Oh, ok the stock price is all a lie: to the sec, shareholders, investors, wsj, et al. You're a real conspiracy theorist. Quite a widespread one. You offer no evidence just, again, your opinion and personal vendetta. Let's all make investment decisions based on that shall we ? Have you even read the stockholders report? No, I thought not. Regardless you claim to " shed light" on the " inner halls" at Merck but you never, again I say, ever give anything of the kind. You just
continue to spew innuendo and idiocy based on your own agenda of perceived wrongs which in your paranoid world view will lead to the imminent collapse of Merck. Again my money's on Merck. You will collapse long before it does. You are worse than a troll, you are a poser. You purport to be "in the know" but never provide any evidence that you know anything. In your dream world you think you are righting the ( perceived, personal?) wrongs of the corporation, all hail the proletariat ! But never any specifics of wrongs committed. No your posing is just a cover up for the fact that you, and others can't hack it, are unsuccessful at Merck and probably else were and want to direct your shortfalls to the "evil, monolithic corporation." Oh, ok, let's see how far that carries you in your " career." You, the 15 guy, PCQ, don't want to or can't perform in your jobs want to work a side job or whatever, go right ahead, but don't insult people with the notion that your " shedding light" on anything or right any wrongs. All your own testimony given on this thread is all to the contrary.
But don't let me interrupt your little pity party. Please continue your pathos. Let's see just how far it carries you. Not far I'll wager.