Merck Retirees will have to go to a private exchange for medical and pharmacy coverage

If Obamacare can be repealed, premiums will go down when people have the opportunity to choose their own level of coverage that fits their needs. Lets hope the Dems are thrown out of office.

Choose their own level of coverage that fits their needs?

And what kind of low-cost health care or Rx coverage do you have in mind for workers whose employers don't subsidize their coverage or for those who don't qualify for that dreadful Medicaid?

Band-Aids for broken limbs and Robitussin cough syrup for pneumonia?
Cheap vodka for low back pain?

The game changes January 1, 2018 when the Cadillac excise tax takes effect. There is a 40% tax to pay for Obamacare. States whose public employees have platinum plans (the best) that were union negotiated will pay dearly. Those states will be taxed millions because it is not fair; it is not all the same. And that is on the Obamacare webpage for healthcare; income inequality. Be careful next November; their hand is in your pocket.

It does not matter because their is an election coming and the democrats hate the pharmaceutical industry. It will all change and as more baby boomers retire and swell the system it will just increase in cost. So whatever it is today will continually be more.
It has nothing to do with it. We are not making the same money as before. We have a commitment to the shareholders. Do you think the shareholders would be happy taking less so we can give money to retired people? Would you? The medical could go away totally. A pension is a promise to pay. Promises are sometimes broken. If we need 10 bucks to pay for retired people and only make 5 how does that work? The real people to blame are the workers. They are not making enough for the company. They are the ones that let you down. If there is a financial need, just put the retired people in the PBGC. That is what it's for.

The real question is do you deserve it? Stop being a grub. Blame the workers. Merck never guaranteed you anything. Live with less. Become a minimalist. I get a boatload of RSU and invest properly. I don't need to do that but maybe you should. I've seen it on TV and it's not that bad. That small house and clipping coupons show could be fun for you people.

It has nothing to do with it. We are not making the same money as before. We have a commitment to the shareholders. Do you think the shareholders would be happy taking less so we can give money to retired people? Would you? The medical could go away totally. A pension is a promise to pay. Promises are sometimes broken. If we need 10 bucks to pay for retired people and only make 5 how does that work? The real people to blame are the workers. They are not making enough for the company. They are the ones that let you down. If there is a financial need, just put the retired people in the PBGC. That is what it's for.

The real question is do you deserve it? Stop being a grub. Blame the workers. Merck never guaranteed you anything. Live with less. Become a minimalist. I get a boatload of RSU and invest properly. I don't need to do that but maybe you should. I've seen it on TV and it's not that bad. That small house and clipping coupons show could be fun for you people.

Thanks for putting everything in perspective. Quick question for you since you got it so together. How much Merck stock are you investing in with all those RSUs your getting ?

"...The real people to blame are the workers. They are not making enough for the company. They are the ones that let you down..."

And just who are the workers who let us down---Peter Kim, Bob McMahon, Ken Frazier, Roger Perlmutter, etc? They would hardly consider themselves workers, but they and others like them made the poor decisions that have tanked MRK.

This ilk, however, will make sure they have Cadillac health care and golden parachutes.

It has nothing to do with it. We are not making the same money as before. We have a commitment to the shareholders. Do you think the shareholders would be happy taking less so we can give money to retired people? Would you? The medical could go away totally. A pension is a promise to pay. Promises are sometimes broken. If we need 10 bucks to pay for retired people and only make 5 how does that work? The real people to blame are the workers. They are not making enough for the company. They are the ones that let you down. If there is a financial need, just put the retired people in the PBGC. That is what it's for.

The real question is do you deserve it? Stop being a grub. Blame the workers. Merck never guaranteed you anything. Live with less. Become a minimalist. I get a boatload of RSU and invest properly. I don't need to do that but maybe you should. I've seen it on TV and it's not that bad. That small house and clipping coupons show could be fun for you people.

This is another example why when you retire you should take the lump sum instead of the annuity. Because things can and probably will change once you retire from Merck or another major company as well.

Medicare is paying for retirees (or the bulk) not Merck or any other company.

President Obama promised that companies would be able to keep their private health insurance. Well, the law of unintended consequences set in. Private companies was handed a gift on a silver platter with the Exchange. Why should private companies offer insurance when they can now easily get it on the Exchange? I think medical benefits will go bye-bye.

A famous saint said that the economy exists to serve people...not the other way around.

This is another example why when you retire you should take the lump sum instead of the annuity. Because things can and probably will change once you retire from Merck or another major company as well.
Just received Wednesday the official announcement of the conversion to the private exchange completed by 1\17.
I can handle that with no problem. For those of you below 65 get ready for your exchange, better vote with your interests in mind.

Just received Wednesday the official announcement of the conversion to the private exchange completed by 1\17.
I can handle that with no problem. For those of you below 65 get ready for your exchange, better vote with your interests in mind.

What do you think will happen if the exchange goes away? Things go back to the way they were? No, it gets dropped all together. Why do you think so many big corporations were for they exchange? All Merck has to do is claim "reasonable" effort. The reasonable effort is going to the exchange. Once dissolved, that "reasonable" effort liability is removed from the corporation.

I do sell my RSU's once I receive them. Not that I don't believe the shares will go up. It's to be diversified.

Leadership did not put us in this horrid position. The workers did. It's not about politics, it about numbers. Don't get emotional over number. Just think that it's best for the company. It will help others. Who knows, maybe managers and down take a 20 percent pay cut. They will help improve the bottom line and help others. More will keep their jobs. Help out your fellow workers. You say you care about them.

What do you think will happen if the exchange goes away? Things go back to the way they were? No, it gets dropped all together. Why do you think so many big corporations were for they exchange? All Merck has to do is claim "reasonable" effort. The reasonable effort is going to the exchange. Once dissolved, that "reasonable" effort liability is removed from the corporation.

I do sell my RSU's once I receive them. Not that I don't believe the shares will go up. It's to be diversified.

Leadership did not put us in this horrid position. The workers did. It's not about politics, it about numbers. Don't get emotional over number. Just think that it's best for the company. It will help others. Who knows, maybe managers and down take a 20 percent pay cut. They will help improve the bottom line and help others. More will keep their jobs. Help out your fellow workers. You say you care about them.
Hate to disillusion you but if the ACA is allowed to stand ALL corporations will discard healthcare as well they should. Then let us see the bitching. The mob has been pulled around by the nose and they deserve what is coming.

".....Leadership did not put us in this horrid position. The workers did.." "..Who knows, maybe managers and down take a 20 percent pay cut. They will help improve the bottom line and help others. More will keep their jobs. Help out your fellow workers...."

MRK "Leadership" logic:
The workers put MRK in this horrid position...but help the workers keep their jobs by cutting their salaries?

(And this yokel claims to be getting RSU's?)

MRK "Leadership" logic:
The workers put MRK in this horrid position...but help the workers keep their jobs by cutting their salaries?

(And this yokel claims to be getting RSU's?)

You need to learn how to play the game my friend. Just go with the flow. Don't make waves. A bad idea is a great idea depending on where that idea is coming from. That is how you move up. That is how you get RSU's. I will be the biggest yokel at Merck as long as I get my promotions and RSU's. Actually the bigger yokel you are the more you get. I always wanted position and money. Never wanted the power. Someone might ask who is responsible for this and it might be me. I don't want that. I like it here.

I personally like the visions and ideas where results can't be measured. They just disappear. There is no right or wrong. It's just there.

Just say what the top brass want to hear. That's how you do well here, dodge and deflect.

I guess I am a yokel with crazy money and many RSU's. You got me on that one. I am fine with that. I always clap the loudest.

Do your homework and play the game.

What do you think will happen if the exchange goes away? Things go back to the way they were? No, it gets dropped all together. Why do you think so many big corporations were for they exchange? All Merck has to do is claim "reasonable" effort. The reasonable effort is going to the exchange. Once dissolved, that "reasonable" effort liability is removed from the corporation.

I do sell my RSU's once I receive them. Not that I don't believe the shares will go up. It's to be diversified.

Leadership did not put us in this horrid position. The workers did. It's not about politics, it about numbers. Don't get emotional over number. Just think that it's best for the company. It will help others. Who knows, maybe managers and down take a 20 percent pay cut. They will help improve the bottom line and help others. More will keep their jobs. Help out your fellow workers. You say you care about them.

You are kidding, right? Like pay cuts are going to save jobs? Merck has been quietly cutting salaries for the last 10 years...and how many have gotten laid off? A better suggestion may be for you to quit your job so that another worked isn't let go.

You are kidding, right? Like pay cuts are going to save jobs? Merck has been quietly cutting salaries for the last 10 years...and how many have gotten laid off? A better suggestion may be for you to quit your job so that another worked isn't let go.
Actually we are in line relative to our peers in regards to salary. People we're let go because of duplicate positions and overlapping territories. Let's face it. We had double the scientists and half the pipeline. We need to purchase a pipeline. That will incorporate more overlapping positions and overhead. More cuts will be needed to keep everything in a happy balance. Those are just the facts from this yokel.

Why would I quit my job? I did not cause the layoffs. I'm not responsable for that. The workers are. I am happy. Always home for dinner. My expense reports have never been questioned. I'm good friends with the people who approve them. My wife does not need to work. I am saving up a large nest egg and college is paid for my kids. Did you read my post? Managers and down take the 20 percent pay cut. Not me. That's just crazy.

The math is simple. 20 percent pay cut. 15 percent would be used to save jobs. 5 percent would be used to compensate everyone above managers. It's a win-win for everyone. You need to be part of the solution, not part of the problem. The workers are the ones that caused the issue. Now everyone must sacrifice a little bit. Don't you care about your fellow workers? Help them out.

Just don't make waves, be a hero, or fight the system. Do you know how many people let emotions get the best of them. People fighting because they "think" they are bring mistreated or stupid little things? You don't have many friends here. People understand that after they are let go. Three months after you are gone you lose contact with all your "Merck" friends.

Just be a yokel or corporate clone. Conform or be cast out. It's just a game. Play it and you move up. Nothing wrong with butt kissing. It goes far. Feed the egos. Don't fight city hall.

Actually we are in line relative to our peers in regards to salary. People we're let go because of duplicate positions and overlapping territories. Let's face it. We had double the scientists and half the pipeline. We need to purchase a pipeline. That will incorporate more overlapping positions and overhead. More cuts will be needed to keep everything in a happy balance. Those are just the facts from this yokel.

Why would I quit my job? I did not cause the layoffs. I'm not responsable for that. The workers are. I am happy. Always home for dinner. My expense reports have never been questioned. I'm good friends with the people who approve them. My wife does not need to work. I am saving up a large nest egg and college is paid for my kids. Did you read my post? Managers and down take the 20 percent pay cut. Not me. That's just crazy.

The math is simple. 20 percent pay cut. 15 percent would be used to save jobs. 5 percent would be used to compensate everyone above managers. It's a win-win for everyone. You need to be part of the solution, not part of the problem. The workers are the ones that caused the issue. Now everyone must sacrifice a little bit. Don't you care about your fellow workers? Help them out.

Just don't make waves, be a hero, or fight the system. Do you know how many people let emotions get the best of them. People fighting because they "think" they are bring mistreated or stupid little things? You don't have many friends here. People understand that after they are let go. Three months after you are gone you lose contact with all your "Merck" friends.

Just be a yokel or corporate clone. Conform or be cast out. It's just a game. Play it and you move up. Nothing wrong with butt kissing. It goes far. Feed the egos. Don't fight city hall.

I "quit" Merck about 14 years ago to be a SAHM and still have my friends. I have no idea who you mean by "the workers" but I referring to all of Merck, not just their sales force. They are people in research and manufacturing. And all agree that that HR was trimming salaries year after year for a number of years. Perhaps it didn't affect you but it did affect my friends. Year after year, their pay was decreasing because of poor raises and higher health care premiums. Plus, not every worker qualified for a bonus. The talented scientist and engineers, etc. left because they got better offers and packages. I think your economic strategy is a little off.

I have been following this blog for a while now and have recognized a recurrent theme, everyone loves to complain, but no one is doing anything. A while back someone suggested that Merck Retirerees band together to sue Merck to get back their health benefits. Nothing happens! Instead everyone keeps bemoaning their problems. AS LONG AS YOU DO NOTHING...MERCK WINS. Turn this blog into something more than a piss and moan forum!

I have been following this blog for a while now and have recognized a recurrent theme, everyone loves to complain, but no one is doing anything. A while back someone suggested that Merck Retirerees band together to sue Merck to get back their health benefits. Nothing happens! Instead everyone keeps bemoaning their problems. AS LONG AS YOU DO NOTHING...MERCK WINS. Turn this blog into something more than a piss and moan forum!

What do you suggest? A retiree Union? GE retirees had no ground to stand on, so what makes Merck so special? I did something. I left and no longer buy their products. I don't support the company they have become.

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