Michelle Weese

So after dicking about in Davos the entire Corporate Affairs LT has to schlepp to Jersey City for a week of ass kissing and posing for cringe selfies with Michelle? Sending such a strong message…

So after dicking about in Davos the entire Corporate Affairs LT has to schlepp to Jersey City for a week of ass kissing and posing for cringe selfies with Michelle? Sending such a strong message…
You called it! The fool MW posted a selfie with her LT on LinkedIn, blissfully or willfully unaware of the ridicule, scorn and contempt we feel for her and her limited intelligence squad. You just can’t make these things up. What a bunch of low IQ folks.

You called it! The fool MW posted a selfie with her LT on LinkedIn, blissfully or willfully unaware of the ridicule, scorn and contempt we feel for her and her limited intelligence squad. You just can’t make these things up. What a bunch of low IQ folks.
So she could have had most of the LT in Basel rather than massive 5k business class flights each to NJ. Javier was there looking like a gimp as usual.

Good old Novartis, cost cutting and firing people while inviting 100 corp affairs people to New Jersey for the THIRD get together in a year. What the hell are they discussing? there’s no narrative!

Good old Novartis, cost cutting and firing people while inviting 100 corp affairs people to New Jersey for the THIRD get together in a year. What the hell are they discussing? there’s no narrative!
1. Where’s our next trip
2. What’s shiny that can I add before the business crumbles
3. Make America first, screw all other patients/employees/countries

Good old Novartis, cost cutting and firing people while inviting 100 corp affairs people to New Jersey for the THIRD get together in a year. What the hell are they discussing? there’s no narrative!
Seriously though, why 3 global meetings within a few months for 100 people? There has been no work done in last year. It’s just time stuffing and corporate siphoning