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Metabolic Team: Sucks to be you


Metabolics Team you are sooo screwed. Add this little scenario to your proposed safe haven claims. That Androgel has been hit from ever bad angle possible. You will be cut to shreds very soon.

Smell big lawsuits and possible FDA fines and sanctions again. "Approved" marketing material we have been using stresses using for "LOW T", mainly just age related, not clearly for only hypogonadism.

This could be a bigger hit then Depakote. I am packing my stuff and looking elsewhere


While not an investment, Men's Health provides revenue. Right now, revenue is required to fill in other gaps from promises.

Changes are coming. All sorts of changes. Something for everyone.

While not an investment, Men's Health provides revenue. Right now, revenue is required to fill in other gaps from promises.

Changes are coming. All sorts of changes. Something for everyone.

I hate to be a negative Nancy since I am relatively new here in HCV BUT something tells me there is nothing positive for the sales forces coming. Especially not those carrying Androgel. My area I suspect will also be cut as well.
The gap you mentioned is getting only wider. I am pretty sure that any Onc sales openings will be few and very experience dependent.

While not an investment, Men's Health provides revenue. Right now, revenue is required to fill in other gaps from promises.

Changes are coming. All sorts of changes. Something for everyone.

Mens Health revenue my ass. You are still a very bloated sales force whose revenue only keeps declining while the naggers are out with their pizzas. That model doesn't work anymore. Get it? You are a nuisance and if anything are actually hurting script volume. I hear from many offices that they are sick of your ilk so you better start increasing your fake calls as there is absolutely nothing positive for you to discuss.
Your changes coming are not good. This company cannot afford to support fri
volous rep expense that is only returning lowered revenue.
Go to Humira derm as a temporary stop gap to unemployment but that has less then a year of life.
Still hearing that there are 3-4 Androgel reps per tiny call plan territory. That is gross mgmt. negligence.
In the meantime, many of us use your model as rationale to slack off as that is clearly what you are doing to avoid pestering the offices even more.

Mens Health revenue my ass. You are still a very bloated sales force whose revenue only keeps declining while the naggers are out with their pizzas. That model doesn't work anymore. Get it? You are a nuisance and if anything are actually hurting script volume. I hear from many offices that they are sick of your ilk so you better start increasing your fake calls as there is absolutely nothing positive for you to discuss.
Your changes coming are not good. This company cannot afford to support fri
volous rep expense that is only returning lowered revenue.
Go to Humira derm as a temporary stop gap to unemployment but that has less then a year of life.
Still hearing that there are 3-4 Androgel reps per tiny call plan territory. That is gross mgmt. negligence.
In the meantime, many of us use your model as rationale to slack off as that is clearly what you are doing to avoid pestering the offices even more.

I put a picture of an Androgel box on my glove compartment when riding with the boss. When he mentions my poor Vpak results in the territory, I just point to the pic. Shuts him right up.

Mens Health revenue my ass. You are still a very bloated sales force whose revenue only keeps declining while the naggers are out with their pizzas. That model doesn't work anymore. Get it? You are a nuisance and if anything are actually hurting script volume. I hear from many offices that they are sick of your ilk so you better start increasing your fake calls as there is absolutely nothing positive for you to discuss.
Your changes coming are not good. This company cannot afford to support fri
volous rep expense that is only returning lowered revenue.
Go to Humira derm as a temporary stop gap to unemployment but that has less then a year of life.
Still hearing that there are 3-4 Androgel reps per tiny call plan territory. That is gross mgmt. negligence.
In the meantime, many of us use your model as rationale to slack off as that is clearly what you are doing to avoid pestering the offices even more.

Yeah yeah yeah....right now, Men's health makes more than VPuck.

Yeah yeah yeah....right now, Men's health makes more than VPuck.

Oh yes, Metabolics is an amazing salesforce. What is your DECLINING NRX scripts per rep? Bet Vpak has more per rep especially when you consider the TRX Androgels that are either being switched to other brand or just discontinued completely for health concerns.
Face up. You are a wart on AbbVies ass now that is only getting more obvious and inappropriate by the day. They are keeping you around for the final milking run but that wont be for much longer.

BTY I think you need to quit using that term "Mens Health" in referring to Agel. Latest studies, the FDA, various key opinion leaders and public sentiment believe you should be referred to as "Mens Health RISK"

Oh yes, Metabolics is an amazing salesforce. What is your DECLINING NRX scripts per rep? Bet Vpak has more per rep especially when you consider the TRX Androgels that are either being switched to other brand or just discontinued completely for health concerns.
Face up. You are a wart on AbbVies ass now that is only getting more obvious and inappropriate by the day. They are keeping you around for the final milking run but that wont be for much longer.

BTY I think you need to quit using that term "Mens Health" in referring to Agel. Latest studies, the FDA, various key opinion leaders and public sentiment believe you should be referred to as "Mens Health RISK"

Still making more than assPak. Big Jim is not shy about reminding fuckers contemplating reductions. Need sales...2 squirts is selling.

Still making more than assPak. Big Jim is not shy about reminding fuckers contemplating reductions. Need sales...2 squirts is selling.

Yeah,right! What is the net NRX/TRX volume of 2 squirt? It is a negative number! More are either switching or stopping vs starting 2 squirt.
How does slick Jimmy explain this as it relates to your massively overstaffed salesforce?

Yeah,right! What is the net NRX/TRX volume of 2 squirt? It is a negative number! More are either switching or stopping vs starting 2 squirt.
How does slick Jimmy explain this as it relates to your massively overstaffed salesforce?

So true! That loser drug is completely done! Throwing that many reps and dollars at Androgel is a complete inefficient waste of cash.

Yeah,right! What is the net NRX/TRX volume of 2 squirt? It is a negative number! More are either switching or stopping vs starting 2 squirt.
How does slick Jimmy explain this as it relates to your massively overstaffed salesforce?

He points to the little line, at the bottom of the financials, call net sales and compares that to plan. Then I imagine, he smiles and goes about his day. It's tough to reduce resources when someone is making their nut.

Oh yes, Metabolics is an amazing salesforce. What is your DECLINING NRX scripts per rep? Bet Vpak has more per rep especially when you consider the TRX Androgels that are either being switched to other brand or just discontinued completely for health concerns.
Face up. You are a wart on AbbVies ass now that is only getting more obvious and inappropriate by the day. They are keeping you around for the final milking run but that wont be for much longer.

BTY I think you need to quit using that term "Mens Health" in referring to Agel. Latest studies, the FDA, various key opinion leaders and public sentiment believe you should be referred to as "Mens Health RISK"

Latest studies were retrospective metanalysis VA charts run through a statistical toilet called IGTW which nobody respects except for the piece of shit PhD who invented this crap. If you could read a clinical paper your dumb ass would have seen that the T treated patients had lower event rates! But you can't read so we put you on HCV team.

He points to the little line, at the bottom of the financials, call net sales and compares that to plan. Then I imagine, he smiles and goes about his day. It's tough to reduce resources when someone is making their nut.

So you are making your plan numbers in Metabolics, eh? Well genius, that means they obviously booked a steeply dropping plan number because your actual numbers have been falling like a rock for quite a while now.

Let me explain to you what all this really means. The company has accepted the fact that your business is a loser, they are making it easy on you in the very SHORTTERM.
BUTTTTTTTTT, they know this is not an ongoing venture that is long for this world.
Bottom line, you are screwed soon. This is not a charity, it is a business. They don't pay large groups of people to support a product that has a falling revenue stream and only looks like it will continue to fall much further.
Even your St. Jimmy cannot help you there. Best guess, by end of this year you will be shredded. Maybe sooner.

So you are making your plan numbers in Metabolics, eh? Well genius, that means they obviously booked a steeply dropping plan number because your actual numbers have been falling like a rock for quite a while now.

Let me explain to you what all this really means. The company has accepted the fact that your business is a loser, they are making it easy on you in the very SHORTTERM.
BUTTTTTTTTT, they know this is not an ongoing venture that is long for this world.
Bottom line, you are screwed soon. This is not a charity, it is a business. They don't pay large groups of people to support a product that has a falling revenue stream and only looks like it will continue to fall much further.
Even your St. Jimmy cannot help you there. Best guess, by end of this year you will be shredded. Maybe sooner.

It simply amazes me how naïve and clueless the majority of Met reps truly are.
"Jimmy says we are making our plan so we are all golden" Talk about having no business acumen whatsoever!
Its similar to saying that you crashed and totaled your race car but no one was killed so you are still in the race and the owners and sponsers are just thrilled with your performace.
Jeez where do they find these idiots.

OK so they watered down the Met plan so it is easily attainable. We get that. The real question and concern is, how long do they get to ride this powder puff goal at such high staffing and expense numbers. Surely that piddly plan could be met with probably 75% less of these Agel reps. What is taking mgmt. so long to balance expenses levels to ACTUAL revenue attainment.
Where I came from, this simple business move would of been made a long time ago.
What a dinosaur of a company this is!

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