Monday's Sales Opportunity Call

I hardly sample, I sell clinically. But you see KK and the rest of the minions sit in home office and run these reports that tell them if you call on a certian doc this many times they'll Rx this much. That's not how this works and we in the field all know it!

I have no managed care in my territory along with limited access, docs are getting NC PAs constantly for Medicare and in my territory commercial as well bc it's not covered well by commercial here. It's frustrating and tiring and it doesn't help that many get the side effects but that'a a whole other story.

Docs believe it's a better product I've sold them on that, but no patient is going to pay out of pocket $300 a month for commercial for the full price for Medicare (with the card) I wouldn't.

NBU give me a break, you have older drugs with coverage and many won p club because of Medicaid. It's a managed care game and we all know it. So kiss my ass!
Yes this IS so spot in!
I have an about hiring some reimbursement specialists that are not sales people.....that can legally & compliantly teach these eye care docs & techs, that are not used to doing to correctly fill out a PA. If that could actually be trained compliantly.....we could sell Xiidra. I sell clinically too......but docs are getting very frustrated with the 2nd month situation and how many rejections they get from MC. Even tho they use parx......these PAs are just stirring in an inbox......not getting approved. How can we compliantly help these accounts?

Yes this IS so spot in!
I have an about hiring some reimbursement specialists that are not sales people.....that can legally & compliantly teach these eye care docs & techs, that are not used to doing to correctly fill out a PA. If that could actually be trained compliantly.....we could sell Xiidra. I sell clinically too......but docs are getting very frustrated with the 2nd month situation and how many rejections they get from MC. Even tho they use parx......these PAs are just stirring in an inbox......not getting approved. How can we compliantly help these accounts?
What you just described is Inherently NON-compliant. No company in the US will fuck with PAs.

The dumb ass above is wrong. Biotech companies everywhere have Access Specialists that compliantly help offices thru the PA process. Must have been a primary care jackass who thought they knew everything. Such a small fishbowl you live in. Enjoy your own stew.

The dumb ass above is wrong. Biotech companies everywhere have Access Specialists that compliantly help offices thru the PA process. Must have been a primary care jackass who thought they knew everything. Such a small fishbowl you live in. Enjoy your own stew.
Hey dickweed, companies hire 3rd party vendors for this. Ever hear of "Cover my Meds". But one thing they DON'T do is have their own reps go in and teach this. I'm sorry if you.r above average biotech brain can't understand the optics of compliance and non compliance. But keep eating healthy lunches from Panera and it might help your cognitive abilities later in life

The dumb ass above is wrong. Biotech companies everywhere have Access Specialists that compliantly help offices thru the PA process. Must have been a primary care jackass who thought they knew everything. Such a small fishbowl you live in. Enjoy your own stew.
Exactly ALL biotech companies have RS's/FPM's or reimbursement specialists mostly for buy and bill products (I had one at my previous company). They work with the offices in reimbursement issues, insurance issues, and coverage..,they have them at Shire on other teams. There's nothing wrong with educating docs on A PA. I'm not saying you're doing the damn thing for them, or filling then it and coding it for them...that is not your job. So many offices have no F'ing clue

Dickweed here. #1 I never said I was in biotech just used it as an example. # 2 the person was asking to hire someone to help with PAs "that are not sales people".
No idea why u r so angry. I have floors to mop. Later

Happy Janitor.

I hardly sample, I sell clinically. But you see KK and the rest of the minions sit in home office and run these reports that tell them if you call on a certian doc this many times they'll Rx this much. That's not how this works and we in the field all know it!

I have no managed care in my territory along with limited access, docs are getting NC PAs constantly for Medicare and in my territory commercial as well bc it's not covered well by commercial here. It's frustrating and tiring and it doesn't help that many get the side effects but that'a a whole other story.

Docs believe it's a better product I've sold them on that, but no patient is going to pay out of pocket $300 a month for commercial for the full price for Medicare (with the card) I wouldn't.

NBU give me a break, you have older drugs with coverage and many won p club because of Medicaid. It's a managed care game and we all know it. So kiss my ass!

Trust me, a lot of NBU reps feel your pain. We may have an older drug, but that doesn't mean it's covered like a generic. We're getting hit with more PAs, ST, and high deductibles every year and most offices don't realize it's industry wide and don't know how to get meds approved. There are people that were hired as receptionists who are now shoved into "managed care" rolls. And for those that don't feel your pain, they sure will when we launch 465 in the adult only space.

Shire does need to extend the access services we provide in other franchises to the rest as well.

Well thats funny. A rep calling on docs in a mall. And then being aggressive and telling someone to stay out. Hahahhaaa Since they r walking around the mall with all the mall walkers anyway might as well do something. Gotta get a gig here.

Ummmm, I don't know what area you're in, but my NBU ass barely calls on any primary care docs, so get the fuck over yourself. You sell an eye drop to docs in malls
And you sell an adhd drug to psychiatrists... Not the cure for cancer, not a buy and bill. So get over yourself. Oh ya and btw I don't have any docs in a mall. We do the same fucking thing all day, get over yourself.

Hey, ain't nobody asking the eye drop droppers to come over and sell our 2 billion dollar drug is they? Face it, you guys can't sell and need the heavy reinforcements to come in and do your job plus ours, it's okay we built this company we will build your BU.

KK can take her spreadsheets and shove em too

Hey, ain't nobody asking the eye drop droppers to come over and sell our 2 billion dollar drug is they? Face it, you guys can't sell and need the heavy reinforcements to come in and do your job plus ours, it's okay we built this company we will build your BU.

KK can take her spreadsheets and shove em too
While I agree with the spreadsheets, give me a break. Like I said adhd to fake doctors, really!? You couldn't sell snow to an Eskimo in the environment we're in. Suck it glorified PC rep.

So get ready to be told there are call point "synergies" and we need to maximize this opportunity. NBU will test drive co-promoting OBU then, before you know it, wha-la, you are one (smaller) unified sales force. Same as what happened with GI & Gattex teams. It's a shit show. Good luck. Seriously. Shire turning the pyramid up side down and doing "rare" disease differently. Lol! Doing what every big pharma company does, reach & frequency, share of voice. You will
all become primary care reps. There will be no true rare disease in most of the BU's. Oh and be sure to use your iPad Media to detail.

So get ready to be told there are call point "synergies" and we need to maximize this opportunity. NBU will test drive co-promoting OBU then, before you know it, wha-la, you are one (smaller) unified sales force. Same as what happened with GI & Gattex teams. It's a shit show. Good luck. Seriously. Shire turning the pyramid up side down and doing "rare" disease differently. Lol! Doing what every big pharma company does, reach & frequency, share of voice. You will
all become primary care reps. There will be no true rare disease in most of the BU's. Oh and be sure to use your iPad Media to detail.
Y'all must be the fired troll who faked his sales calls activities. We heard about you and how you pollute our site. Your dishonesty cost y'all a good paying job and now you make stuff everyday on the Shire site. Sorry that your mommy's basement isn't working out for y'all !!!!

Y'all must be the fired troll who faked his sales calls activities. We heard about you and how you pollute our site. Your dishonesty cost y'all a good paying job and now you make stuff everyday on the Shire site. Sorry that your mommy's basement isn't working out for y'all !!!!
OMG. Do you just cut n paste this shit onto every post you comment on? Run along now and go bring a shiny apple to KK.

My best guess is that this call will be about maximizing results for the remainder of Q1 for the NBU because of our realignment. We will probably be told we can earn some points...

I hardly sample, I sell clinically. But you see KK and the rest of the minions sit in home office and run these reports that tell them if you call on a certian doc this many times they'll Rx this much. That's not how this works and we in the field all know it!

I have no managed care in my territory along with limited access, docs are getting NC PAs constantly for Medicare and in my territory commercial as well bc it's not covered well by commercial here. It's frustrating and tiring and it doesn't help that many get the side effects but that'a a whole other story.

Docs believe it's a better product I've sold them on that, but no patient is going to pay out of pocket $300 a month for commercial for the full price for Medicare (with the card) I wouldn't.

NBU give me a break, you have older drugs with coverage and many won p club because of Medicaid. It's a managed care game and we all know it. So kiss my ass!