My version of 15 by 15

Hi guy: yes loyalty and hard work get you totally nowhere in corporate america. I think everyone on this board is very JEALOUS of you, your skills, lifestyle, etc. Everyone gets old when the people on this board reach 50 and plus they will see what it is like. Everything comes around that goes around.

Long way of saying you don't want to work anymore, you'd rather play golf and you don't think you'll get caught. We get it. I've seen dozens and dozens like you over the years. What you do/don't do isn't hard. Doing the work is hard. You took the easy way. Doesn't take a genius to skate. I doubt that you've ever worked very hard and always conned management. I doubt you're golf scores are very much better than you're lousy work ethic. Besides if you lie about what you're doing all day, just as easy to lie about golf. Kick the ball back out in the fairway . Winter rules year a round right? You're not polarizing. You're mediocre. There are millions like you who stumble through life until the end. Misery loves company. Unremarkable, unremembered. You're forgotten as soon as you finish posting.

Obviously, you haven't forgotten him psycho hater. I feel sorry for your family. You live to hate other people that don't behave like you rather than live your own life and let other people live their life the way they choose to live it. Sad.

Long way of saying you don't want to work anymore, you'd rather play golf and you don't think you'll get caught. We get it. I've seen dozens and dozens like you over the years. What you do/don't do isn't hard. Doing the work is hard. You took the easy way. Doesn't take a genius to skate. I doubt that you've ever worked very hard and always conned management. I doubt you're golf scores are very much better than you're lousy work ethic. Besides if you lie about what you're doing all day, just as easy to lie about golf. Kick the ball back out in the fairway . Winter rules year a round right? You're not polarizing. You're mediocre. There are millions like you who stumble through life until the end. Misery loves company. Unremarkable, unremembered. You're forgotten as soon as you finish posting.

The 15 guy always gets under this guy's skin. It so evident that he is just jealous and wishes he could be the 15 guy & have his lifestyle. Dude, if it bothers you so much then why take the time to respond. Face it, you secretly love the 15 guy. He is your man crush!

Long way of saying you don't want to work anymore, you'd rather play golf and you don't think you'll get caught. We get it. I've seen dozens and dozens like you over the years. What you do/don't do isn't hard. Doing the work is hard. You took the easy way. Doesn't take a genius to skate. I doubt that you've ever worked very hard and always conned management. I doubt you're golf scores are very much better than you're lousy work ethic. Besides if you lie about what you're doing all day, just as easy to lie about golf. Kick the ball back out in the fairway . Winter rules year a round right? You're not polarizing. You're mediocre. There are millions like you who stumble through life until the end. Misery loves company. Unremarkable, unremembered. You're forgotten as soon as you finish posting.

"Doing the work is hard."


What a f--king moron! It's hard to believe anyone is that stupid.

"Doing the work is hard."


What a f--king moron! It's hard to believe anyone is that stupid.
You make a insightful observation. Delislinging does not require a science degree!

There are external customers and there are internal customers. 15ers obviously survive and avoid getting caught by neglecting external customers, physicians and focus all their time and energy on keeping internal customers, management happy. In other words they become ass kissing suck ups to management to avoid pips and dodge detection. Ironic. They morph into the very thing they falsely claim to hate about corporate Merck. That doesn't make it some sorta stupid " payback, karma" as all the 15ers claim. It's just another work avoidance exercise, which is what the majority of big pharma reps are good at anyway. He just wants to retire on the job, avoid any work and have Merck pay for his golf and any other freebies. Not exactly " Salk, Currie or Pasteur." But I'm sure he's always the first one with a " success story" on a TC and is good at " showing activity" to keep his clueless manager happy. Like I said its a symbiotic relationship and he has to have an enabler. Again, Ironic. Management is his best friend. He doesn't hate managers, he loves them. After all there are only so many pip's to go around. He's been pretty good at dodging his, as well deserved as it is.

There are external customers and there are internal customers. 15ers obviously survive and avoid getting caught by neglecting external customers, physicians and focus all their time and energy on keeping internal customers, management happy. In other words they become ass kissing suck ups to management to avoid pips and dodge detection. Ironic. They morph into the very thing they falsely claim to hate about corporate Merck. That doesn't make it some sorta stupid " payback, karma" as all the 15ers claim. It's just another work avoidance exercise, which is what the majority of big pharma reps are good at anyway. He just wants to retire on the job, avoid any work and have Merck pay for his golf and any other freebies. Not exactly " Salk, Currie or Pasteur." But I'm sure he's always the first one with a " success story" on a TC and is good at " showing activity" to keep his clueless manager happy. Like I said its a symbiotic relationship and he has to have an enabler. Again, Ironic. Management is his best friend. He doesn't hate managers, he loves them. After all there are only so many pip's to go around. He's been pretty good at dodging his, as well deserved as it is.

As one of the "15ers" myself, I can assure you that your assessment may apply to some, but not to all. I have adopted the 15 approach (more like a 10 approach, actually) because I know that this company has continued its slide downward and, while the worst is behind us, there's a ton of sliding left to do. I predict the complete elimination of what's left of the sales force, which isn't much at this point.

I've watched Merck mercilessly target many good reps for elimination and it sickens me, maybe because I know I could be next. Anyhow, I've cut back on all but the absolutely necessary activity for Merck over the last two years. I've started selling my own commission-only products with the bulk of my time. I've done it out of self-preservation, but I must say I would have NEVER done this to a respectable employer. I'm happy to do it to Merck---Merck has earned this dose of karma, which is EXACTLY what I believe it is. And I'm not alone.

FU Merck.

What happened to the 15 by 15 hater thread? I thought that thread would take off because there was allegedly so many anti 15 by 15 folks. Ha! Apparently, not. It's just 1 or 2 bitter losers who are envious of the fact that some of us see through the b.s. Merck slings and have found a way to exploit it. Trust me, Merck has been exploiting its sales force far more than the other way around.

"Doing the work is hard."


What a f--king moron! It's hard to believe anyone is that stupid.

Sounds like you need a good beating and I'll give it to you Now shut your pie hole troll

As one of the "15ers" myself, I can assure you that your assessment may apply to some, but not to all. I have adopted the 15 approach (more like a 10 approach, actually) because I know that this company has continued its slide downward and, while the worst is behind us, there's a ton of sliding left to do. I predict the complete elimination of what's left of the sales force, which isn't much at this point.

I've watched Merck mercilessly target many good reps for elimination and it sickens me, maybe because I know I could be next. Anyhow, I've cut back on all but the absolutely necessary activity for Merck over the last two years. I've started selling my own commission-only products with the bulk of my time. I've done it out of self-preservation, but I must say I would have NEVER done this to a respectable employer. I'm happy to do it to Merck---Merck has earned this dose of karma, which is EXACTLY what I believe it is. And I'm not alone.

FU Merck.

And you feel you have to act in your own self interest. I get that. I just don't believe it's some sort of noble exercise or payback or karma as some of you have made it out to be. It is what it is. People have decided on their own that their efforts are futile. So they get a part time gig, or play golf on company time. Fine. Just don't kid yourself that you are hurting Merck. You don't. Do you read the annual report? Merck isn't sliding anywhere except towards more dividends.
Besides, if your original effort was so futile how could your decision to "15 it" make any difference one way or the other? I submit that they don't. You don't help and you don't hurt. The whole charade is an exercise in futility.
But you 15 ers are the first to admit that the job is bogus, the fix is in on the numbers, and you don't make any difference. Then you turn right around and brag about all the sales awards you've won and how your numbers are great, how many VP's you've won etc., so which is it? Typical in your mediocrity, you always want it both ways. Merck loves the bell curve. Outliers at both ends are long gone. You are what's left. You should embrace your mediocrity, what you are. I don't begrudge the 15 ers but it offends me when they try to appear more than they are.
You are all leftovers. That's all.

And you feel you have to act in your own self interest. I get that. I just don't believe it's some sort of noble exercise or payback or karma as some of you have made it out to be. It is what it is. People have decided on their own that their efforts are futile. So they get a part time gig, or play golf on company time. Fine. Just don't kid yourself that you are hurting Merck. You don't. Do you read the annual report? Merck isn't sliding anywhere except towards more dividends.
Besides, if your original effort was so futile how could your decision to "15 it" make any difference one way or the other? I submit that they don't. You don't help and you don't hurt. The whole charade is an exercise in futility.
But you 15 ers are the first to admit that the job is bogus, the fix is in on the numbers, and you don't make any difference. Then you turn right around and brag about all the sales awards you've won and how your numbers are great, how many VP's you've won etc., so which is it? Typical in your mediocrity, you always want it both ways. Merck loves the bell curve. Outliers at both ends are long gone. You are what's left. You should embrace your mediocrity, what you are. I don't begrudge the 15 ers but it offends me when they try to appear more than they are.
You are all leftovers. That's all.

Why do you care? You are not the CEO or BOD. Get a life loser.

And you feel you have to act in your own self interest. I get that. I just don't believe it's some sort of noble exercise or payback or karma as some of you have made it out to be. It is what it is. People have decided on their own that their efforts are futile. So they get a part time gig, or play golf on company time. Fine. Just don't kid yourself that you are hurting Merck. You don't. Do you read the annual report? Merck isn't sliding anywhere except towards more dividends.
Besides, if your original effort was so futile how could your decision to "15 it" make any difference one way or the other? I submit that they don't. You don't help and you don't hurt. The whole charade is an exercise in futility.
But you 15 ers are the first to admit that the job is bogus, the fix is in on the numbers, and you don't make any difference. Then you turn right around and brag about all the sales awards you've won and how your numbers are great, how many VP's you've won etc., so which is it? Typical in your mediocrity, you always want it both ways. Merck loves the bell curve. Outliers at both ends are long gone. You are what's left. You should embrace your mediocrity, what you are. I don't begrudge the 15 ers but it offends me when they try to appear more than they are.
You are all leftovers. That's all.

You've been wrong before. I'm pretty sure of that.

As one of the "15ers" myself, I can assure you that your assessment may apply to some, but not to all. I have adopted the 15 approach (more like a 10 approach, actually) because I know that this company has continued its slide downward and, while the worst is behind us, there's a ton of sliding left to do. I predict the complete elimination of what's left of the sales force, which isn't much at this point.

I've watched Merck mercilessly target many good reps for elimination and it sickens me, maybe because I know I could be next. Anyhow, I've cut back on all but the absolutely necessary activity for Merck over the last two years. I've started selling my own commission-only products with the bulk of my time. I've done it out of self-preservation, but I must say I would have NEVER done this to a respectable employer. I'm happy to do it to Merck---Merck has earned this dose of karma, which is EXACTLY what I believe it is. And I'm not alone.

FU Merck.

Nicely put. Smart.

Spoken like a true dead center occupier of the middle of the bell curve.
There are those that make things happen and those that things happen to.
You are the latter.

I am neither and doing just fine. You are just a shallow @sshole who can't stand your own meaningless life so you lash out at those you envy. You probably live alone because nobody can stand being around you so you escape on the internet every chance you get. It's not healthy. You should see a psychiatrist.

You just sound like a socially inept waste of humanity. You are God's mistake.

You weren't responding to me, but I disagree with you. The "occupier of the middle of the Bell Curve" comment was pretty much spot on. I'm not necessarily referring to you, but I've come to realize that the only reps left at Merck are those "middle of the Bell Curve" types. The really talented sales reps are all gone, every single one of them. I saw some very good ones over my long career here and they are all gone. So sad.