at Mediocre Merck is the worst of the worst...Merck wants it that way...Makes it easier for management to rob the place blind when they have useful idiots underneath them...

Have you ever noticed that the name calling 15 ers never offer anything but insults in defense of their ineptitude? Matter of fact they never put forth any argument at all. This is what comes from years of spewing mother Merck memorized verbatiums and platitudes. You cease to be able to think for yourself. Then one day you just throw in the towel and stop doing anything altogether and hope she won't even notice. And Merck has become so bad, that she doesn't. How bad is your job that no one even notices when you stop doing it?

It's hard to find a part time 6 figure salary like this anywhere else so some people stay even if it sucks. So what. Those who are complaining against the 15ers are just mad they don't have that option. So keep hating, we 15ers will just endure as long as the Merck checks keep coming.

It's hard to find a part time 6 figure salary like this anywhere else so some people stay even if it sucks. So what. Those who are complaining against the 15ers are just mad they don't have that option. So keep hating, we 15ers will just endure as long as the Merck checks keep coming.

Those ill begotten checks are very soon to expire. The forced ranking process in Dec.will see to that! 2015 will definitely be healthy for my wealth management. Cut baby cut!

Those ill begotten checks are very soon to expire. The forced ranking process in Dec.will see to that! 2015 will definitely be healthy for my wealth management. Cut baby cut!

In your warped dreams hater. Now go clean your room. You know your mom expects you to have a clean room since your living with her rent free as a jobless loser with no real social life.

In your warped dreams hater. Now go clean your room. You know your mom expects you to have a clean room since your living with her rent free as a jobless loser with no real social life.

I don't hate anyone but I do dispise criminals and societal bottom dwellers. By your own actions and misfit threading you fit the stereotype exactly. Now commit to doing the best you can for the food challenged. Delislinger supreme.

Get out and start looking for work. The end is nearer then you think.

I think you're right. We've already axed about 80% of the sales force. The rest of us are on shaky ground at best.

I started a nice brick-and-mortar business about a year ago, as many Merck reps have, and I'm ready to leave. I'm hoping for a decent severance. I give Merck an honest effort every day, but my heart is no longer in it. I know how they've treated many of my former colleagues and I'm not so blind to believe that all of those good reps suddenly became bad in such a short time. Frankly, I think my age and race has protected me from being targeted.

I have no sympathy for Mother Merck, nor for those that continue to defend her. It's time we all accept that the star has fallen and is headed for a crash. We all hitched our wagons to the wrong star.

After all this time, on this thread a breath of fresh air- honesty. Merck was the right star- in the 80's and 90's now not so much. You always have to be looking out for yourselves. Every day. I'm always shocked by the people that expect the same level of loyalty from corporate America that they feel for a company. Check that. It's not really " loyalty". It's laziness. They get on with a big company and think they will be taken care of the rest of their lives. Hence calling Merck " mother." That was your fathers economy ( really, the great American myth) not this one, If it ever was. Then when the economy changes, the market changes, products changes, corporate needs change, downsizings to their plush easy lifestyle happens they blame the company. Never themselves. They never improved their own skills, looked for career or other educational opportunities, never they just sat and wished the easy road would always stay the same, they'd be taken care of and suckered at mothers warm breast forever, then when it went south they pouted, became 15er...which, truth be know was always their real work ethic anyway, regardless of circumstances. And that's what makes them losers.

I always go back to the Brad Pitt quote from Killing them softly. " This guy ( Obama) says America is a ' community'. Don't make me laugh. America's a business. And in America you're on your own. Now pay me."

After all this time, on this thread a breath of fresh air- honesty. Merck was the right star- in the 80's and 90's now not so much. You always have to be looking out for yourselves. Every day. I'm always shocked by the people that expect the same level of loyalty from corporate America that they feel for a company. Check that. It's not really " loyalty". It's laziness. They get on with a big company and think they will be taken care of the rest of their lives. Hence calling Merck " mother." That was your fathers economy ( really, the great American myth) not this one, If it ever was. Then when the economy changes, the market changes, products changes, corporate needs change, downsizings to their plush easy lifestyle happens they blame the company. Never themselves. They never improved their own skills, looked for career or other educational opportunities, never they just sat and wished the easy road would always stay the same, they'd be taken care of and suckered at mothers warm breast forever, then when it went south they pouted, became 15er...which, truth be know was always their real work ethic anyway, regardless of circumstances. And that's what makes them losers.

I always go back to the Brad Pitt quote from Killing them softly. " This guy ( Obama) says America is a ' community'. Don't make me laugh. America's a business. And in America you're on your own. Now pay me."

You would never guess that by the fraud perpetrated on the country by Holder, Obama, Polosi, Reed and the other progressives/communists/socialist s.

Get out and start looking for work. The end is nearer then you think.

Sure it is r*****. You don't even have a job because you post on here all day making irrational predictions. You are one crazy low life scumbag full of hate and jealousy. You were probably voted in highschool as most likely to become nothing because you have no normal social skills. Your only outlet is here and that is totally pathetic. At least I am getting paid and living the 15 by 15 and you are not which just makes me laugh chump.

Sure it is r*****. You don't even have a job because you post on here all day making irrational predictions. You are one crazy low life scumbag full of hate and jealousy. You were probably voted in highschool as most likely to become nothing because you have no normal social skills. Your only outlet is here and that is totally pathetic. At least I am getting paid and living the 15 by 15 and you are not which just makes me laugh chump.

Everyone on these threads can judge for themselves the scum that you and that you represent itch each others balls and teabag to your perverted wisdom. fU

Sure it is r*****. You don't even have a job because you post on here all day making irrational predictions. You are one crazy low life scumbag full of hate and jealousy. You were probably voted in highschool as most likely to become nothing because you have no normal social skills. Your only outlet is here and that is totally pathetic. At least I am getting paid and living the 15 by 15 and you are not which just makes me laugh chump.

Actually, I was voted most likely to succeed, guess what I did. Unlike your worthless rearend, I made millions and can care a rats ass about you or your genetic misfits. They must be proud of you due to the fact that thy can't recognize through modelling what success is all about.
What a dismal loser.

Actually, I was voted most likely to succeed, guess what I did. Unlike your worthless rearend, I made millions and can care a rats ass about you or your genetic misfits. They must be proud of you due to the fact that thy can't recognize through modelling what success is all about.
What a dismal loser.

If you made millions, why are you wasting time on a pharma board whack job? You are delusional and need to be locked up.