My version of 15 by 15

I hope for your sake you get canned. If anyone needs to be put out of his misery its you.

Keep hoping. And stomping your little feet. No misery here. Loving life. And if I get canned, I'll still be loving life. It's called contingency planning. And hedging. While you'll be always...preaching and stomping your feet. And not making a difference.

I am not saying Merck is a perfect company. But to you every company is toxic and "screwed me". I have heard this statement from enough people from my first job up to now. That is their way in saying life is not fair, others are incompetent, the world sucks and I am going to steal to get even.

I'm not the 15 Guy, but want to chime in. Even as recently as five years ago, I would have agreed completely with you. Now, however, I couldn't disagree more. Merck has been on a planned, targeted path to ridding its payrolls of thousands of good people that they deemed a "safe target" (an employee that isn't likely to have a legal claim against Merck). It's so incredibly obvious that if you haven't yet acknowledged it, then you are without question as dumb as a box of rocks.

Instead of just making the layoffs bigger, they've purposely set out to get people to quit, which is much cheaper for the company. I've personally watched colleagues get targeted, their lives harmed, their health harmed and (worst of all) their families suffer. There is a special place in hell for the CTL's that willingly participate in this game. My former CTL had a district (ours) with average numbers, yet he won a Masters Club Award. Why? Because he got half of the district to quit in his first year! The DCO REWARDED his failure at retaining quality people and they were largely good people. Obviously, he was encouraged to get people to quit. The goal of retaining employees has long since abandoned us.

FU Merck.

Keep hoping. And stomping your little feet. No misery here. Loving life. And if I get canned, I'll still be loving life. It's called contingency planning. And hedging. While you'll be always...preaching and stomping your feet. And not making a difference.

Still selling compounded emu oil commish only on merck time? good luck with that. One little insight: I'm no longer with merck, exited several years ago with my pride intact. Not preaching just showing some respect for my former collegues still at merck who are still trying to do it right under trying circumstaces instead of folding thier tents, like you have and playing some sorta protest/work stoppage exerecise that is meaningless. Good luck with that as well.

Still selling compounded emu oil commish only on merck time? good luck with that. One little insight: I'm no longer with merck, exited several years ago with my pride intact. Not preaching just showing some respect for my former collegues still at merck who are still trying to do it right under trying circumstaces instead of folding thier tents, like you have and playing some sorta protest/work stoppage exerecise that is meaningless. Good luck with that as well.

My commish-only emu oil has yielded me a meaningless $140K this year. You and Merck can both f--k yourselves.

I'm not the 15 Guy, but want to chime in. Even as recently as five years ago, I would have agreed completely with you. Now, however, I couldn't disagree more. Merck has been on a planned, targeted path to ridding its payrolls of thousands of good people that they deemed a "safe target" (an employee that isn't likely to have a legal claim against Merck). It's so incredibly obvious that if you haven't yet acknowledged it, then you are without question as dumb as a box of rocks.

Instead of just making the layoffs bigger, ty've purposely set out to get people to quit, which is much cheaper for the company. I've personally watched colleagues get targeted, their lives harmed, their health harmed and (worst of all) their families suffer. There is a special place in hell for the CTL's that willingly participate in this game. My former CTL had a district (ours) with average numbers, yet he won a Masters Club Award. Why? Because he got half of the district to quit in his first year! The DCO REWARDED his failure at retaining quality people and they were largely good people. Obviously, he was encouraged to get people to quit. The goal of retaining employees has long since abandoned us.

FU Merck.

You just defined Jim Welch to a tee. Old whackyass is a POS. It might take a while, but all I can say is this WA: KARMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

I'm not the 15 Guy, but want to chime in. Even as recently as five years ago, I would have agreed completely with you. Now, however, I couldn't disagree more. Merck has been on a planned, targeted path to ridding its payrolls of thousands of good people that they deemed a "safe target" (an employee that isn't likely to have a legal claim against Merck). It's so incredibly obvious that if you haven't yet acknowledged it, then you are without question as dumb as a box of rocks.

Instead of just making the layoffs bigger, they've purposely set out to get people to quit, which is much cheaper for the company. I've personally watched colleagues get targeted, their lives harmed, their health harmed and (worst of all) their families suffer. There is a special place in hell for the CTL's that willingly participate in this game. My former CTL had a district (ours) with average numbers, yet he won a Masters Club Award. Why? Because he got half of the district to quit in his first year! The DCO REWARDED his failure at retaining quality people and they were largely good people. Obviously, he was encouraged to get people to quit. The goal of retaining employees has long since abandoned us.

FU Merck.

I agreed with you 100%. I have folders of awards and recognitions. Then one day my manager decided I was no good. I almost went insane. Then I turned in the papers, took a lump sum and retired after close to 30 years. About 6 months of transition and now enjoying life, sleep much better, no more tracking, targeting lists, share your success story BS, mock detailing, faking this and that, etc.

It's so unbelievably sad at Merck now. To think that we once were a darling of the pharmaceutical industry and then became a poster child for everything wrong in it. What had been a great employer and place in which to have a career is now a pretty hopeless place with incompetence and lack of effective leadership killing us. Everyone has lost faith in Merck and at best is going through the motions wondering when their time might be up.

Troll Alert! I''m a troll, never ever worked for Merck a day in my life, but I have a ton of sympathy for you terrific folks who still work for Merck.

Wanna know why?

Your story is my story even though I didn't work for Merck. I worked for IBM. Same deal over there. IBM was one of the finest corp's in the world to work for until the scumbags at the top ruined it in the mid-1990's. Yeah, they ruined it, and then left with millions upon millions of dollars too.

Now IBM is a scumbag company to work for. Everybody employed by them doesn't give a shit about anything. You'd be amazed at how many "15 guys" work for IBM these days. And why do they do it? Because most people just go by what they see that's why. When IBM treated me very well, I reciprocated and worked my ass off for them. Now that they're scumbags to their employees, well, like I said, I just reciprocate. Now that aint to hard to understand, is it? You keep on keepin' on 15 guy! Aint anybody at IBM that blames you for what you're doing.

Troll Alert! I''m a troll, never ever worked for Merck a day in my life, but I have a ton of sympathy for you terrific folks who still work for Merck.

Wanna know why?

Your story is my story even though I didn't work for Merck. I worked for IBM. Same deal over there. IBM was one of the finest corp's in the world to work for until the scumbags at the top ruined it in the mid-1990's. Yeah, they ruined it, and then left with millions upon millions of dollars too.

Now IBM is a scumbag company to work for. Everybody employed by them doesn't give a shit about anything. You'd be amazed at how many "15 guys" work for IBM these days. And why do they do it? Because most people just go by what they see that's why. When IBM treated me very well, I reciprocated and worked my ass off for them. Now that they're scumbags to their employees, well, like I said, I just reciprocate. Now that aint to hard to understand, is it? You keep on keepin' on 15 guy! Aint anybody at IBM that blames you for what you're doing.

what are you doing here? Don't they have a technology cafe or something? The difference between IBM and Merck is IBM made changes 15 years ago. This is why we are in this mess. It adjusted it's business model to become a services company.

I don't have a problem, thanks for asking but I'm curious, this little fiction of a protest movement that goes on in your head, it's bascically you and him?

Yes...and about 1000 of our closest friends. We're not just sticking it to the company. We're basking in the glory of sticking it to the company.

As I pass my Merck income with my side job income, I laugh at the Merck Morons (like you). You can have your loyalty to Merck. I'll take my double income. It must be tough, going through life blind and stupid.

FU Merck.

1000? Doubtful. 10? Maybe. I expect most still left at Merck, while possibly sympathetic to your sentiments certainly are not participating in your high risk behavior.They need, I expect, the paycheck. Sad that you have to come here and brag about what is after all fraud.Sad that you have the fantasy that it is some sort of protest or payback or movement or whatever. Tough that you have to work two jobs. 140k from selling compounds on the side? Doubtful but I'll let you have your little fantasy. It'll be a lot less when you get busted and have to pay your own insurance, benefits, car, computer etc. I don't care what you do. What bothered me was you tried to rationalize and elevate your fraudulent behavior. It is sad that you think others are participating. They most likely are not. How much traction do you think you've gotten by your rants on a place like CP? By the way, you don't pay attention, I said before I'm no longer at Merck. My exit plan was executed long ago and didn't involve some bitter fraudulent behavior. I no longer have to work one job much less two. Sad that this is the quality of people left at Merck. You are right about one thing, Merck gets all it deserves if you are an example of the quality of what's left of its sales force. You get what you pay for and if you are the best that merck can do, well all I can say is that the company has certainly lowered it's standards If you are the best they can hire. You must have come on in one of the many expansions, a shiny shoes Ken doll type hired to short sell singulair no doubt and now caught between staying or going back to the mall cell phone kiosk. Good luck in life, you're really gonna need it.

what are you doing here? Don't they have a technology cafe or something? The difference between IBM and Merck is IBM made changes 15 years ago. This is why we are in this mess. It adjusted it's business model to become a services company.

It's none of your effin business why I'm here, but I'll tell you anyway you a-hole. I have a daughter that's a Merck employee.

I see you can read the biz press. Any schlep knows IBM changed from a hardware based company to a services company. So EFFIN WHAT? It's till a scumbag company to work for, just like Merck. And one more thing, if you REALLY knew anything about IBM, you'd know that IBM's stock has been trending downwards for the last six months due to SERVICES revenue being way down. IBM blowhard execs say they'll hit their 20 dollars EPS target by 2015. Obviously these days a lot of institutional investors aint so sure that's gonna happen. It's no wonder IBM has been steadily laying off thru 2013 with more to come in 2014. Sound familiar to you shit head? That's Merck's claim to fame too. Never ending layoff's. The bottom line is Merck and IBM have something in common. And that is just about everybody that works for either company hates the effin place. (Except the execs, they're happy. They never get laid off and make millions.)

Any one that would like to see what IBM employees think about their employer should visit Yahoo's IBMEMPLOYEEISSUES board.

You'll be absolutely amazed, because you'll see a lot of IBM'ers (both past and present) expressing thoughts that very closely mimic what you good folks at Merck have been posting right here at CP.

The blowhard seemed to think it was called a "technology cafe". Just shows how much he doesn't know.

Say Blowhard, tell me what you know about a guy named Robert Moffat and the part he played in The Galleon Insider Trading Scandal that put Raj Rajaratnam in prison for 20 years. Since I already know you'll have to Google Moffat, I'll tell you this much; Moffat was slated to be the next CEO of IBM, but a pretty face named Danielle Chiesi de-railed that and helped put him in prison for 6 months. All of us IBM'ers really loved that.

I agreed with you 100%. I have folders of awards and recognitions. Then one day my manager decided I was no good. I almost went insane. Then I turned in the papers, took a lump sum and retired after close to 30 years. About 6 months of transition and now enjoying life, sleep much better, no more tracking, targeting lists, share your success story BS, mock detailing, faking this and that, etc.

Same thing happened to me....but I was well short of retirement in my 50s when I quit to keep my sanity...

don't make pharma type wages anymore, but I am so glad I got out...

what a nuthouse that place (merck) is...

1000? Doubtful. 10? Maybe. I expect most still left at Merck, while possibly sympathetic to your sentiments certainly are not participating in your high risk behavior.They need, I expect, the paycheck. Sad that you have to come here and brag about what is after all fraud.Sad that you have the fantasy that it is some sort of protest or payback or movement or whatever. Tough that you have to work two jobs. 140k from selling compounds on the side? Doubtful but I'll let you have your little fantasy. It'll be a lot less when you get busted and have to pay your own insurance, benefits, car, computer etc. I don't care what you do. What bothered me was you tried to rationalize and elevate your fraudulent behavior. It is sad that you think others are participating. They most likely are not. How much traction do you think you've gotten by your rants on a place like CP? By the way, you don't pay attention, I said before I'm no longer at Merck. My exit plan was executed long ago and didn't involve some bitter fraudulent behavior. I no longer have to work one job much less two. Sad that this is the quality of people left at Merck. You are right about one thing, Merck gets all it deserves if you are an example of the quality of what's left of its sales force. You get what you pay for and if you are the best that merck can do, well all I can say is that the company has certainly lowered it's standards If you are the best they can hire. You must have come on in one of the many expansions, a shiny shoes Ken doll type hired to short sell singulair no doubt and now caught between staying or going back to the mall cell phone kiosk. Good luck in life, you're really gonna need it.

1. I know of 4 others personally who have side businesses. That's just from my little circle. Considering that very few people trust coworkers enough to discuss such things, I'd guess the number is more than 1000.
2. I don't have to work two jobs. I work two jobs by choice...and I earn far more than you have ever dreamed of earning. When the axe falls, I won't even flinch.
3. My $140K isn't for the year. It's through October. My year's earnings will be much more.
3. Pussies like you and your merckbots couldn't do what I do to save your lives. You suck as salespeople. And I am certainly not an example of the quality of what's left at Merck. The worthless idiots that surround me are largely a joke.
4. If there's one thing I've proven, it's that luck plays no role when you're good. I don't need luck.
5. I don't denigrate others for their vocations. There's no dishonor in working for a cellular provider. Their jobs are REAl sales jobs, not like this joke of a "sales" job that your sorry ass performed. Deliver a sandwich, drive around four hours a day, lie about your entire call that a sales job? Don't bullshit a bullshitter; I know what a farce you were. It's funny that you're still too stupid to realize it.