My version of 15 by 15


Too damn cold to work today & maybe again tomorrow. Maybe I will do something on Wednesday and Thursday. Or maybe I won't. Then comes Friday and you all know that I don't work on Fridays. Ever. A great start to 2014.


The 15x15 Guy

Worst jobs report since 2011. Labor participation rate is the lowest in 36 years. 1 in 5 American men are not working. My question is : with so many out of work how does Merck continue to justify and tolerate these that not only don't work but scam their time, expense reports, management et al? Isn't it time to completely reengineer the sales force or rethink having one at all? Can Merck really afford to keep on so many that contribute so little ?

So what is going on with all my 15x15 brothers & sisters? I just keep on doing my thing of creating that illusion of work for Mother Merck. I haven't really worked at all this year so far. I did plan a vacation to the beach and will actually use vacation time for that since I will be taking the company car so I don't have to pay for the gas.

For whatever reason my manager has been confiding in me the last few months about how he just wants to fly under the radar and not have the district sales fall to the lowest 25% in the nation. As long as we are around the national and regional average, he is fine with it. He has told us just to not get on any dashboards and make him look like he is doing his job for 2014.

Since I have earned his confidence, I guess 2014 will be another great year for my 15x15 lifestyle! My goal is to try to only work eight hours a week. That's two hours a day, four days a week on average. I think that's a good goal.

I hope everyone is having a great start to 2014!


The 15x15 Guy

January 2014 will be over for me and in the books in a couple hours! What's that you say? That tomorrow is the last working day of the month? Yeah, but tomorrow is Friday and I never work on Friday. I will only get on a teleconference on Friday but never make any calls. You would not believe the places I have taken conference calls from! Too many to count from my golf club, boat and pool side! Even golf resorts out of state!

Nothing like having a conference call going on with the phone on mute while teeing off or lining up a putt! Go ahead Merck, keep screwing the older reps, Im getting even with you every day!!!


The 15x15 Guy

Hey 15 Guy, what do you think of the Pain Cream Queen?

I think you two ought to get together! Two genuine Merck heroes!

I think selling pain creams may be a great side gig for us in the field. I have a side business as well that earns me a a couple grand per month. The best part for me is that I can manage the business and not really have to do much of the work.

The pain cream rep is right on in knowing that Merck will make up lies about you and make your life miserable so you will leave. It's happened to many of the older reps in the field. For years these reps had the respect of management and their peers by winning awards and making nice a nice bonus. Then, overnight, management declares that they no longer understand their business and customers and they get put on a PIP. The pressure of a PIP along with reduced or no bonus and little or no COLA or merit raises forces many to leave.

I know dozens of old time reps that have had this happen to them. Each had to deal with it in their own way. Some left, some stuck it out and ended up being fired and actually some survived the PIP and stayed.

It's very sad to see other reps actions towards these reps that were put on a PIP. Many acted like they had some highly contagious disease and just stayed away and ignored them. These for the most part were the ass kissers of management. They would continue to throw those reps under the bus and report to their CTL any negatives they could regarding the rep.

After seeing this happen for years, I decided that I would not go the extra mile for Merck any longer. It was clear how they treated their past leaders in sales and I was not one of those fools who thought that it would never happen to me. So, I decided to take control of the situation and do my 15x15 thing. I've been doing it for years now and it has been awesome for me. Merck is not a priority in my life, it's just a paycheck. My stress level is pretty much nil. Working around 10 hours per week now, my dollar per hour actually worked is really high given my six figure salary. Life is great!

Have a great week everyone!


The 15x15 Guy

I think selling pain creams may be a great side gig for us in the field. I have a side business as well that earns me a a couple grand per month. The best part for me is that I can manage the business and not really have to do much of the work.

The pain cream rep is right on in knowing that Merck will make up lies about you and make your life miserable so you will leave. It's happened to many of the older reps in the field. For years these reps had the respect of management and their peers by winning awards and making nice a nice bonus. Then, overnight, management declares that they no longer understand their business and customers and they get put on a PIP. The pressure of a PIP along with reduced or no bonus and little or no COLA or merit raises forces many to leave.

I know dozens of old time reps that have had this happen to them. Each had to deal with it in their own way. Some left, some stuck it out and ended up being fired and actually some survived the PIP and stayed.

It's very sad to see other reps actions towards these reps that were put on a PIP. Many acted like they had some highly contagious disease and just stayed away and ignored them. These for the most part were the ass kissers of management. They would continue to throw those reps under the bus and report to their CTL any negatives they could regarding the rep.

After seeing this happen for years, I decided that I would not go the extra mile for Merck any longer. It was clear how they treated their past leaders in sales and I was not one of those fools who thought that it would never happen to me. So, I decided to take control of the situation and do my 15x15 thing. I've been doing it for years now and it has been awesome for me. Merck is not a priority in my life, it's just a paycheck. My stress level is pretty much nil. Working around 10 hours per week now, my dollar per hour actually worked is really high given my six figure salary. Life is great!

Have a great week everyone!


The 15x15 Guy

What side business did you find that works?

I think selling pain creams may be a great side gig for us in the field. I have a side business as well that earns me a a couple grand per month. The best part for me is that I can manage the business and not really have to do much of the work.

The pain cream rep is right on in knowing that Merck will make up lies about you and make your life miserable so you will leave. It's happened to many of the older reps in the field. For years these reps had the respect of management and their peers by winning awards and making nice a nice bonus. Then, overnight, management declares that they no longer understand their business and customers and they get put on a PIP. The pressure of a PIP along with reduced or no bonus and little or no COLA or merit raises forces many to leave.

I know dozens of old time reps that have had this happen to them. Each had to deal with it in their own way. Some left, some stuck it out and ended up being fired and actually some survived the PIP and stayed.

It's very sad to see other reps actions towards these reps that were put on a PIP. Many acted like they had some highly contagious disease and just stayed away and ignored them. These for the most part were the ass kissers of management. They would continue to throw those reps under the bus and report to their CTL any negatives they could regarding the rep.

After seeing this happen for years, I decided that I would not go the extra mile for Merck any longer. It was clear how they treated their past leaders in sales and I was not one of those fools who thought that it would never happen to me. So, I decided to take control of the situation and do my 15x15 thing. I've been doing it for years now and it has been awesome for me. Merck is not a priority in my life, it's just a paycheck. My stress level is pretty much nil. Working around 10 hours per week now, my dollar per hour actually worked is really high given my six figure salary. Life is great!

Have a great week everyone!


The 15x15 Guy

15x15 guy - you are the bomb!!!! I do the same thing!

I think selling pain creams may be a great side gig for us in the field. I have a side business as well that earns me a a couple grand per month. The best part for me is that I can manage the business and not really have to do much of the work.

The pain cream rep is right on in knowing that Merck will make up lies about you and make your life miserable so you will leave. It's happened to many of the older reps in the field. For years these reps had the respect of management and their peers by winning awards and making nice a nice bonus. Then, overnight, management declares that they no longer understand their business and customers and they get put on a PIP. The pressure of a PIP along with reduced or no bonus and little or no COLA or merit raises forces many to leave.

I know dozens of old time reps that have had this happen to them. Each had to deal with it in their own way. Some left, some stuck it out and ended up being fired and actually some survived the PIP and stayed.

It's very sad to see other reps actions towards these reps that were put on a PIP. Many acted like they had some highly contagious disease and just stayed away and ignored them. These for the most part were the ass kissers of management. They would continue to throw those reps under the bus and report to their CTL any negatives they could regarding the rep.

After seeing this happen for years, I decided that I would not go the extra mile for Merck any

longer. It was clear how they treated their past leaders in sales and I was not one of those fools who thought that it would never happen to me. So, I decided to take control of the situation and do my 15x15 thing. I've been doing it for years now and it has been awesome for me. Merck is not a priority in my life, it's just a paycheck. My stress level is pretty much nil. Working around 10 hours per week now, my dollar per hour actually worked is really high given my six figure salary. Life is great!

Have a great week everyone!


The 15x15 Guy

Ah, the "15" guy along with the "FU" guy and the " catch me if you can" pain cream queen, we consistently hear the whining of the " entitled " generation. The water cooler hangers ons that crawl out from under their rocks to brag about how they're not working, working a side job or just (FU) plain angry at life in general and keep their threads alive with hate directed at Merck because they feel they were owed something ( as yet un- defined by all their rants) by career, company or companions. The generation of " the world owes me." I'm drawing good money and benefits but they're mean to me, don't appreciate me, so I 'll show 'em"! But still haven't garnered the life or job skills to advance, so that, of course, is someone else's fault.
We'll I've had some shitty jobs in my life but this ain't one of them. No one's shooting at you, as a matter of fact, you risk very little by being here. But then again you contribute so very little as well. So continue your little exercise of taking up space, as anonymous as a prank phone call and as useful as yesterday's newspaper at the bottom of the bird cage. My guess is that is why you are on here all the time trying to justify yourselves that " misery loves company" but the only ethos you elicit is well, disgust. " Rage against the machine" you're wasting your breath.

January 2014 will be over for me and in the books in a couple hours! What's that you say? That tomorrow is the last working day of the month? Yeah, but tomorrow is Friday and I never work on Friday. I will only get on a teleconference on Friday but never make any calls. You would not believe the places I have taken conference calls from! Too many to count from my golf club, boat and pool side! Even golf resorts out of state!

Nothing like having a conference call going on with the phone on mute while teeing off or lining up a putt! Go ahead Merck, keep screwing the older reps, Im getting even with you every day!!!


The 15x15 Guy

I absolutely love "The 15 by 15 guy".....I heard he has the nicest place in the trailer park and his woman has the most teeth!

January 2014 will be over for me and in the books in a couple hours! What's that you say? That tomorrow is the last working day of the month? Yeah, but tomorrow is Friday and I never work on Friday. I will only get on a teleconference on Friday but never make any calls. You would not believe the places I have taken conference calls from! Too many to count from my golf club, boat and pool side! Even golf resorts out of state!

Nothing like having a conference call going on with the phone on mute while teeing off or lining up a putt! Go ahead Merck, keep screwing the older reps, Im getting even with you every day!!!


The 15x15 Guy

Golf club=Miniture golf course down the street
Boat= Did that flex seal thing with a screen door (false advertising!)
Pool side=Inflatable pool from WalMart
Golf Resort=Par 3 course in the next town

Hey 15 Guy, what do you think of the Pain Cream Queen?

I think you two ought to get together! Two genuine Merck heroes!

" heroes "? You people are all genuine assholes. You want some real heroes? Go visit some real heroes at the VA. Take some snacks late at night to an ER and thank the nurses.Go shake hands with a fireman. Have you served you country? I have. Do you volunteer at your local school? I do. Ever give blood, money or time to the Red Cross ? I do. Next time a flight comes in from overseas with service men/women on it, go greet and thank them for the right to bitch that you so easily take for granted. You get paid ( and well) for making SALES CALLS and are provided a budget, car, computer, and resources to do it and then turn around and complain about it. I have a friend who lost an arm and an eye to an IED, try and plead your "abuse" to him. What is wrong with you people?

" heroes "? You people are all genuine assholes. You want some real heroes? Go visit some real heroes at the VA. Take some snacks late at night to an ER and thank the nurses.Go shake hands with a fireman. Have you served you country? I have. Do you volunteer at your local school? I do. Ever give blood, money or time to the Red Cross ? I do. Next time a flight comes in from overseas with service men/women on it, go greet and thank them for the right to bitch that you so easily take for granted. You get paid ( and well) for making SALES CALLS and are provided a budget, car, computer, and resources to do it and then turn around and complain about it. I have a friend who lost an arm and an eye to an IED, try and plead your "abuse" to him. What is wrong with you people?

ok Drama Queen, we get it. The 15 Guy is stealing your spotlight and you are having flashbacks to your glory days, real or imagined. Last time I checked, Sargeant Dipshit, this was a Merck forum. Not a Soldier of Fortune forum. Not a "who's a bigger war hero" forum. Not a "Shut the hell up and dig a foxhole" forum. So I'll tell ya what dick-for-brains: you go back to watching Platoon in your underground bunker. Or go play soldier on your X-Box 360. And we will stick to the topic at hand.

And by the way, you just totally pissed all over the graves of all the servicemen and women that you supposedly respect and honor. There was ZERO need to mix their deeds and memories into this very specific discussion about Merck and its corporate abuse of employees. News flash for GI Joe: This is not a competition of who got treated worse, a sales rep or an IED survivor. Only in your twisted, childish mind do these topics somehow overlap. Stop with the patriotic bullshit and playing soldier on us. Go back to your pretend foxhole. We'll let you know when the coast is clear.