It took you all day to come up with that weak comeback? Again, get outside get some fresh air. Experience life. Or wait, this is your life?
Yeah..I'm also right there behind you. You show 'em!! I am too afraid of losing my job, so won't be participating in your ploy but you have my full support on these anonymous boards.
I am not afraid at all of losing this pathetic excuse for a job. I am fully engaged in the 15 Guy's approach and my numbers are as strong as ever! So is the income from my second job! I'm hoping and praying for a package! You fellow Merckies are generally a pathetic bunch of scared rabbits.
FU Merck.
Thanks for the update and who cares? Save it for Facebook.
Thanks for the update and who cares? Save it for Facebook.
It's hard to believe that i have been posting here now for over two years! My quality of life over that time has become much richer. My golf game has gotten much better and my income both Merck and non Merck have grown as well.
I'm so glad I fired Merck from a mental standpoint. It's so refreshing not having to care about this company any longer. Management lacks leadership in every way. I no longer trust any of the reps in my district especially those brown nosing S3's. I've seen those scumbags completely throw other reps under the bus and then turn around the next day with kisses and hugs for them. Complete back stabbers. It's sickening.
The old days were awesome. I actually looked forward to the meetings and seeing old friends. Now I cringe at having to be around these fools at meetings. There is probably only a couple reps in our whole area that I'm comfortable being around.
The end of the year is near. This means that Merck will be paying for my catered parties again. With all the takeaways we've had to endure, it's really a joy to screw this company back for everything I can. Senior management is doing it so I don't feel guilty doing it as well.
Didn't golf much in the last few days. I pulled my back from golfing so much over the last few weeks. Gonna get healed up and maybe go to the Orlando area after Thanksgiving to play for a few days. I think a couple buddies are gonna go and bring the wife's for a little golf/shop trip. Take care everyone!
The 15x15 Guy
Merck's First & Finest S15 Rep
Right! I feel sorry for you. Things are tough at Merck. Like trying to sell GM out of bankruptcy. People that are left don't really have the skills to do it. All the best people are long gone, moved on to better companies with better products. Those that are left have no were to go.
Golf well.
You must care. You read & respond.
You must be in the western region with Whackyass Welsh at the lead
Getting ready to head to the club for at least a nine hole morning, more if the rain holds off. Fore.............
The 15x15 Guy
Merck's First & Finest S15 Rep
It is getting old listening to someone talking about getting even and stealing from Merck. We surely have hired some very low-quality people in recent years.
It is getting old listening to someone talking about getting even and stealing from Merck. We surely have hired some very low-quality people in recent years.