More RIFs coming!!!

Rumor has it that Labcorp signed a lease agreement for the Monrovia, Ca building. If this is the case, does anyone know how long the lease is for? Long term or short term? Thought IG/IO was moving to Phoenix.

...Crickets....... Does anyone really know or do we have to wait until September to find out if the rumors are true?

It is not rumors! This has been a pattern for LabCrap for many years. With decreased reimbursements, you can bet this will be an extra special year. D.K. does not care about anyone here.

No worries warriors. With the quarter winding down now is the best time to update your resume and call the EAP line. Mention anxiety attacks and fear of harassment from superiors. Once your in EAP the HR department will make you bullet proof for 6 months. This is plenty of time to find a great job.

No worries warriors. With the quarter winding down now is the best time to update your resume and call the EAP line. Mention anxiety attacks and fear of harassment from superiors. Once your in EAP the HR department will make you bullet proof for 6 months. This is plenty of time to find a great job.

I filed my "health issues" with the EAP and this person is right on. It really saves you for 6 months and then, even if you don't find another job, it expires and everyone forgets. I consider it cheap insurance, five finger free.

No worries warriors. With the quarter winding down now is the best time to update your resume and call the EAP line. Mention anxiety attacks and fear of harassment from superiors. Once your in EAP the HR department will make you bullet proof for 6 months. This is plenty of time to find a great job.

Now who would want workers to call the EAP line to report "anxiety attacks" and "fear of harassment" so they can go find a new job?

Why, managers would! Company lawyers would too!

If that's what you think of your workers, then don't wonder why they resent you...

No matter where you work, DO NOT call a phone number set up by your company to tell them your problems. Use your own lawyers and doctors - people with your legal interests in mind.

Report problems to your state's labor department, OSHA, etc. Only a fool would trust a company's "assistance" program (even if it's supposedly anonymous).

No matter where you work, DO NOT call a phone number set up by your company to tell them your problems. Use your own lawyers and doctors - people with your legal interests in mind.

Report problems to your state's labor department, OSHA, etc. Only a fool would trust a company's "assistance" program (even if it's supposedly anonymous).


I'm so embarrassed to say this online, but I am so mad! I just got laid off for some BS!!! They said someone had to go and that I'm the one with the smallest territory, really! After reading the threads, I should of called the LC hotline...

Lot in the NE - we can't afford staff since fighting the union - 6 figures in the hole - for what ? Same upper management - same s..t different day - good thing I only have to manage -At least I can spend the summer pretending to work - from my yard! When I am on the road - I stop at every gym I can - and I'm management. Lovin LCA!