Merck Management's IPAD Rollout: What a total laugh!!

Sorry but you can't blame Win7 on Merck. Microsoft is sunsetting XP in April 2014. Don't move to Win7 and you'll really see what broken IT looks like.

I always enjoy technology gripes from the non-tech - nothing would make you happy besides something that read your mind while you didn't have to brother to think.

My point was, after a nice talk with my buddy who was the director responsible for field sales laptops and whatever else, Merck is not like us individual. We may rush out and upgrade to Windows 8. He has to look at other issues like training, tech support, compatibility of Windows 8 with existing software. Then the capital investment issue. You don't just buy new toys because iPads are the coolest and newest. He said they are always testing new software and hardware.

Some of us may remember the major headache a few years back when we were hit with a major virus and how long it took to fix it. All those Norton update downloads and eventually CDs in the mail (fool proof enough that everyone could run it).

The biggest problem with mother is amnesia, remember iPACs, MyCall, NCM to name a few schemes sold as company saving programs. We've spent billions "re-organizing" but I suspect that the truth is that someone has invested in "tech" so we buy to make them rich.

Or you can be positive and view them as evolutionary, starting off with the pre-Windows Compaq laptop, then to iPAQ, etc. I appreciated not having to carry the paper SC-214 around and mailing duplicates in when the reader at the vendor ate the copies.

Wrong. This is a huge problem. Turning off location services will only flag you. Might as well admit incompetence and resign.
You are in error that 4G is available all over the US in every territory and that many of our customers with wireless in the offices tell us to turn off all devices upon entry so as not to upset their system! The first time you don't have your ipad off and get kicked out of the office because you knocked someone off in the office or slowed their system to a crawl then and only then will Merck understand! Merck has consistently retained piss poor sales folks throughout the years and some of them make no difference if they saw 12 a day and stayed on territory from 8-5! Once upon a time a region director told his region to "give me 6 GOOD calls per day and however many reminder or quickies you want to" and the region was #1 in the nation that year! How many folks get in six good ones a day now!
The ipad will not save us or make anyone more effecient, it will now take 20 minutes to do something it only took 2 to do on our computer!

You are in error that 4G is available all over the US in every territory and that many of our customers with wireless in the offices tell us to turn off all devices upon entry so as not to upset their system! The first time you don't have your ipad off and get kicked out of the office because you knocked someone off in the office or slowed their system to a crawl then and only then will Merck understand! Merck has consistently retained piss poor sales folks throughout the years and some of them make no difference if they saw 12 a day and stayed on territory from 8-5! Once upon a time a region director told his region to "give me 6 GOOD calls per day and however many reminder or quickies you want to" and the region was #1 in the nation that year! How many folks get in six good ones a day now!
The ipad will not save us or make anyone more effecient, it will now take 20 minutes to do something it only took 2 to do on our computer!

"6 GOOD calls per day"

Man, that right there is a pretty good month!

You are in error that 4G is available all over the US in every territory and that many of our customers with wireless in the offices tell us to turn off all devices upon entry so as not to upset their system! The first time you don't have your ipad off and get kicked out of the office because you knocked someone off in the office or slowed their system to a crawl then and only then will Merck understand! Merck has consistently retained piss poor sales folks throughout the years and some of them make no difference if they saw 12 a day and stayed on territory from 8-5! Once upon a time a region director told his region to "give me 6 GOOD calls per day and however many reminder or quickies you want to" and the region was #1 in the nation that year! How many folks get in six good ones a day now!
The ipad will not save us or make anyone more effecient, it will now take 20 minutes to do something it only took 2 to do on our computer!

We have retained piss poor reps over the years and you are a very fine example. Please order lunch, deliver it and get home before you do more damage to the company.

"6 GOOD calls per day"

Man, that right there is a pretty good month!

Or a damn good week. Timing is everything and thank God I'm out. Also was lucky with managers who were good and willing to shield their reps from so much that was total bs. I'd go to meetings and shudder from the stories other reps would tell about the living nightmares they were experiencing from their nitwit managers. The IPAD would be my demise were I still active.

I think the use of the iPad in the field is the best thing since sliced bread. I love it. It has tremendously improved my productivity and efficiency. I am now able to make 18 aunthentically signed calls a day instead of the 14 I was doing on that stupid slow and inefficient laptop. My ctl can't get enough of my extremely overwhelming positive feedback. My call metrics are in excellent shape and so are my sales numbers. It's a wonderful life!

I think the use of the iPad in the field is the best thing since sliced bread. I love it. It has tremendously improved my productivity and efficiency. I am now able to make 18 aunthentically signed calls a day instead of the 14 I was doing on that stupid slow and inefficient laptop. My ctl can't get enough of my extremely overwhelming positive feedback. My call metrics are in excellent shape and so are my sales numbers. It's a wonderful life!

The best post I've read in a very long time! You hit the nail on the head--the goal is "increased productivity" and you've give it to them and I bet you get VP next year!

So what. Exactly when does schmerck want me to do all these training modules, teleconferences, sample logistics, catering ordering, surveys out the azz, computer/software repair, company car repair/maintenance, mae babysitting, bm ride-alongs, meetings, meetings, meetings? And my manager says call frequency is a priority?
What a freaking joke...

I feel for glad I'm out of this industry. The money/benefits are great...but at what a price...such a boring, meaningless job...true, there are many other jobs that pay far less and are stressful (in other ways)...I guess each pharma rep hangs in there as long as they can, and then eventually moves on when they can take no more (or until they get downsized).

You are in error that 4G is available all over the US in every territory and that many of our customers with wireless in the offices tell us to turn off all devices upon entry so as not to upset their system! The first time you don't have your ipad off and get kicked out of the office because you knocked someone off in the office or slowed their system to a crawl then and only then will Merck understand! Merck has consistently retained piss poor sales folks throughout the years and some of them make no difference if they saw 12 a day and stayed on territory from 8-5! Once upon a time a region director told his region to "give me 6 GOOD calls per day and however many reminder or quickies you want to" and the region was #1 in the nation that year! How many folks get in six good ones a day now!
The ipad will not save us or make anyone more effecient, it will now take 20 minutes to do something it only took 2 to do on our computer!

Do you really know what you are talking about? What does 3G/4G have to do with your iPad in the offices? iPad does not auto connect in an area with WiFi. Like your laptop (if equipped with a built-in WiFi card), iPhone, Samsung Galaxy they can all detect the presence of wireless networks. You cannot connect to your doctor's network which is very likely to be password-protected. Do they tell the patients to stop texting in their offices too? If you cannot connect to their network, how the hell can you slow them down? Even if you can connect, you cannot slow them down by checking e-mails unless you are watching porn or Youtube.

If your iPad connects to their system you can knock someone off? Do you believe we have aliens locked up in Area 51 in Utah?

Do you really know what you are talking about? What does 3G/4G have to do with your iPad in the offices? iPad does not auto connect in an area with WiFi. Like your laptop (if equipped with a built-in WiFi card), iPhone, Samsung Galaxy they can all detect the presence of wireless networks. You cannot connect to your doctor's network which is very likely to be password-protected. Do they tell the patients to stop texting in their offices too? If you cannot connect to their network, how the hell can you slow them down? Even if you can connect, you cannot slow them down by checking e-mails unless you are watching porn or Youtube.

If your iPad connects to their system you can knock someone off? Do you believe we have aliens locked up in Area 51 in Utah?

It is amazing what clutzes we have in our group. No wonder the company is in the shape it is in - GOD help.

I think the use of the iPad in the field is the best thing since sliced bread. I love it. It has tremendously improved my productivity and efficiency. I am now able to make 18 aunthentically signed calls a day instead of the 14 I was doing on that stupid slow and inefficient laptop. My ctl can't get enough of my extremely overwhelming positive feedback. My call metrics are in excellent shape and so are my sales numbers. It's a wonderful life!

Talk about a Charlie Hustle - way to get it done! We might even be related. My name is Sigfried Hustle but everyone calls me "Sig" for short.

I feel for glad I'm out of this industry. The money/benefits are great...but at what a price...such a boring, meaningless job...true, there are many other jobs that pay far less and are stressful (in other ways)...I guess each pharma rep hangs in there as long as they can, and then eventually moves on when they can take no more (or until they get downsized).

Very true...well written post...

I think anyone with a brain and/or a need for dignity eventually hits a wall with pharmaceutical sales and Merck...

btw...FU MERCK!

I feel for glad I'm out of this industry. The money/benefits are great...but at what a price...such a boring, meaningless job...true, there are many other jobs that pay far less and are stressful (in other ways)...I guess each pharma rep hangs in there as long as they can, and then eventually moves on when they can take no more (or until they get downsized).

Curious, what are you doing now? Details...or you are another bogus post.

You speak like someone who has at least 15 years in or maybe a manager with years at that $ level. You probably moved up to make the better income and have years at a high level. You can take flight now. No $$$ worries....?

For the 1-15 years in crowd the incentive is to stay as long as we can, often out of necessity. Especially if you're over 45 and more important, if you're in your 50s or beyond. For this group there is no big paycheck for an easy ride. No worry-free departure because we don't have the years in, rank or longevity with a bigger paycheck to match...Besides, once over 50 the job prospects are slim...Over 55 ++ they are almost totally non-existent..

Curious, what are you doing now? Details...or you are another bogus post.

You speak like someone who has at least 15 years in or maybe a manager with years at that $ level. You probably moved up to make the better income and have years at a high level. You can take flight now. No $$$ worries....?

For the 1-15 years in crowd the incentive is to stay as long as we can, often out of necessity. Especially if you're over 45 and more important, if you're in your 50s or beyond. For this group there is no big paycheck for an easy ride. No worry-free departure because we don't have the years in, rank or longevity with a bigger paycheck to match...Besides, once over 50 the job prospects are slim...Over 55 ++ they are almost totally non-existent..

I came out with over 25 years in the industry as a rep. Never wanted to be part of management (think that's even more boring than being a rep.) Took early retirement. Too young to stay at home...will go back to work eventually, but taking some time off to "do nothing". Grateful that I am in a financial position to be able to do so. My advice for younger folks is to get into another industry. If older, stay as long as you can out of necessity, because the pickings are few out there in terms of well-paying jobs.

Most people are wondering why we're not having group training with ipads!

These could be done by district! A group event with a computer master to help us move through exercises....

Effective, simple and a LOW COST solution.

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