Message to Lynelle Hoch

During our district meeting my manager asked addressed the large number of people leaving BMS Oncology. It's nice that the question was addressed but old habits die hard. Every reason discussed in our meeting was either shot down, deflected to avoid addressing or turned around back on the rep. This behavior needs to change. Also, my manager didn't write any of the issues discussed down, apparently they will go no further than the hotel room door.

I agree with another post here about getting some reps together to discuss this with upper management. At the most Lynelle and Murdo will get sound bites and one liners but only if some other manager steps up, mine won't

During our district meeting my manager asked addressed the large number of people leaving BMS Oncology. It's nice that the question was addressed but old habits die hard. Every reason discussed in our meeting was either shot down, deflected to avoid addressing or turned around back on the rep. This behavior needs to change. Also, my manager didn't write any of the issues discussed down, apparently they will go no further than the hotel room door.

I agree with another post here about getting some reps together to discuss this with upper management. At the most Lynelle and Murdo will get sound bites and one liners but only if some other manager steps up, mine won't

Oh yea, they will listen.

They don't care. At out district meeting it became very clear to several of us in the room: if you have any specialty experience and a good track record it is time to leave BMS. I have never seen so many good people be treated so badly. LH- we are leaving because you and the company do not value us. Do not care about patients. Do not want to hear anything but " we are so blessed to work for BMS" sad day for me and many others..but I know someone out there values what I bring to the table. And by the way LH..I can sell anything...not just BMS drugs.

They don't care. At out district meeting it became very clear to several of us in the room: if you have any specialty experience and a good track record it is time to leave BMS. I have never seen so many good people be treated so badly. LH- we are leaving because you and the company do not value us. Do not care about patients. Do not want to hear anything but " we are so blessed to work for BMS" sad day for me and many others..but I know someone out there values what I bring to the table. And by the way LH..I can sell anything...not just BMS drugs.

She sold her soul to the BMS god. In the grand tradition of BMS leaders, it's all about number 1 now, if you can sell, move on, it's only going to get worse here, not better.

My manager told us if you want to make more money you have to be willing to jump around the industry. At least he recognized that the tenured reps were being taken advantage of or at the very least he said "are not being shown the respect"

The iron pillar that used to be BMS Oncology is now crumbling tin foil.

During our district meeting my manager asked addressed the large number of people leaving BMS Oncology. It's nice that the question was addressed but old habits die hard. Every reason discussed in our meeting was either shot down, deflected to avoid addressing or turned around back on the rep. This behavior needs to change. Also, my manager didn't write any of the issues discussed down, apparently they will go no further than the hotel room door.

I agree with another post here about getting some reps together to discuss this with upper management. At the most Lynelle and Murdo will get sound bites and one liners but only if some other manager steps up, mine won't

Phew! and I thought I was the only one that noticed the lack of sincerity. I'm thinking about leaving becdause my manager is completely unqualified for this job. She made so many stupid mistakes it was embarrassing. When somebody asked a question she would look at her ipad for a talking point. Pathetic!

During our district meeting my manager asked addressed the large number of people leaving BMS Oncology. It's nice that the question was addressed but old habits die hard. Every reason discussed in our meeting was either shot down, deflected to avoid addressing or turned around back on the rep. This behavior needs to change. Also, my manager didn't write any of the issues discussed down, apparently they will go no further than the hotel room door.

I agree with another post here about getting some reps together to discuss this with upper management. At the most Lynelle and Murdo will get sound bites and one liners but only if some other manager steps up, mine won't

Take another toke on your bong, Lynelle and Murdo have no intention of having a reps "enlighten" them. What a joke. Leave and free yourself of this hell hole.

I only have one thing to say to this thread, I have stacks of resumes on my desk.

Yes, but are they from people who understand the products, disease states, physicians and their prescribing habits? That is the problem, of course other people can always be found to fill a job, but why not appreciate and take care of the people that you already trained to do that?

Yes, but are they from people who understand the products, disease states, physicians and their prescribing habits? That is the problem, of course other people can always be found to fill a job, but why not appreciate and take care of the people that you already trained to do that?

I'm looking for obedience and ignorance, not competency...

They don't care. At out district meeting it became very clear to several of us in the room: if you have any specialty experience and a good track record it is time to leave BMS. I have never seen so many good people be treated so badly. LH- we are leaving because you and the company do not value us. Do not care about patients. Do not want to hear anything but " we are so blessed to work for BMS" sad day for me and many others..but I know someone out there values what I bring to the table. And by the way LH..I can sell anything...not just BMS drugs.

One of our best reps was taken out into the hall and blasted by the RBD for God knows what at our district meeting. The rep was clearly very upset and the RBD looked like they couldn't care less. I don't even recognize my beloved company anymore.

Yes, but are they from people who understand the products, disease states, physicians and their prescribing habits? That is the problem, of course other people can always be found to fill a job, but why not appreciate and take care of the people that you already trained to do that?

Get over yourself, you are easily replaceable.

Get over yourself, you are easily replaceable.

Get over myself? i am simply saying that it makes no sense to start again with new people when you have a sales force trained, educated, tenured and ready to go. Why go thru the energy and expense of replacing people when you only have to take care of the ones you already have? Doesn't make good business sense

Good business sense is not the goal. The goal is to get the most obedient nondriven robotic humanoid creatures that don't know enough to care why. LH, if you have a plan please reveal it. It's killing me to watch this.