Ah, the "15" guy along with the "FU" guy and the " catch me if you can" pain cream queen, we consistently hear the whining of the " entitled " generation. The water cooler hangers ons that crawl out from under their rocks to brag about how they're not working, working a side job or just (FU) plain angry at life in general and keep their threads alive with hate directed at Merck because they feel they were owed something ( as yet un- defined by all their rants) by career, company or companions. The generation of " the world owes me." I'm drawing good money and benefits but they're mean to me, don't appreciate me, so I 'll show 'em"! But still haven't garnered the life or job skills to advance, so that, of course, is someone else's fault.
We'll I've had some shitty jobs in my life but this ain't one of them. No one's shooting at you, as a matter of fact, you risk very little by being here. But then again you contribute so very little as well. So continue your little exercise of taking up space, as anonymous as a prank phone call and as useful as yesterday's newspaper at the bottom of the bird cage. My guess is that is why you are on here all the time trying to justify yourselves that " misery loves company" but the only ethos you elicit is well, disgust. " Rage against the machine" you're wasting your breath.