Merck Retirees will have to go to a private exchange for medical and pharmacy coverage

I enjoy my millions. You enjoy your hundreds scumbag lowlife!

I doubt there are people on this site with hundreds of millions but maybe your right. The guy who is always bragging about his life in the islands and how the have-nots live may be one. Guess he got more than I did, at least there is someone who can give more back to the Church than me.
Still, life is great, don't you think?

We shall see how arrogant Merck execs get in 2019 when there will be a mass exodus of the over 50 workers because that's the year Merck plans to screw people over with the changes to the pension. This company can't keep any young employees now because it sucks so bad for them coming in. A lot of folks are still here with the golden handcuffs because they started pre-Vioxx when Merck actually treated its employees with respect. Lots of retirements and bridges to retirement will happen then. Meanwhile, more and more younger workers are seeing that their are better Pharma jobs out here and leaving Merck. Hey Merck execs, you can't live off of Merck's reputation in the 80's anymore. Everybody knows how bad it sucks here now. Remember, you laid off over 40,000 workers over the last decade. People don't forget and they do talk, j@ckasses.

I doubt there are people on this site with hundreds of millions but maybe your right. The guy who is always bragging about his life in the islands and how the have-nots live may be one. Guess he got more than I did, at least there is someone who can give more back to the Church than me.
Still, life is great, don't you think?
Life is truly a ripe bowl of cherries for those who had a work ethic and actually put in a 60-70 hour workweek in the field.
Now I lounge in the islands and do anything I choose. Today I choose to attend Club functions and interact with the wealthy elite. These are the people that pay for the country , as well as, the Bernie crowd and the illegals. Isn't life great!

Life is truly a ripe bowl of cherries for those who had a work ethic and actually put in a 60-70 hour workweek in the field.
Now I lounge in the islands and do anything I choose. Today I choose to attend Club functions and interact with the wealthy elite. These are the people that pay for the country , as well as, the Bernie crowd and the illegals. Isn't life great!
I like you always have a marvelous daily routine. My routine is socially active and includes abundant rewards. The lower rungs of the ladder are there for a reason and exist only to serve nothing more!

Would someone please either post the letter or a link to it? I know I received and promptly misplaced it (probably ended up in the recycling like I do with most Merck correspondence). Still a couple years shy of 65 but would like to have a copy of the letter. Thanks!

Life is truly a ripe bowl of cherries for those who had a work ethic and actually put in a 60-70 hour workweek in the field.
Now I lounge in the islands and do anything I choose. Today I choose to attend Club functions and interact with the wealthy elite. These are the people that pay for the country , as well as, the Bernie crowd and the illegals. Isn't life great!


finleyfarmer was last seen:

Nov 22, 2012 at 11:03 AM
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Would someone please either post the letter or a link to it? I know I received and promptly misplaced it (probably ended up in the recycling like I do with most Merck correspondence). Still a couple years shy of 65 but would like to have a copy of the letter. Thanks!
The next letter which initiates the transfer process arrives in June. You don't qualify if you are not currently retired. Word is that all remaining employees will be jettisoned to obamafraud.

The next letter which initiates the transfer process arrives in June. You don't qualify if you are not currently retired. Word is that all remaining employees will be jettisoned to obamafraud.
This is a tragedy! My doctor doesn't take obamacare plans!! Should we write to the Board of Directors? Angry in The Villages Florida

something seriously wrong with people on this board.

You want to draw attention to yourself for all your hard work and sacrifice. Admirable qualities that may serve you well. I will not argue that point.
However you seem bent on slamming others who may not attach themselves to your philosophy with the same vigor. May there be some jealousy for those who have carved a path another way? There are many paths to success and most require work and a little luck. I've done very well for myself. I don't judge what path others have taken and condemn those who did not follow me. If you want to live in a 800 sq ft cottage, eat noodles, drive a beater and sacrifice then that's your business. Don't pass judgement on me for not making the same sacrifice.

As for the facts, I earned the money I placed in my 401K. It does not belong to Merck or the government, it's mine. Merck employed me under the guise of a pension defined by contract. I took the lump sum. It's mine, I earned it per our employment agreement. I contributed money to social security with every paycheck I earned. That social security check is mine and I earned it. This does not make me someone who is looking for handouts. I expect what I earned without someone stealing it. As for other benefits, I knew there was volatility involved so I will accept that as it evolves.

Sushi ? Millionaire next door ? Who are these people ? Just because you retire from Merck with 2-3 million does not make you a millionaire, Kenny gets 25 million a year, that's a millionaire.

Um, then what does it make me? I guess you are math illiterate, as you have NO understanding of the power of compounding. Plus, I never said I was retired. I just said I amassed that much at age 48 from living low on the hog.

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