Mike Sheehan -CRM AVP

Interesting how many worked for MS per above... how can the senior leadership keep someone who has terrible retention of good managers compared to the rest of the country.

Mike did a great job positioning these folks for success. In addition to leading much less stressful lives, they all work for better companies, better managers, and make much much more money. What's wrong with that?

Mike did a great job positioning these folks for success. In addition to leading much less stressful lives, they all work for better companies, better managers, and make much much more money. What's wrong with that?

"Great job positioning these guys for success"... What a joke! Are you serious? Due to MS's weak leadership, these RMs ran for the hills. (worst RM retention in the USA). It's plain & simple --The reason they're leading "less stressful lives" is because they don't have to work under his poor leadership and the leadership they're now under is likely much stronger. Not trying to beat up MS --just the simple truth. He didn't "groom" any of his RMs...they were talented successful folks already. If anything he missed opportunities to make them stronger leaders....for the competitors.

Have any other RM's left in the past two weeks?

Per above:
1. Tim D
2. Scott C.
3. Chris B
4. Mike Sriv
5. Bill S.
6. Kevin Z
7. Andy A.
8. Butch P
9. Terry P
10. Wayne B
11. Ron F
12. Pam B
13. Kevin P
14. Mike D
15. Wayne M
16. Todd G
Next Wave:
17+ I am sure I have missed a few but based on the interviewing going on at HRS (me included) there will be more in the next 6 months. Keep drinking our company Kool-Aid.

The only 2 RM's I know in NJ are recently promoted C. Jung who replaced Zarchin in S Jersey/Delaware and J. Stephenson who covers Central Jersey. Was it either of those two? Only C. Jung falls under Sheehan's unmbrella.

Does anybody really care? This guy good or not will hide behind the recalls on his turnover and BSX is continuing to fail. You act like he is personally responsible for when they were good.....guess what....he's just another guy like the rest of them. If he was some god sent manager, they would promote him again and BSX would be turning it around. Last time I checked, they werent. This guy is done like many more with him.

...that's now 9 RMs under MS who have left in about 4 years. How can he pass the red face test w/ his VP. Can't believe he is still around. WTF?...is senior management blind?

Who took over for A.A. in Central PA and D.L. in New York? Would not want their jobs....

Is MS trying to run the regions too?

Also heard J.O. in Philly is leaving when employment agreements is up.