More RIFs coming!!!

If LabCrap buys Solstas, none of us are going to stay. We will go somewhere else and take the business with us.

It may be prudent for the Solstas people to begin conversations with their large accounts that would prepare them for a lab change should LCA buy the business. LCA is not a great place for an account that wants accountability and quality.

Begin the conversations now, telling the accounts "Just in case, I want you to know that I will advise you to switch to XYZ Lab should Solstas be purchased for the following reasons..." It's an easier process if they have time to digest the information slowly, rather than you coming to them in a panic once the deal is done. Just my $.02

Does anyone know if the RIFs play a part in the crap that is going on at Covance? One of the other threads addressed the fact that we have no idea what is going on but from what I can see things are definitely getting worse and not better.