More RIFs coming!!!

Lot in the NE - we can't afford staff since fighting the union - 6 figures in the hole - for what ? Same upper management - same s..t different day - good thing I only have to manage -At least I can spend the summer pretending to work - from my yard! When I am on the road - I stop at every gym I can - and I'm management. Lovin LCA!

Think that you are special? This goes on everywhere.

Police on the scene, wow. I'm sure it's just a precaution, they do that when disgruntled employees make a bit too much noise on they way out. It is kind of nice to know they take even the smallest concerns, and provide protection ans security for the remainder of employees. Bravo to Houston for spending the extra money and doing it, for whatever reason it may be for.

Houston is a sinking ship, jump, jump, jump! Hopefully, someone gets rid of that old, wrinkling, back stabbing garden tool that has made mistake after mistake, nobody trusts her or wants her here!

I usually wake up in the morning around 10 a.m., have an eggo and read the paper. About 11:30 I hop on a conference call for participation sake. Then I take a mid morning nap and have a late lunch. Make a phone call or two and then call it a day! RIF....Really Ignorant F's

I usually wake up in the morning around 10 a.m., have an eggo and read the paper. About 11:30 I hop on a conference call for participation sake. Then I take a mid morning nap and have a late lunch. Make a phone call or two and then call it a day! RIF....Really Ignorant F's

I golf and drink beers all day. Labcrap

Now who would want workers to call the EAP line to report "anxiety attacks" and "fear of harassment" so they can go find a new job?

Why, managers would! Company lawyers would too!

If that's what you think of your workers, then don't wonder why they resent you...

Don't even use the phrase "stressed out" even in jest. These foreign managers who take everything literally and don't understand American slang, culture, or satire will grab hold to it as a negative and run with it as if you are on the verge of a nervous breakdown and treat you as if you are about to sue the company for damages. OMG!!. What idiots.

I STRONGLY encourage everyone to take full advantage of any opportunity they have to blow off work at LCA. From my 6+ years experience here it doesn't really matter if you sell or if you don't. More important is where you are located, not if you bring in business or not. I've seen great reps get rif'd and shitty reps kept around because they are in a territory that grows organically (no matter how much a fucktard rep gets in the way).

Take the time to enjoy your kids and family. Labcorp is one place where hard work doesn't pay off. This organization is too large to notice reps taking "office (beach) days" so use the weekdays to your advantage. I keep the phone on vibrate, return urgent calls immediately and screen all the other day-to-day bullshit calls. Don't forget many of you have a physician lunch account- enjoy a nice meal on the house every now and again, nobody ever notices.

I STRONGLY encourage everyone to take full advantage of any opportunity they have to blow off work at LCA. From my 6+ years experience here it doesn't really matter if you sell or if you don't. More important is where you are located, not if you bring in business or not. I've seen great reps get rif'd and shitty reps kept around because they are in a territory that grows organically (no matter how much a fucktard rep gets in the way).

Take the time to enjoy your kids and family. Labcorp is one place where hard work doesn't pay off. This organization is too large to notice reps taking "office (beach) days" so use the weekdays to your advantage. I keep the phone on vibrate, return urgent calls immediately and screen all the other day-to-day bullshit calls. Don't forget many of you have a physician lunch account- enjoy a nice meal on the house every now and again, nobody ever notices.

This is some of the best advice I've seen posted about Labcorp. Honestly, fuck em'. You could be working 80 hours a week bringing in new accounts and still they will treat you like shit. Take full advantage of the expense account as well as the lack of supervision. Take as many days off as possible, this company couldn't spot ambition if it bit them in the ass. Enjoy your days off.

I strongly encourage you as well and I have only been with the company 3 years. Take advantage of the system. You're just a number. Beware, layoff's are around the corner.