1000? Doubtful. 10? Maybe. I expect most still left at Merck, while possibly sympathetic to your sentiments certainly are not participating in your high risk behavior.They need, I expect, the paycheck. Sad that you have to come here and brag about what is after all fraud.Sad that you have the fantasy that it is some sort of protest or payback or movement or whatever. Tough that you have to work two jobs. 140k from selling compounds on the side? Doubtful but I'll let you have your little fantasy. It'll be a lot less when you get busted and have to pay your own insurance, benefits, car, computer etc. I don't care what you do. What bothered me was you tried to rationalize and elevate your fraudulent behavior. It is sad that you think others are participating. They most likely are not. How much traction do you think you've gotten by your rants on a place like CP? By the way, you don't pay attention, I said before I'm no longer at Merck. My exit plan was executed long ago and didn't involve some bitter fraudulent behavior. I no longer have to work one job much less two. Sad that this is the quality of people left at Merck. You are right about one thing, Merck gets all it deserves if you are an example of the quality of what's left of its sales force. You get what you pay for and if you are the best that merck can do, well all I can say is that the company has certainly lowered it's standards If you are the best they can hire. You must have come on in one of the many expansions, a shiny shoes Ken doll type hired to short sell singulair no doubt and now caught between staying or going back to the mall cell phone kiosk. Good luck in life, you're really gonna need it.