Merck Management in a Nutshell

I've been doing this for years! Whenever my CTL comes to town, they know they only get in to about 2 clinics in my whole territory. Its very easy to set up. Hey you stupid ass CTL's-tough shit! Just talk to the clinic manager and tell them what youre doing: preserving business relationships. When the manager as come in, all providers run, we hunt them down, give them the shit verbatim, they hate it, takes too much time. They hate the bullshit as much as we do. Then talk to the providers and tell them what youre doing. 99% of them will think its a great idea. Then all you have to do is feed the front porky ass receptionist some sugar cookies and tell them what to say when the CTL shows up. "Sorry..only 1 representative per company in the back. No exceptions." IT will make your upcoming FV's very, very easy. These shit lick CTL's-they bring no value and they only do harm. Tough shit CTL's.

If more than half your district can do this, let the word out that managers have no access. Let the info get to the top. Before you know it-bye bye shit ass and useless CTL's! Do it! It's worked here. Our manager now is from another state after we always had a local manager here for years. You day is coming you POS CTL's. You want to play games? I'll play.

And try calling the office manager when Im not around. Like I said, I've trained them. You won't get anywhere. But, you will continue to piss off the office staff by trying to check up on me. FU

Love it!!!! Keep up the great work. In their desperate attempt to seem important by constantly criticizing and demoralizing reps, these idiots are digging their own graves because reps can certainly help offices limit distractions by eliminating the comical time waster of the manager standing over the rep monitoring nonsense. The only thing worse is when it's the director monitoring the manager monitoring the rep nonsense. The no pharmaceutical manager allowed in the office policy is the way to go. Enough of the madness!!!

Love it!!!! Keep up the great work. In their desperate attempt to seem important by constantly criticizing and demoralizing reps, these idiots are digging their own graves because reps can certainly help offices limit distractions by eliminating the comical time waster of the manager standing over the rep monitoring nonsense. The only thing worse is when it's the director monitoring the manager monitoring the rep nonsense. The no pharmaceutical manager allowed in the office policy is the way to go. Enough of the madness!!!

Ive also implemented this tactic a couple of years ago after being hurt by CTL and other "visitors." I had enough. It does work like a charm, and the offices will like you even more for removing the bullshit CTL visits. I took it one more step however. After talking to the complete office, and day I got a call from an insider. My nosey ass shit stained pants ctl actually called one of my offices when I wasn't there to verify that it wasn't accessible to him. They called and told me, and I then confronted my shit ctl. I called HR, they called the national service center and complained bitterly. Next thing I know, said douche bag ctl is demoted to territory rep. He's employed but actively looking for a new job. Don't let these pricks and prickless run the show. Shove it in their faces.

I say screw all the CTL's. Everybody needs to do this. I just had mine visit last week and he ruined the work I've done in the office with his arrogance, presence, and stupid questions.

What happened to Ctl in Wisconsin? Heard he got demoted to terr rep wondered if all the crap he pulled finally got him. Imagine being a rep in the district you once managed wow!

Days with CTLs are not typical.. they get in your way .. not providing the value that you're looking for etc..
I totally get this!!!
My question is.. how do you want them to support you during differentiation? Especially if your products performance are below objectives...
What's the right balance whereby they can witness some of the great things that you've accomplished as well as the challenges that you faced daily.
These CTLs have family to support ...and must meet their directors' expectations ..similar to your respective obligations ..
I hope you'll find a balance that can be mutually beneficial.

Days with CTLs are not typical.. they get in your way .. not providing the value that you're looking for etc..
I totally get this!!!
My question is.. how do you want them to support you during differentiation? Especially if your products performance are below objectives...
What's the right balance whereby they can witness some of the great things that you've accomplished as well as the challenges that you faced daily.
These CTLs have family to support ...and must meet their directors' expectations ..similar to your respective obligations ..
I hope you'll find a balance that can be mutually beneficial.

Well sounds like a Director's response here, I'll bite. I agree with all your points above BUT there are too many ctl's. CTL's in my area work with some of us every 15 business days and we are always over plan. They simply need larger teams to manage. I would suggest ctl's document the names of physicians seen during visits and analyze the list at the end of the year. My ctl sees our customers repeatedly and reps-MD' s are tired of it. CTL's need teams of 15 to manage, minimum! Also, any manager with less than 8 reps needs to go, that is just plain inefficient. How about a 2 day visit every 2 months? How about one month there is a 1 day visit seeing customers and the next month a half day in person meeting to review business? There has to be a happy medium out there.