MS Role Base Salary

Got verbal today. My offer was a bit low. 145k and no sign on bonus. I feel so underpaid. Isn’t MS supposed to be average of 200k when you factor in bonuses? I heard the Genentech Ocrevus reps get bases of 180k plus or minus.

ABL here. Only 66 MS reps will be hired. Average base salary is 145 to 185k and bonus is 40k. Nobody that I know has been offered less than 145k in Base. Nobody. Only 5 are getting sign on bonus but that’s due to loss of Biogen RSUs. The kid who got offered 185k had years of MS experience and served as a TLL for another MS company.

ABL here. Only 66 MS reps will be hired. Average base salary is 145 to 185k and bonus is 40k. Nobody that I know has been offered less than 145k in Base. Nobody. Only 5 are getting sign on bonus but that’s due to loss of Biogen RSUs. The kid who got offered 185k had years of MS experience and served as a TLL for another MS company.

Are all offers out yet or are they still offers coming?

ABL here. Only 66 MS reps will be hired. Average base salary is 145 to 185k and bonus is 40k. Nobody that I know has been offered less than 145k in Base. Nobody. Only 5 are getting sign on bonus but that’s due to loss of Biogen RSUs. The kid who got offered 185k had years of MS experience and served as a TLL for another MS company.

And thank you for the information

As both a non-employee and non-rep, excuse me for asking, but what is it that you guys do that is worth this kind of money? Do you get doctors to write prescriptions they otherwise wouldn't have written? Can you quantify that? Don't doctors know about these drugs without your help? The whole business seems rather unnecessary to me but, then again, I'm not in it, so maybe I'm missing something.

First of all there’s lots competition in this market with different drugs that all treat MS it’s kind of like coke or Pepsi, which one is better ? Our job is to convince the Dr that Pepsi is better, 2nd these drugs cost $60,000 a year for 1 patient.
(Can you imagine getting a doctor to use your drug on hundreds of patients a year)
that will make the company some serious money, paying a rep 200K a year is a drop in the bucket compared to what the rep is generating for the company.
Also keep in mind most of these patients once they get on your drug they will stay on it for the rest of their life at 60K a year.
The 100 patients a year will keep compiling on top of each other over the years as patients continue to take the Med until they die. To answer your question “ don’t these doctors already know about these drugs “ no they don’t
that’s what the reps are doing educating the doctors on these meds, Especially when new ones come out. Also reps will help offices/patients get insurance issues straightened out so patients can get the meds to help them continue to live.
(Also Don’t blame the reps for the price of medication the reps do not set the price)
Now let’s talk about a stockbroker or money manager why they make so much money basically doing nothing collecting fees after fees after fees, What recommending stocks that the analists recommend ?
Thise money managers make fees even with the clients lose money ? wtf
At least if Drug Rep don’t have good sales they don’t make good bonus/commission.
Remember some of these MS drugs make 6,7, 8 billion a year for the company.

offer came in for 165k base but this is for Gilenya and Siponimod IF it gets approved. Gilenya is a shitty DMT. Why would any sabe doctor Rx it when better options are out there like Ocrevus Tysabri and Tecfidera. If Siponimod does not get approved this would be shitty. I also got offer for an Oncology role with base of 160k but that seems more promising even though Base is higher at Novartis

I received an email to sign a conflict of interest statement on Wednesday. Does that I will be getting an interview soon? It was sent from a "do not reply" email address

When I started with Novartis Neuroscience in 2004 my base was $66,000 selling Tripeptal, Exelon and Stalevo and Ritalin. Man have times changed.

If you would have stayed with Novartis
(Maybe you still are)
since 2004 at small 3% raise or so every year, your base now would be probably
be around 115K+ you should have stayed. Plus don’t forget the free car
and the bonus money opportunities.

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