Merck Management: Too Politically Correct and Very Incorrect in Its Treatment of Reps

Ok genius what should an effective sales detail sound like since you know so much? If a customer disagrees with your repeated attempts to use a Merck product what is your sure fire solution to change behaviors? You obviously are some sales guru, oh please share your learnings with us Super Sales Rep Stud.

Hey listen here twerp. Don't blame Seth me Luke for the companys pitiful attempt at promoting anything. We have a bunch of douche bagged, mind numbed pole dancers who know nothing about strategy, selling, or promotion. So eat it

Ok genius what should an effective sales detail sound like since you know so much? If a customer disagrees with your repeated attempts to use a Merck product what is your sure fire solution to change behaviors? You obviously are some sales guru, oh please share your learnings with us Super Sales Rep Stud.

So predictable.
Make an accusation.
Don't support it with examples.
Change direction and demand a example from someone else.

You raised the issue about managers who expect reps to challenge MDs.
Now you show us how to do it right, boofus.

Here's a boost to stimulate whatever masquerades as your grey matter.

Does this MD Rx your product at all? If so, find out if/where he/she is having success and acknowledge it. Find out what dose works for most, etc. That's a start, and something too few reps or managers bother to do at all. They want a 100% Rx commitment without having done diddly to deserve it. Just serving lunch and making small talk won't cut it with everybody.

So predictable.
Make an accusation.
Don't support it with examples.
Change direction and demand a example from someone else.

You raised the issue about managers who expect reps to challenge MDs.
Now you show us how to do it right, boofus.

Here's a boost to stimulate whatever masquerades as your grey matter.

Does this MD Rx your product at all? If so, find out if/where he/she is having success and acknowledge it. Find out what dose works for most, etc. That's a start, and something too few reps or managers bother to do at all. They want a 100% Rx commitment without having done diddly to deserve it. Just serving lunch and making small talk won't cut it with everybody.

I don't peddle pills prick. I sell Vaccines which is a different kind of sale so before you jump into conversations that have nothing to do with you, listen to the subject first then shut your piehole when it doesn't involve you.

So predictable.
Make an accusation.
Don't support it with examples.
Change direction and demand a example from someone else.

You raised the issue about managers who expect reps to challenge MDs.
Now you show us how to do it right, boofus.

Here's a boost to stimulate whatever masquerades as your grey matter.

Does this MD Rx your product at all? If so, find out if/where he/she is having success and acknowledge it. Find out what dose works for most, etc. That's a start, and something too few reps or managers bother to do at all. They want a 100% Rx commitment without having done diddly to deserve it. Just serving lunch and making small talk won't cut it with everybody.

Gee whiz, I never thought of that. Wow you really opened my eyes. Idiot.

Hey listen here twerp. Don't blame Seth me Luke for the companys pitiful attempt at promoting anything. We have a bunch of douche bagged, mind numbed pole dancers who know nothing about strategy, selling, or promotion. So eat it

Huh? Can you put the booze down and make sense when you type? Seth me Luke? What? Get help.

I don't peddle pills prick. I sell Vaccines which is a different kind of sale so before you jump into conversations that have nothing to do with you, listen to the subject first then shut your piehole when it doesn't involve you.

That's odd---Where was there a mention of vaccines in the whining rant about the manager wanting a rep to "challenge" the MD?

So predictable. Make an accusation, then change the subject when "challenged" to be specific. Is that the difference between selling vaccines and "pills"?

No wonder you can't "peddle" worth a damn. You might have a lousy manager, but you're a poser with a vaccine division superiority complex. With reps like you, it's a wonder Merck hasn't folded entirely.

About jumping into conversations, when did you assume ownership of this website?
Are you a Trump chump, by chance?

That's odd---Where was there a mention of vaccines in the whining rant about the manager wanting a rep to "challenge" the MD?

So predictable. Make an accusation, then change the subject when "challenged" to be specific. Is that the difference between selling vaccines and "pills"?

No wonder you can't "peddle" worth a damn. You might have a lousy manager, but you're a poser with a vaccine division superiority complex. With reps like you, it's a wonder Merck hasn't folded entirely.

About jumping into conversations, when did you assume ownership of this website?
Are you a Trump chump, by chance?

Looks like I hurt your feelings. Why don't you go cry to your shrink softwipe.

That's odd---Where was there a mention of vaccines in the whining rant about the manager wanting a rep to "challenge" the MD?

So predictable. Make an accusation, then change the subject when "challenged" to be specific. Is that the difference between selling vaccines and "pills"?

No wonder you can't "peddle" worth a damn. You might have a lousy manager, but you're a poser with a vaccine division superiority complex. With reps like you, it's a wonder Merck hasn't folded entirely.

About jumping into conversations, when did you assume ownership of this website?
Are you a Trump chump, by chance?

Look who's wining cupcake. You were probably sobbing when you typed this sorry response. LOL!!!

Suck on a pair. I'm the original poster cheese dick
I would hope that we refrain from negativity, name calling, and vulgarity in 2016! To be successful in life, personal and business, one must be as POSITIVE as possible!! Posting crap on CP just furthers drags you down in the rabbit hole of FAILURE!

Suck on a pair. I'm the original poster cheese dick
I would hope that we refrain from negativity, name calling, and vulgarity in 2016! To be successful in life, personal and business, one must be as POSITIVE as possible!! Posting crap on CP just furthers drags you down in the rabbit hole of FAILURE!

Look who's wining cupcake. You were probably sobbing when you typed this sorry response. LOL!!!

Is a wining cupcake similar to a ranting raisin?
Or did ja jus fergit the comma after "wining", as in "Look who's wining, cupcake."

So silly and meaningless...a "wining" cupcake.
Hard to decide which is worse---your senseless insults or your spelling.
Bets are you're not on anyone's payroll, including Merck.

How sad the other thread was forced down by one or two insecure weaklings. The thread was telling things like it was. You have a bunch of young managers who bully reps, especially the tenured ones, with unrealistic demands that these managers themselves couldn't perform.

God forbid you speak up like an adult with a spine in Merck. No you can't do that in Merck now. You are labeled as a threat. The leaders in Merck have made very sure that the culture is saturated with a poisonous group of hypocritical leadership who reward the weak and cast out those with integrity and wisdom. How pathetic. No wonder Merck's reputation and performance is declining.

Don't fool yourself the bad apples in management are not all tots in training pants. Some of the worst are middle age. These are the ones worried about their grey hairs, thick middles and becoming expendable to the organization. Too bad. but their hypocritical and hypercritical ways make them nothing more than the very worst in management.

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