Merck Retirees will have to go to a private exchange for medical and pharmacy coverage

What do you suggest? A retiree Union? GE retirees had no ground to stand on, so what makes Merck so special? I did something. I left and no longer buy their products. I don't support the company they have become.
What will we do? Just be happy that anything is given. You piss the wrong people off and it goes to zero. Post 57 and 53 are correct. You don't have a leg to stand on. You're negotiating with someone who feels that anything given is done by charity.
If we don't make as much money, the company gives less to charity.
If you bite the hand that feeds you, the company gives less to charity.

The best you can do is shut up and be happy with anything donated to you.

What will we do? Just be happy that anything is given. You piss the wrong people off and it goes to zero. Post 57 and 53 are correct. You don't have a leg to stand on. You're negotiating with someone who feels that anything given is done by charity.
If we don't make as much money, the company gives less to charity.
If you bite the hand that feeds you, the company gives less to charity.

The best you can do is shut up and be happy with anything donated to you.

Everyone is in the same boat. It's an employer's market. Be grateful with what you have. Your next job may be one exempt from offering any benefits!

No. Currently at 65 you have 80/20 coverage from Merck (i.e., Aetna or BCBS) in addition to being able to have standard Medicare coverage 80/20. So now you end up with just Medicare coverage through the private exchange. The letter says it saves the Company money and gives seniors multiple options. Does not say it saved the participants money.

Wah, wah, wah~~I want my freebies. I worked hard for the bennies.

Tough luck. Stop freeloading. If you need new benefits go out and get a job. Otherwise, shut up.
We can't afford you leeching off the profits of the company.

Besides, Trump will have a new national plan and it will be terrific.

Wah, wah, wah~~I want my freebies. I worked hard for the bennies.

Tough luck. Stop freeloading. If you need new benefits go out and get a job. Otherwise, shut up.
We can't afford you leeching off the profits of the company.

Besides, Trump will have a new national plan and it will be terrific.

Changing the benefits to someone who worked their whole career and sucessfully reached retirement is freeloading? Ok I guess you would be ok if Merck decided not to give you the pension you earned when you leave the company just because they wanted to save money. And you would be ok if the government took over your 401K and swapped it for T-Bills (actual proposal). Good luck ever retiring buffoon.

Changing the benefits to someone who worked their whole career and sucessfully reached retirement is freeloading? Ok I guess you would be ok if Merck decided not to give you the pension you earned when you leave the company just because they wanted to save money. And you would be ok if the government took over your 401K and swapped it for T-Bills (actual proposal). Good luck ever retiring buffoon.

Hey, this and worse has happened to companies that were taken over and sold off to other companies. However, I don't expect to see my pension, especially if the company goes belly up. The 401k I moved the minute I left. This entitlement attitude is exactly why there will be nothing in the way of any decent jobs with benefits for our kids. My gosh, it's all about me. Try being underemployed and working at WaWa for 30 hours a week.

Changing the benefits to someone who worked their whole career and sucessfully reached retirement is freeloading? Ok I guess you would be ok if Merck decided not to give you the pension you earned when you leave the company just because they wanted to save money. And you would be ok if the government took over your 401K and swapped it for T-Bills (actual proposal). Good luck ever retiring buffoon.


For many of the smart reps Merck has working today, who post all day on their smart phones, they don't need pensions or care if they ever get any help from anyone but their parents's inheritance. Just read their posts, Hell, they are the new Greatest Generation (bunch of Marcos) they are not worried about what is best for them. They are in this for the stock holders even though many don't have much affection for Kenny or own Merck stock. So let's just sit back and read their thoughtful and articulate responses. They have it all figured out and will be there long after the current management team is gone. So please, give us all your useful insights of how it really is and what medications we should be on in your vast professional medical experience. I'm sure you have some advise that you can't wait to post.

Bell Well, sucker

Hey, this and worse has happened to companies that were taken over and sold off to other companies. However, I don't expect to see my pension, especially if the company goes belly up. The 401k I moved the minute I left. This entitlement attitude is exactly why there will be nothing in the way of any decent jobs with benefits for our kids. My gosh, it's all about me. Try being underemployed and working at WaWa for 30 hours a week.
It is noteworthy that the vast majority of these clowns will be working two or three of the 20-30 hour jobs just to put lunch meat on the table. They are undereducated, uninspired and totally useless. They deserve all that is coming. Me, I will be eating at the finest establishments and drinking the finest wines while not giving them a single thought!

It is noteworthy that the vast majority of these clowns will be working two or three of the 20-30 hour jobs just to put lunch meat on the table. They are undereducated, uninspired and totally useless. They deserve all that is coming. Me, I will be eating at the finest establishments and drinking the finest wines while not giving them a single thought!
Same, the best thing I did was before the Vioxx debacle cash out my Merck stock options and learned to invest on my own. I turned that little pot into enough to send both my kids to the finest Colleges and when the time came, I raised my hand, took my lump sum and now and investing my pension on my own. I have plenty of 20 something year old mooks calling me up asking me to let them invest my money. Good luck to those who think corporations won't lobby Washington to lessen the payouts allowable on your annuities. Tonight, sushi in Whitehouse Station on Whitehouse Station.


For many of the smart reps Merck has working today, who post all day on their smart phones, they don't need pensions or care if they ever get any help from anyone but their parents's inheritance. Just read their posts, Hell, they are the new Greatest Generation (bunch of Marcos) they are not worried about what is best for them. They are in this for the stock holders even though many don't have much affection for Kenny or own Merck stock. So let's just sit back and read their thoughtful and articulate responses. They have it all figured out and will be there long after the current management team is gone. So please, give us all your useful insights of how it really is and what medications we should be on in your vast professional medical experience. I'm sure you have some advise that you can't wait to post.

Bell Well, sucker

Thank you! Finally, a voice of reason. Perhaps some of these kids--and they really are kids--will learn that there is not going to be a whole lot of mommy and daddy's inheritance with our government $10 trillion in debt and growing. They will be using their savings to pay for health insurance. This same demographic group knows nothing of self-sacrifice and accumulating wealth on their own without it being handed to them on a silver platter. I reason to guess this same group probably have houses with underwater mortgages and do not know the meaning of living well under their means.

I will turn 48 this week. My family is the "millionaire next door." This is not to brag but to simply point out that we earned this without any inheritance and with student loans, which we paid off quickly by foregoing eating out and fancy vacations. And our son's private high and college tuition are already taken care of due to diligent and prudent investing. We budget as though I am still working and making about $55K/year when I left Merck. It can be done. Thing is, do people want to take the more difficult path? It's the rare one you find who does.

This is not a brag post. It is a wake-up call.

It is noteworthy that the vast majority of these clowns will be working two or three of the 20-30 hour jobs just to put lunch meat on the table. They are undereducated, uninspired and totally useless. They deserve all that is coming. Me, I will be eating at the finest establishments and drinking the finest wines while not giving them a single thought!

Sadly, I agree. While I don't want to rub their noses in it, the entitlement is getting old really, really fast. I will go out on a limb and thank the powers that be for the wisdom that He gave me...and the self-discipline. This group is heading for rough waters, if they aren't already swimming in them.

Same, the best thing I did was before the Vioxx debacle cash out my Merck stock options and learned to invest on my own. I turned that little pot into enough to send both my kids to the finest Colleges and when the time came, I raised my hand, took my lump sum and now and investing my pension on my own. I have plenty of 20 something year old mooks calling me up asking me to let them invest my money. Good luck to those who think corporations won't lobby Washington to lessen the payouts allowable on your annuities. Tonight, sushi in Whitehouse Station on Whitehouse Station.

Sounds like what we did, albeit we were a little younger. Having a minor in business economics and caring about my grades served my family well. Now I am passing that knowledge to my son, who is also a saver and investor. We study mutual funds and EFTs. It will serve him well when people try to pick his pockets for saving rather than spending.

Enjoy the sushi!

Sounds like what we did, albeit we were a little younger. Having a minor in business economics and caring about my grades served my family well. Now I am passing that knowledge to my son, who is also a saver and investor. We study mutual funds and EFTs. It will serve him well when people try to pick his pockets for saving rather than spending.

Enjoy the sushi!
Hate sushi but love Pittsburgh Rare filet!

It is nice to hear some people in this world take responsibility for their life and saving habits. Too many want to take from the producers and give to the non producers or take something someone else has worked for. It is totally immoral.

It is nice to hear some people in this world take responsibility for their life and saving habits. Too many want to take from the producers and give to the non producers or take something someone else has worked for. It is totally immoral.
The morons involved in the / you owe me everything crowd / illustrate the level of depravity many have reached.

Sushi ? Millionaire next door ? Who are these people ? Just because you retire from Merck with 2-3 million does not make you a millionaire, Kenny gets 25 million a year, that's a millionaire.

Sushi ? Millionaire next door ? Who are these people ? Just because you retire from Merck with 2-3 million does not make you a millionaire, Kenny gets 25 million a year, that's a millionaire.
Keep this in mind, what little you have, we retired Merck elite can buy and sell you miserable effete turds. We know what work is and what it can accomplish. Now go hold hands with dickhead bernie the commie.

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