Whats a day in the ADAR role like?

A typical day is spent wondering where the fuck I made a wrong turn in my career because I have to put up with a whole team of assholes who have no clue how to sell a specialty drug. You’re all a bunch of retail pharmacy drug reps. If your Adar isn’t busy it’s because you aren’t driving any business you stupid fuck. I wish they would send us to another division supporting a real fucking specialty sales force. Fuck
You wonder where the wrong turn was? Really? Nothing like admitting you're a stupid-ass.
You're a fucking parasite. Read your own post & find the part where you admit it.
Leqvio could be 100% ASOC & it wouldn't make a bit of difference. None. Very few offices, if any, would genuinely care.
And as for getting sent to another division, well, they save that for people with talent. Which would explain your predicament.
You don't generate business or revenue, so you won't last very long. Then you will be free to take one of those dozens of offers you must be receiving every week.

You wonder where the wrong turn was? Really? Nothing like admitting you're a stupid-ass.
You're a fucking parasite. Read your own post & find the part where you admit it.
Leqvio could be 100% ASOC & it wouldn't make a bit of difference. None. Very few offices, if any, would genuinely care.
And as for getting sent to another division, well, they save that for people with talent. Which would explain your predicament.
You don't generate business or revenue, so you won't last very long. Then you will be free to take one of those dozens of offers you must be receiving every week.
Fuck your mother for deciding to have you.

If the office is sending to AIC, who helps the office to know what needs to be sent for Prior Auth?
The AIC asks for information.
A typical day is spent wondering where the fuck I made a wrong turn in my career because I have to put up with a whole team of assholes who have no clue how to sell a specialty drug. You’re all a bunch of retail pharmacy drug reps. If your Adar isn’t busy it’s because you aren’t driving any business you stupid fuck. I wish they would send us to another division supporting a real fucking specialty sales force. Fuck
They should send you to another division that actually has a use for you.

They are putting the Sales Team through Non-Clinical Confidence Training. Just cut the ADAR. I know an ADAR that has been handed buy and bill accounts and left them in shambles, doesn’t follow up, leaves patients in the que for months. Tell me why that ADAR is necessary.

The narcassism that is rampant in the commercial division is naseauting. Me me me. I'm responsible for demand, and drive demand, and no one else contributes to the HCP experience that could influence demand. That is of course unless demand is not there, and we don't have the support.

Reading these boards and seeing how some of you act at larger meetings makes me thankful I have good reps to work with.

ADARs have been forced into a sales type role. Most didn’t come on board to be in strategic sales. Most have reimbursement and access backgrounds. What Novartis has done to this role is ridiculous. Leadership obviously doesn’t value pull through, or has enough thinking skills to realize - sales needs to sell. The role sucks. It was a good idea when it was developed but we are entering a slippery slope with compliance. Access reimbursement people aren’t supposed to be selling.

ADARs have been forced into a sales type role. Most didn’t come on board to be in strategic sales. Most have reimbursement and access backgrounds. What Novartis has done to this role is ridiculous. Leadership obviously doesn’t value pull through, or has enough thinking skills to realize - sales needs to sell. The role sucks. It was a good idea when it was developed but we are entering a slippery slope with compliance. Access reimbursement people aren’t supposed to be selling.

if you have an ADAR that does anything strategic you’re lucky, My local ADAR doesn’t do anything useful, and gets credit for a large buy and bill account that requires minimal intervention from ADAR. Also has horrific people skills, I’m struggling to understand how it’s possible to justify their job.

ADARs have been forced into a sales type role. Most didn’t come on board to be in strategic sales. Most have reimbursement and access backgrounds. What Novartis has done to this role is ridiculous. Leadership obviously doesn’t value pull through, or has enough thinking skills to realize - sales needs to sell. The role sucks. It was a good idea when it was developed but we are entering a slippery slope with compliance. Access reimbursement people aren’t supposed to be selling.
Not saying the ADAR role is easy but all my ADAR does is come in and push push push the B&B when the account is doing fine with ASOCs. They aren't supposed to be selling but they are also not supposed to be in accounts that are not ready for B&B. Our ADAR has hurt more relationships and business than helped.

Sounds kinda like a bunch of reps that suck at selling making excuses to me.

The fact that they give you an ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR title it’s comical. When every district has an ADAR assigned, it means you’re nothing more than a glorified rep with a different role.

Kind of like the “everyone gets a ribbon” in kids sports. Earn your keep, otherwise you’ll be gone soon too. Just a matter of time before Novartis gets the memo that a $200k/year position can be easily dumped to add to the bottom line. Ours doesn’t ever leave her house. But if Novartis wants to reward her with the salary??? They might want to slap metrics on ADARs too, then the reps might actually get traction in these offices if ADARs are forced to help with pull through.


The fact that they give you an ASSOCIATE DIRECTOR title it’s comical. When every district has an ADAR assigned, it means you’re nothing more than a glorified rep with a different role.

Kind of like the “everyone gets a ribbon” in kids sports. Earn your keep, otherwise you’ll be gone soon too. Just a matter of time before Novartis gets the memo that a $200k/year position can be easily dumped to add to the bottom line. Ours doesn’t ever leave her house. But if Novartis wants to reward her with the salary??? They might want to slap metrics on ADARs too, then the reps might actually get traction in these offices if ADARs are forced to help with pull through.
Oh my goodness, this is my ADAR in a nutshell. Worthless!

What they should do is DUMP the ADAR position, and either train a rep in the district to compliantly handle field reimbursement, or hire FRM to be assigned to do just that, work in the field with the reps, and work on cases.

Having ADARs that don’t work devalues the sales force that has successfully the closed the HCP clinically.

Since ASOCs in my area are few and far between, I feel like I should just sit back and wait till they fix the problem. Hoping for a reorganization before Christmas

Not saying the ADAR role is easy but all my ADAR does is come in and push push push the B&B when the account is doing fine with ASOCs. They aren't supposed to be selling but they are also not supposed to be in accounts that are not ready for B&B. Our ADAR has hurt more relationships and business than helped.
They get incentivized on service center referral forms submitted. If a doctor refers to an ASOC for everything, they don’t get credit.

At our meeting, the ADAR that spoke with us explained EVERYONE gets submitted to the service center. I asked her since when? Some ASOCs do their own verification. She said they should all be doing the forms, and I laughed, “double work” but I heard you guys get credit for patients benefits verification. I told her maybe it’s like that in your area, but definitely not in ours.

ADAR here and cannot believe what I’m reading. Former sales background years ago and I treat each submittal with urgency. I have a mix of ASOC and BNB and trust me, you have no clue what we ADARs do in a day. I cannot speak to all my counterparts but I work way harder, longer and more strategically than I ever did in sales and I get an annual bonus that remains the same regardless of how many patients I pull through.

We are a jack of all trades- policies, claim rejection/ denial, access pathways, setting up accounts, creating ABRs and consulting, helping systems with processes and HELL doing part of your damn sales jobs. If by year 3 you STILL can’t succinctly explain the benefit and differences of Leqvio being a medical benefit drug then you know what? I can’t help you. 2005 called and you need to teleport yourself back to three Tier pharmacy benefit drugs because clearly that’s only what you are able to comprehend.

Ask some of your former CE colleagues who have been promoted to ENT ARM and experience it first hand. You want to pass judgment but we are NOT DEMAND GENERATING. Do your damn job and let us do ours and stop with the finger pointing. Maybe you don’t have a good ADAR but I go to bed at night knowing I have worked never harder in my life, but cannot sustain at this rate.

But go ahead and log your Veeva calls and trash your A&R counterpart when all you have done for the day is feed your office Jersey Mikes and ask “how’s the Leqvio going?”

As an ARM I cannot believe the level of incompetence I’m surrounded by with my entire CE team. This Entresto “it sells itself” sales force is not what we needed. Do not blame your ARM or ADAR. If Nurse Nancy could give a shit if she submits the PA there’s only so much we can do..

You aren't aware that there are three ways to acquire the drug, are you? If you have a problem with that, take it up with Victor, Dez, Duane and the boys. I hate to break it to you, but you can't blame the reps for everything.
Yes, actually we can. I know the sales people love to blame us, but it is not our fault when 3 years in most of you still say stupid shit that makes no sense. If I could count the number of times I’ve had to explain to the same reps that tiers don’t apply to medical benefit, or that coverage doesn’t equal affordability. It is absolutely ridiculous that some of you still can’t get it!! So yes, ADARs and ARMs make good money. So do reps and clearly a lot of you aren’t so sharp and motivated.

The narcassism that is rampant in the commercial division is naseauting. Me me me. I'm responsible for demand, and drive demand, and no one else contributes to the HCP experience that could influence demand. That is of course unless demand is not there, and we don't have the support.

Reading these boards and seeing how some of you act at larger meetings makes me thankful I have good reps to work with.
Completely agree!!

As an ARM I cannot believe the level of incompetence I’m surrounded by with my entire CE team. This Entresto “it sells itself” sales force is not what we needed. Do not blame your ARM or ADAR. If Nurse Nancy could give a shit if she submits the PA there’s only so much we can do..
We have blocked our ADAR from coming into most of our accounts. 90% of our business is coming from ASOCs and there is no need to use the service center or have them disturbing our accounts. He/She has hurt our business more than helping it by trying to push Buy and Bill when the account neither interested or ready to take that step. I hear this same issue over and over with the A&R team. Maybe you are a good ARM and work hard but you are the minority.

Yes, actually we can. I know the sales people love to blame us, but it is not our fault when 3 years in most of you still say stupid shit that makes no sense. If I could count the number of times I’ve had to explain to the same reps that tiers don’t apply to medical benefit, or that coverage doesn’t equal affordability. It is absolutely ridiculous that some of you still can’t get it!! So yes, ADARs and ARMs make good money. So do reps and clearly a lot of you aren’t so sharp and motivated.
In defense of the sales team, the training they (we) were given was beneath abysmal. If you had no prior B&B experience to fall back on, you had no chance.
When you couple that with our insane bonus structure, a lot of reps just threw up their hands and said the hell with it.
Remember, the worst rep in a district gets the same bonus check as the best rep in a district. Until someone is properly incentivized to learn, and it doesn't appear that will ever happen, get used to dealing with remedial questions (at least until the layoff hits).

In defense of the sales team, the training they (we) were given was beneath abysmal. If you had no prior B&B experience to fall back on, you had no chance.
When you couple that with our insane bonus structure, a lot of reps just threw up their hands and said the hell with it.
Remember, the worst rep in a district gets the same bonus check as the best rep in a district. Until someone is properly incentivized to learn, and it doesn't appear that will ever happen, get used to dealing with remedial questions (at least until the layoff hits).
That’s right. I have killed it with Leqvio, but I was actually trained to sell B&B at another company. Three years in and most of my counterparts still have no clue how their offices are supposed to “get” Leqvio. Umm, you’re supposed to sell it, Chief. Today’s call gave me hope that Novartis is finally dipping its toe into actual B&B.
But, as you said, there isn’t much incentive to kill it with Leqvio, unless you just like to carry your teammates. When they figure out how to pay us like B&B they’ll get those results they want.