Michelle Weese

You shouldn’t flatter yourself. The idea that your decision was influenced by CafePharma posts and that you would then feel compelled to post about it is absurd. This is clearly just another part of the smear campaign driven by those bitter about losing their jobs and obsessively fixated on Michelle. Anonymous forums thrive on amplifying bitterness and rarely reflect the truth.

Thanks random internet white knight. This thread is now page one on google when you search for Michelle. I was doing due diligence. I know people impacted by the layoffs for sure - Basel isn’t that big - but I’ve not worked for Novartis to date o wanted to do some homework. Layoffs and restructuring aren’t that unusual here so the fact there’s been such a visceral reaction made me pay attention.

You shouldn’t flatter yourself. The idea that your decision was influenced by CafePharma posts and that you would then feel compelled to post about it is absurd. This is clearly just another part of the smear campaign driven by those bitter about losing their jobs and obsessively fixated on Michelle. Anonymous forums thrive on amplifying bitterness and rarely reflect the truth.

No self flattery. Doing due diligence and this thread came up. Basel isn’t that big and this simply confirms what’s increasingly common knowledge locally i.e Novartis Corporate Affairs is currently in an absolute state. But good for you white knighting on the interwebs…

No self flattery. Doing due diligence and this thread came up. Basel isn’t that big and this simply confirms what’s increasingly common knowledge locally i.e Novartis Corporate Affairs is currently in an absolute state. But good for you white knighting on the interwebs…
This reads like it’s coming from someone with a personal axe to grind rather than an impartial observer. Let’s be real: no one in their right mind spends this much time writing about a company they claim they don’t want to work for. I’m glad this is discouraging people like you. We don’t need individuals who lack the integrity.

Secret Diary Day 1:

Got up later. I was eating my box of Krispy Kreme’s and reading through and replying to Cafe Pharma posts until late in the evening while watching repeats of Sesame Street. It’s so surprising that none of those kids were fat in those days. Maybe all the sugar in Mars bars and donuts changed all that. Hee hee hee.
Today in the office I will as always mainly ignore emails and read social media posts for approval. I looooove my micro managing job!!!
Have to go as I have a call with one of my sycophants..

This reads like it’s coming from someone with a personal axe to grind rather than an impartial observer. Let’s be real: no one in their right mind spends this much time writing about a company they claim they don’t want to work for. I’m glad this is discouraging people like you. We don’t need individuals who lack the integrity.

LOL. Got to polish that armor haven’t you?
Why would there be an axe to grind? I’ve never met nor worked for Michelle.
I was interested and excited about the opp to join Novartis, so did some homework. I’ve spoken to people in and out of the company who gave me a heads up about this. Am I interested in working for Novartis? Yes. Am I interested in working for a leader that’s prompted this type of deeply negative reaction? Meh, not really. No actual work will get done.

This reads like it’s coming from someone with a personal axe to grind rather than an impartial observer. Let’s be real: no one in their right mind spends this much time writing about a company they claim they don’t want to work for. I’m glad this is discouraging people like you. We don’t need individuals who lack the integrity.
Integrity at Novartis?
Care to explain the multiple CIA's, one of which is still in place?

I doubt anything will change. Vas needs a fall girl for his incompetence. Poor Marie-France speaker of many languages was his last victim.
She was superb.
But she was a threat as he didn’t speak German or good English and struggles as a CEO. His acquisitions have been a disaster.

Weese scheint zu denken, dass alle dumm sind, aber wir sind ihr alle zehn Schritte voraus. Wir werden gewinnen und sie wird verlieren. Es kommt und wir werden feiern und über ihre Idiotie triumphieren.

Pigs are dirty, but I will tell you something dirtier: Liars! Untruth always smells like rotten garbage!
This is message is disturbing. I hope I do not work with whoever you are. Reading the posts most appear to be grievances and scenarios that have negative commonality across teams and experiences. This is vitriolic.