Monday's Sales Opportunity Call

If Shire really wants to help OBU, they should pay the NBU reps $50 per Rx (for instance) in these family practice offices that occasionally Rx for DED and/or have them call on these ODs that aren't on OBU cycle plan that don't really treat DED (at least yet) to show them what's possible. NBU has a great legacy of creating and reshaping a market.
More like $75 to $100 per script and we have a deal... KC owes us for screwing us so hard in 2016... OBU has no idea... he didn't even lube up

I can imagine KC rolling out the comp plan... sounding like a robot of course. "I have some very exciting news regarding IC plan... this is big u all... u ready??? NBU will get $3.50 per script!!! I'm pumped... how u all feeling? I thought u would be excited... gonna be a little easier staying outa the clounds and in the dirt with that kinda money on the line right???"

Hey Just Relax! I look forward to selling Xildra, it will be fun and different! If management wants my help fine! They pay my salary and benefits. What't the big deal whiners? Take a positive approach to this temporary assignment and demonstrate your sales skills. I have to admit that we have quite a few cry babies in our sales force. Management must think we are a bunch of 1st graders! Simple advice - if you don't like the job or your boss, just quit.

Management must think we are a bunch of 1st graders! Simple advice - if you don't like the job or your boss, just quit.
A lot of us like our bosses a lot... mine is great... we still like our jobs but don't love it like we used to... Why??? Fleming, Perry, kathy, and kevin... almost forgot Mark whose picture is in the dictionary next to nepotism... for those new to Shire this is still a good company but it once was a GREAT company... these leaders have brought it down through bad decision after bad decision... this ini SHIT ive is just another to add to the list... don't jump to conclusions just because we are not happy with the dopes at corporate doesn't mean we don't like our bosses... I don't work for those idiots that are dragging us down

A lot of us like our bosses a lot... mine is great... we still like our jobs but don't love it like we used to... Why??? Fleming, Perry, kathy, and kevin... almost forgot Mark whose picture is in the dictionary next to nepotism... for those new to Shire this is still a good company but it once was a GREAT company... these leaders have brought it down through bad decision after bad decision... this ini SHIT ive is just another to add to the list... don't jump to conclusions just because we are not happy with the dopes at corporate doesn't mean we don't like our bosses... I don't work for those idiots that are dragging us down
Amen... Amen...

I can imagine KC rolling out the comp plan... sounding like a robot of course. "I have some very exciting news regarding IC plan... this is big u all... u ready??? NBU will get $3.50 per script!!! I'm pumped... how u all feeling? I thought u would be excited... gonna be a little easier staying outa the clounds and in the dirt with that kinda money on the line right???"

I'm sorry but I literally laughed out loud at this one... that is good

A lot of us like our bosses a lot... mine is great... we still like our jobs but don't love it like we used to... Why??? Fleming, Perry, kathy, and kevin... almost forgot Mark whose picture is in the dictionary next to nepotism... for those new to Shire this is still a good company but it once was a GREAT company... these leaders have brought it down through bad decision after bad decision... this ini SHIT ive is just another to add to the list... don't jump to conclusions just because we are not happy with the dopes at corporate doesn't mean we don't like our bosses... I don't work for those idiots that are dragging us down

This. Exactly this. Spot on 100%!

A lot of us like our bosses a lot... mine is great... we still like our jobs but don't love it like we used to... Why??? Fleming, Perry, kathy, and kevin... almost forgot Mark whose picture is in the dictionary next to nepotism... for those new to Shire this is still a good company but it once was a GREAT company... these leaders have brought it down through bad decision after bad decision... this ini SHIT ive is just another to add to the list... don't jump to conclusions just because we are not happy with the dopes at corporate doesn't mean we don't like our bosses... I don't work for those idiots that are dragging us down

This and my boss stinks =double whammy

Does the 2020 ini SHIT ive(sorry had to steal that) mean KC does not want NBU to take vacation now from April-September? May sound like a joke but I'm serious. The email he sent asking us not to take vacation from June-September was hard enough to swallow... I'm already moving one vacation to October and want to know if I should move another because it will be frowned upon to take off during their ini SHIT ive...

This and my boss stinks =double whammy
Sorry to hear that... there really are a lot of great RD's in the company that do care for the employees they lead. I'm lucky to have one that is honest with me and they can't believe how inept, non charismatic, and un qualified our management team is... they have been in the industry for 20+ years and I quote "I have never seen worse and honestly it's not even close" So happy to have an RD that doesn't drink the Kool aid... with that said they aren't dumb. They play the game on their "ridiculous and pointless" conference calls with these idiots... almost everyone can see it when they look or listen to our top leaders but they can't see it when they look at each other... strange

Does the 2020 ini SHIT ive(sorry had to steal that) mean KC does not want NBU to take vacation now from April-September? May sound like a joke but I'm serious. The email he sent asking us not to take vacation from June-September was hard enough to swallow... I'm already moving one vacation to October and want to know if I should move another because it will be frowned upon to take off during their ini SHIT ive...
Now imagine how stupid you are going to feel if in late summer or early fall they realign and "trim a few territories down" and you are displaced? I guess you could bank the vacation time, but at what emotional expense to your family?

This industry is quarter to quarter and with these horrible people running the show, its day to day. DO NOT cancel your vacation for these idiots who couldn't care less about you or your family. There is way more to life than Shire.

Now imagine how stupid you are going to feel if in late summer or early fall they realign and "trim a few territories down" and you are displaced? I guess you could bank the vacation time, but at what emotional expense to your family?

This industry is quarter to quarter and with these horrible people running the show, its day to day. DO NOT cancel your vacation for these idiots who couldn't care less about you or your family. There is way more to life than Shire.

Now imagine how stupid you are going to feel if in late summer or early fall they realign and "trim a few territories down" and you are displaced? I guess you could bank the vacation time, but at what emotional expense to your family?

This industry is quarter to quarter and with these horrible people running the show, its day to day. DO NOT cancel your vacation for these idiots who couldn't care less about you or your family. There is way more to life than Shire.

I would never vacation... kevin should be fired immediately for suggesting and requesting we do so... the issue some reps worry about is if there were a trim down would taking that vacation during Kevin's NBU travel ban effect the decision on who is let go... can't put it passed an organization that hires people that treat their employees the way Kevin has treated us to not hold that grudge... for that reason I also know individuals not taking vacations with their families when their children are out of school over the summer to avoid that risk... I have encouraged them to change their thinking so I don't look bad when I take my summer vacation with my family. How dare Kevin make me feel guilty for doing so.

I heard about this and had to check the site. Haven't been here since they joined ya. well i told ya all the story the day FO and PS joined ya. Told ya she was coming. Gave it to you in technicolor. Told ya exactly what she does. The merry band of idiots that hop Around together and sold out B&L. Seagull management style. Fly in and shit all over everything. Crushed a great little company. But in the end they sold BL for a couple billion more than it was worth with their made up matrix. They made bank and the company and reps scattered line dust. Fo made bank on the sale and now he elevated ps and kk to positions to cash out as well. It boggles my mind these people make that kind of money. Maybe they deserve it. If it requires making so many people so miserable and hateful. I don't think I'd trade places. I would for FOs money that's for sure, maybe even ps now that he's pres. but not kk. She's such a vitriolic hated person. And deservedly so. Here's the deal. They are pumping the numbers. Working a sale. fo will sell ya and the new company will streamline. The best it was ever going to be was before they got there. After they leave it will be worse. Because it will be over. Do yourself a favor. If you are unhappy. Go someplace else. Best thing I ever did. Good companies with no beauracracy no games career advancement Quality of life. It's out there. The grass is greener. Get as far away from those toxic nasty people as you can. They are masters at blameshifting. They will not be removed or fired. They will just blame reps and turnover reps and managers as much as they need until they sell. That's it. You were warned. You have been warned. The writing is on the wall. You've read the writing. You know the story. You know the ending that's coming. Fucking pod sales with nbu. How demoralizing. Get out now. Get the fuck out of there.

OBS vs NBU? get a life. if you can sell in pharma you can sell anything. I feel bad for the OBU reps having to deal with us coming into their stuff. Honestly don't worry, if they pay us anything like they've paid us in the last year or so we will let you run the show and fake the calls. The only incentive for us to do anything with this would be money and so far the nation doesn't hit goal over here, reps numbers are in the gutter and no on cares. Many people are making less money many years in than year 1 while vyvanse hits $2 billion. Docs are used to partners, it's really not that big of a deal in terms of having another rep in there. They probably won't even roll out a "bonus" plan for this until mid way through q2 to dangle a carrot like they did this ped vs. adult shit show then let us know we're getting like $500. Like I said, we get paid jack shit now. Personally i just want to make money, if you guys have it handled I have no reason to go in as long as I get paid. But more than likely the "bonus" plan for this will be a total joke so the NBU reps will have zero incentive to bother with any of your stuff. Most good reps are on their way out the door anyway, this place is a total joke now

As an OBU rep, I have no problem with NBU help as long as we coordinate activities well! I just go with the flow and perform the best I can. That is how to handle these changes. We all have to trust management in their decision. Have a great selling day, my friends. Go to bump now.

As an OBU rep, I have no problem with NBU help as long as we coordinate activities well! I just go with the flow and perform the best I can. That is how to handle these changes. We all have to trust management in their decision. Have a great selling day, my friends. Go to bump now.
Trust management? Lmao I don't trust anyone

Exactly, I have zero faith in upper management after these knee jerk reactions.
Finish Strong was all BS calls, 2020 makes even less sense.
It's not share of voice, it is cost.
Yes, we did a great job of giving it away in 2016 but the lack of refills is affecting TRx.
Who did the forecasting for 2017 not taking into consideration it was free at launch?
Just relax and have some faith in your salesforce. This new strategy seems to put analysts and shareholders at the top of the pyramid....