Millennium Laboratories

if you value your soul do NOT work at Millennium.
they prey on the weakest among us - drug addicts...and they bill (us, taxpayers) via medicare which largely insures this population
and the owner says 'its because he cares'. what a guy. a liberal

I agree with most of the posters. I worked for this company for about 8 months and I can tell you the day I left or should say fired was actually a good day. This is a very stressfull place and if you do not increase your territory you will be gone. Period!! I thought it was the most unprofessional organization I have ever been involved with and that includes 12 years of pharma experience. The national meeting last year down in Tampa felt like it was a fraternity and soriety party for about 20 of the top people and the rest of us were not invited. I had my manager and one of the original 3 reps send me to ride with one of his buddies to see how great he was doing. Well he was saying the same shit I was except in his territory doctors cared about getting paid and in my territory they really didnt. So that is why i struggled and it sucks talking to your manager who really is an idiot he just got lucky and hit the boom with this in the SE or East part of the country. So bottom line if you want to make a quick dollar than yes or if you have another job or possibly another job do not even think about this company. Dont be suprised if this company gets hit hard by the government in the near future. Hope this helps.

Well dummy...there is a post that says base is in 75k range. There is nothing on overall comp dummy. I heard sales reps are pulling in $200K and service reps are pulling in $100k.

The base is clearly listed in earlier threads (dipshit, dummy).
Total Comp depends on how proficient a salesperson is. How the hell can anyone guess (how well some anonymous asswipe on a public board) will perform?
If after reading all the wonderful things people have to say about Millennium you (still) want to work there - Than knock yourself out.
You'll be a perfect candidate! And I'm sure you'll make a ton of money! Dumbo

Might be a tad off topic but same company I'm inquiring about. I recently gave a urine sample for my pain dr and was mailed a bill from millennium. There are CPT codes with short descriptions following. If my dr requested and handed or mailed in my sample to them, and I received the bill while not having insurance, can I view my results via millennium without calling the dr? The bill has my details. My codes, tests, units, even an account ID. Anyone know how to read my results without having to allmy dr? Kind of defeats the purpose. ... Before u judge me or ask, its marijuana I'm concerned of. But would like to see my test or all results.
Thank you

...sounds like you received a bill...not the actual results.
the docs get the results in approx 24 hours - they access them online.
btw you needn't pay the bill - millennium will make no attempt to collect

can't provide advise regarding the results - as they are youre results - you can probably contact someone in the lab directly and provide the tracking info on the bill

pain docs typically couldn't give a crap about thc

Your pain specialist can write you a prescription for marinol pills. Its called the "pot pill" and used frequently for patients with chronic pain, cancer, etc. I believe in CA. you can get a prescription to get pot legally - they have some locations that are licensed to grow pot and dispense it with MDs script.

I have a current list of offices that utilize testing in your area that accounts for over 20 million in annual sales. Is this something your company would be interested in acquiring?

I find it hilarious that you are so disgusted to open the packages during orientation. Love you all, but welcome to the life of us pee-ons. One of yoy sang me R Kellys "i wanna pee on you". I was laughing so hard. Millennium has good and fun people at hq, dont forget about us peons.

- the pee-ons