Millennium Laboratories

No car...they pay for your gas receipts

What territory are you interviewing? I probably know the territory manager and can tell you if he/she is ok (or not)

so is there a car allowance on a monthly basis since there is no company car? What is the average starting salary at Millennium for sales reps/

Comp is likely in the $75k base range...You're paid on number of samples/month that you sell. A sample is essentially referred to as a 'cup', in other words, a 'pee cup'... the quotas are watched very closely and they expect rapid and aggressive growth...or you're unceremoneously booted.
NJ and NY have some decent population centers where lots of pain-clinics will be located. You'll want to take a bath after sitting in some of the worst waiting rooms imaginable

It seems like this place is yet another very high pressure super fast paced environment with no sure sense of stability. Pretty much like most jobs in the industry right now.

Worst place to work for. Extreme micro manage all the way to using the bathroom. Management bad no people skills. People getting fired daily. Poor training no SOPs. Stay away.

Worst place to work for. Extreme micro manage all the way to using the bathroom. Management bad no people skills. People getting fired daily. Poor training no SOPs. Stay away.

I'm an outsider looking for some info on this company / industry. I take it most all prescription drug testing is paid for by either Government or Private insurance, I'm curious as to an estimate of what percent is through Government programs like Medicare? What type of doctors provide the most testing business, is it the Pain Clinics mostly? Seems like this is all a big rip off of Medicare and / or private insurance companies?

I'm an outsider looking for some info on this company / industry. I take it most all prescription drug testing is paid for by either Government or Private insurance, I'm curious as to an estimate of what percent is through Government programs like Medicare? What type of doctors provide the most testing business, is it the Pain Clinics mostly? Seems like this is all a big rip off of Medicare and / or private insurance companies?

Not a big "rip off". Cost to do a confirmation is usually around $300 for 12 panel. You alos have to factor in other misc. cost factors ( re-runs, self pay that do not pay bill, etc.). All said and done you look at a profit of around $150 for each. You also have to consider that each patient is allowed a few screens per year. Next, a cup or strip is not sensitive. Cut off levels are way to high when you look at patients with low dose of pain meds. Cups will not pick it up and low dose pain meds still have street value of $10-20 each. If the cup picks up Opiates how do you know which one? What about Benzo's? Do you know how many there are and what kind of abuse there is with taking multiple Benzo's along with alcohol and THC? now some labs like to confirm TCA's. That is a little too much don't you think.

I worked there for about a year - the strips on the cup were fairly accurate at detecting presense of (or absense of) various drugs ie benzos, opiods, heroin, cocaine, soma, thc...
lots of docs preferred to not test for thc because most of their patients were smoking it anyway.. the cup levels were pretty high enabling detection of trace amounts of substances. but the full reports weren't available until next day when the computerized comfirmation was performed at their lab in california. overnight delivery via fedex ups etc ran upwards of $50k per month.
the reason these guys are under scrutiny is this - the cups typically had 12 panels (strips) each testing for one class. reps are telling docs that they can bill for each 'strip' - typical medicaid reimbursement is $20...times 12 = $240. this is bullshit and fraudulent
docs should get reimbursed for one test / one cup. not 12 strips on a cup
i couldn't continue to disseminate this message to docs and thereby help to defraud medicare. so i got the fuck out. and can look at myself in the mirror now

I worked there for about a year - the strips on the cup were fairly accurate at detecting presense of (or absense of) various drugs ie benzos, opiods, heroin, cocaine, soma, thc...
lots of docs preferred to not test for thc because most of their patients were smoking it anyway.. the cup levels were pretty high enabling detection of trace amounts of substances. but the full reports weren't available until next day when the computerized comfirmation was performed at their lab in california. overnight delivery via fedex ups etc ran upwards of $50k per month.
the reason these guys are under scrutiny is this - the cups typically had 12 panels (strips) each testing for one class. reps are telling docs that they can bill for each 'strip' - typical medicaid reimbursement is $20...times 12 = $240. this is bullshit and fraudulent
docs should get reimbursed for one test / one cup. not 12 strips on a cup
i couldn't continue to disseminate this message to docs and thereby help to defraud medicare. so i got the hell out. and can look at myself in the mirror now

Reps should not be discussing reimbursements in the first place. I agree, billing like that is not good.

Wow. This sounds like a very bad situation. I'm sure that this place will suck the life out of you between the pressure to perform, and the shady messaging to physicians.

It's a nasty business and I too left Millennium for greener pastures
Lots of docs, primary and otherwise, are becoming 'pain specialists' (not a schooled discipline) and advertising themselves as such ,to prescribe opiods like oxy, percs, et al; which are all addictive. the patient must return for regular (in many cases monthly) office visits, and frequently change their scripts because they build a rapid tolerance to this type of drug.
it's a shitty business model - but works for these type of docs who are able to rapidly build a patient base; their practices most often located in the shittiest of neighborhoods - for quick access to a medicare population. i would see patients hobble in, strung out, dropped off by taxis...a pathetic bunch. it's a sad reality...
And then there was the billing scam...

They are micro manage nazis. I have never seen such a lack of acknowledment for a group of people who bust their butts and work hard daily. The company expects so much from their employees yet it is still not enough. Unprofessionalism on some of the superiors parts and not leading by example. There were small talks of sex and terms used that should not even be heard of in the work place. I wanted to report it but thought I would wait it out, but then got fired. The whole time I was there, almost four months, I was very unhappy but tried to make the best of the situation on a daily basis. At first it hurt my pride to lose my job. Then as the days progressed I was glad that I got out of there. Unless you want to be just another number I would advise to look elsewhere.

Good pay, decent base and excellent bonus structure. Car allowance and med/dental…

You must, however, compromise your integrity to work here.

You are coached on reimbursement discussions with your physicians AND their office and billing managers, right down to the specific coding, state by state.

You are also coached to have the 'aren't you a businessman too' discussions to maximize profitability.

The practices bill for the cup test. For EACH script. Yes 12 bills, 1 cup.

Millenium bills for the confirmation tests (at a much higher rate).

If you value your reputation do not work here. If you want a short, very profitable, career, then take the job, take the money and run.