Michelle Weese

Weese modus operandi is to crash and burn anyone who has any talent that questions any of her weak moves. I saw a PR Week podcast she did and it was a series of buzzwords without any real substance. She was also on a PR week panel recently and she wasn’t even quoted. The charlatan is being found out in a big way. And it will end at Novartis very soon.

Please point to that 'something great' that Michelle has built. All I see is a legacy of deconstruction by a person who jumps from job to job, company to company because her attempts at 'doing something worth noticing' fail. This thread is now 12 pages long and is 99% negative comments from people from four companies. That is stunning. This is not about egos, no-nonsense leaders, or people's unwillingness to look at themselves and try to be better. Instead, it's about the one common denominator that connects all of us from Mars to Danone to BMS to Novartis, and the incredible mess she leaves behind.
And 99% of the comments were written by you. That is stunning. You should get a life.

Weese modus operandi is to crash and burn anyone who has any talent that questions any of her weak moves. I saw a PR Week podcast she did and it was a series of buzzwords without any real substance. She was also on a PR week panel recently and she wasn’t even quoted. The charlatan is being found out in a big way. And it will end at Novartis very soon.
And you are keeping tabs on where she gets quoted?! Why are you so obsessed with her.

And 99% of the comments were written by you. That is stunning. You should get a life.
Interesting that you did not, cannot, or would not highlight something great that she has built. Instead you attack the author, who is not me, for the record. That says it all. Here is your chance. Highlight one of her successes.

"Very successful company".
Leqvio is already an industry case study on how to fail and look foolish doing it.
60% off forecast after 3+ years and, literally, the biggest industry failure of the last decade.
They took $9.5B dollars and threw it in a burn pit.
Can they absorb it? Sure, but at a cost of jobs and reputation.
Do " very successful companies" make humiliating $9.5B fuckups and destroy promising products because of their own incompetence and rank ineptitude?
No, they do not.
Somebody should ask her how the architect of the biggest pharma failure of the last decade kept a parking spot at the home office.
How he ran a year-long giveaway of a $3,300.00 medication.
And paid reps to give them away.
Then paid them double.
Then hid under a desk when the bill came due.
He sat and watched ABL,'s and reps get fired for executing his "strategy".
He ran a $9.5B investment into the ditch & nobody knows how to get it out.
And he remains employed.
Ask her about that.

Weese modus operandi is to crash and burn anyone who has any talent that questions any of her weak moves. I saw a PR Week podcast she did and it was a series of buzzwords without any real substance. She was also on a PR week panel recently and she wasn’t even quoted. The charlatan is being found out in a big way. And it will end at Novartis very soon
Rumors are carried by haters, spread by lying fools, and accepted by idiots.

I’ll admit that finding this thread has turned me off the role in Basel in Corporate Affairs I’ve been approached about...
You’ve made the right decision.
Now is not the time to join the queen of dysfunction and her band of followers. Wait until Vas has broken the news at Davos and a new leader comes in.

I’ll admit that finding this thread has turned me off the role in Basel in Corporate Affairs I’ve been approached about...
You shouldn’t flatter yourself. The idea that your decision was influenced by CafePharma posts and that you would then feel compelled to post about it is absurd. This is clearly just another part of the smear campaign driven by those bitter about losing their jobs and obsessively fixated on Michelle. Anonymous forums thrive on amplifying bitterness and rarely reflect the truth.

You shouldn’t flatter yourself. The idea that your decision was influenced by CafePharma posts and that you would then feel compelled to post about it is absurd. This is clearly just another part of the smear campaign driven by those bitter about losing their jobs and obsessively fixated on Michelle. Anonymous forums thrive on amplifying bitterness and rarely reflect the truth.
Smears are based on falsehoods. The testimonies in this thread from people at four companies are based on truth.

But whoever you are, keep posting: it helps this thread stay high in the search rankings

You shouldn’t flatter yourself. The idea that your decision was influenced by CafePharma posts and that you would then feel compelled to post about it is absurd. This is clearly just another part of the smear campaign driven by those bitter about losing their jobs and obsessively fixated on Michelle. Anonymous forums thrive on amplifying bitterness and rarely reflect the truth.
Yet you spend half your day here.
You'd never understand just how absurd you look.