Message to Lynelle Hoch

Lynelle, ignore these posts, we love you!

I never said I didn't like LH, this is business and nothing more. Coming from her to us or us to her! In fact, so far with the exception of the JoPa move I think she is doing a good job. She seems to have recognized some issues and has taken action to at the very least recognize the issues. If anything is done about them will fill in some blanks.

Why do people leave BMS? Because of stunts like what just happened in NSS. Not only the layoff but the spineless method in which the employees were notified. Rumors are rampid right now that Otsuka will take on full Sprycel responsibilities and there will be a similar layoff in oncology. Say it ain't so

I never said I didn't like LH, this is business and nothing more. Coming from her to us or us to her! In fact, so far with the exception of the JoPa move I think she is doing a good job. She seems to have recognized some issues and has taken action to at the very least recognize the issues. If anything is done about them will fill in some blanks.

Why do people leave BMS? Because of stunts like what just happened in NSS. Not only the layoff but the spineless method in which the employees were notified. Rumors are rampid right now that Otsuka will take on full Sprycel responsibilities and there will be a similar layoff in oncology. Say it ain't so

That will not happen, BMS is in onc for long haul, but NSS is done, not a pipeline priority any longer.

Why are people leaving? Here's a reason for you. I'm out of here if my idiot manager is still employed when it comes to annual reviews. She is clueless and still knows nothing about on-o-cology. Be nice if she could pronounce the word too

Why are people leaving? Here's a reason for you. I'm out of here if my idiot manager is still employed when it comes to annual reviews. She is clueless and still knows nothing about on-o-cology. Be nice if she could pronounce the word too

Oah-noa donta leta the doora hita your assa ona the waya outta!

Well, this round of layoffs is in the books with another claim that this will take BMS Oncology through the next several years. How is this different than what Derek Dawid told us 13 months ago? Over the last 10 -12 years this has happened 7 or 8 times and somebody has to recognize that even the most positive person has a breaking point where apathy sets in. I think this is a reasonable b'ness model, certainly less complicated for our customers to understand. That raises another good observation, how many times can we make changes in who calls on a practice before the doctors and nurses stop trying to get to know the rep or stop coming to L and Ls? Now apathy has spilled over into our accounts.

But here's the deal LH, the changes make sense but are not significantly different than what the older reps have been saying for years should happen. BMS spent a lot of money to put together something that tenured reps have been screaming about for years. You should listen to them, might save BMS some money.

I was impressed with the talkpoint you lead leading up to the slaughter. I was particularly impressed when you said your vision for the division changed after you were in it for awhile. I'm not sure the changes were minimal though. I haven't talked to anybody that didn't have some change. Six percent layoffs by definition might be minimal but adding up everything doesn't come across as minimal.

Things will get better they always have but this time the low is about as low as I have ever seen. There are lots of things that can't change or that BMS can't change because of all the regulations but there are lots of things that can change to bring back a positive attitude to those in the sales force. I think that's the key here, you need to get the reps to want to thrive in this environment and do something to overcome the apathy which may be the biggest expense we have going right now.

Good luck and I mean that sincerely

Well, this round of layoffs is in the books with another claim that this will take BMS Oncology through the next several years. How is this different than what Derek Dawid told us 13 months ago? Over the last 10 -12 years this has happened 7 or 8 times and somebody has to recognize that even the most positive person has a breaking point where apathy sets in. I think this is a reasonable b'ness model, certainly less complicated for our customers to understand. That raises another good observation, how many times can we make changes in who calls on a practice before the doctors and nurses stop trying to get to know the rep or stop coming to L and Ls? Now apathy has spilled over into our accounts.

But here's the deal LH, the changes make sense but are not significantly different than what the older reps have been saying for years should happen. BMS spent a lot of money to put together something that tenured reps have been screaming about for years. You should listen to them, might save BMS some money.

I was impressed with the talkpoint you lead leading up to the slaughter. I was particularly impressed when you said your vision for the division changed after you were in it for awhile. I'm not sure the changes were minimal though. I haven't talked to anybody that didn't have some change. Six percent layoffs by definition might be minimal but adding up everything doesn't come across as minimal.

Things will get better they always have but this time the low is about as low as I have ever seen. There are lots of things that can't change or that BMS can't change because of all the regulations but there are lots of things that can change to bring back a positive attitude to those in the sales force. I think that's the key here, you need to get the reps to want to thrive in this environment and do something to overcome the apathy which may be the biggest expense we have going right now.

Good luck and I mean that sincerely

Sincerity, it's all about the sincerity - and it just isn't there. If you only knew. You don't know the real facts or the contingency plans for the next five years, but it is not pretty.

Sincerity, it's all about the sincerity - and it just isn't there. If you only knew. You don't know the real facts or the contingency plans for the next five years, but it is not pretty.

It would be nice if one of the "plans" included making some attempt to keep the quality reps. Why are people leaving.....because of this kind of shit. If BMS shows no loyalty to at least their top reps then why pray tell do you think they would have loyalty to BMS?

Well, this round of layoffs is in the books with another claim that this will take BMS Oncology through the next several years. How is this different than what Derek Dawid told us 13 months ago? Over the last 10 -12 years this has happened 7 or 8 times and somebody has to recognize that even the most positive person has a breaking point where apathy sets in. I think this is a reasonable b'ness model, certainly less complicated for our customers to understand. That raises another good observation, how many times can we make changes in who calls on a practice before the doctors and nurses stop trying to get to know the rep or stop coming to L and Ls? Now apathy has spilled over into our accounts.

But here's the deal LH, the changes make sense but are not significantly different than what the older reps have been saying for years should happen. BMS spent a lot of money to put together something that tenured reps have been screaming about for years. You should listen to them, might save BMS some money.

I was impressed with the talkpoint you lead leading up to the slaughter. I was particularly impressed when you said your vision for the division changed after you were in it for awhile. I'm not sure the changes were minimal though. I haven't talked to anybody that didn't have some change. Six percent layoffs by definition might be minimal but adding up everything doesn't come across as minimal.

Things will get better they always have but this time the low is about as low as I have ever seen. There are lots of things that can't change or that BMS can't change because of all the regulations but there are lots of things that can change to bring back a positive attitude to those in the sales force. I think that's the key here, you need to get the reps to want to thrive in this environment and do something to overcome the apathy which may be the biggest expense we have going right now.

Good luck and I mean that sincerely

It wasn't 6 percent.....there may be 6 percent fewer spots but a higher percent were let go between so bad bms....more like 15 percent is my guess