Not a good place to work. Uneducated management, sweat shop mentality.
Sorry, there isn't a Millennium board so I thought this may be a good place to get feedback on the company.
I'm looking to interview for a territory in the South, can anybody provide any information about the company and industry? Is it good money, good career move, quality of life, etc.?
Might be a tad off topic but same company I'm inquiring about. I recently gave a urine sample for my pain dr and was mailed a bill from millennium. There are CPT codes with short descriptions following. If my dr requested and handed or mailed in my sample to them, and I received the bill while not having insurance, can I view my results via millennium without calling the dr? The bill has my details. My codes, tests, units, even an account ID. Anyone know how to read my results without having to allmy dr? Kind of defeats the purpose. ... Before u judge me or ask, its marijuana I'm concerned of. But would like to see my test or all results.
Thank you
Might be a tad off topic but same company I'm inquiring about. I recently gave a urine sample for my pain dr and was mailed a bill from millennium. There are CPT codes with short descriptions following. If my dr requested and handed or mailed in my sample to them, and I received the bill while not having insurance, can I view my results via millennium without calling the dr? The bill has my details. My codes, tests, units, even an account ID. Anyone know how to read my results without having to allmy dr? Kind of defeats the purpose. ... Before u judge me or ask, its marijuana I'm concerned of. But would like to see my test or all results.
Thank you