Merck Management's IPAD Rollout: What a total laugh!!


So the crack management team at Merck thinks that sending reps out with IPADs is
going to cure all that ails poor Mother Merck?? Too funny.

First of all, if you were going to do this, it should have been done 5 years ago, and secondly, you could send the sales force out with gold plated pimp canes and slide rules, and get the same results.

IPADs are just another way of Merck management's attempt to kick the can down the road and not deal with the real issues.

These nitwits are vested in the status quo, don't ya know?



They would have done better to develop a mobile app and sent the docs iPads to use themselves. How many more studies where docs say they would rather self serve the info do they need to read before it clicks?

good point...But of course Merck screws it up...
Merck has screwed up over the last decade in hiring a vast group of lazy and unskilled sales morons. You are lacking drive, continuously look for excuses not to perform and blame everything on everyone but themselves. You dismal clowns deserve all the downsizing that can be mustered.

The first few phone calls and confidential emails have been sent out to some field personnel via their CTLs regarding discrepancies between uploaded calls so far and real time geo-tagging. I just stopped by the HR dept and it is buzzing with activity here.

Merck has screwed up over the last decade in hiring a vast group of lazy and unskilled sales morons. You are lacking drive, continuously look for excuses not to perform and blame everything on everyone but themselves. You dismal clowns deserve all the downsizing that can be mustered.


So the crack management team at Merck thinks that sending reps out with IPADs is
going to cure all that ails poor Mother Merck?? Too funny.

First of all, if you were going to do this, it should have been done 5 years ago, and secondly, you could send the sales force out with gold plated pimp canes and slide rules, and get the same results.

IPADs are just another way of Merck management's attempt to kick the can down the road and not deal with the real issues.

These nitwits are vested in the status quo, don't ya know?


I'll add my FU MERCK!! as well!

The first few phone calls and confidential emails have been sent out to some field personnel via their CTLs regarding discrepancies between uploaded calls so far and real time geo-tagging. I just stopped by the HR dept and it is buzzing with activity here.

So what. Exactly when does schmerck want me to do all these training modules, teleconferences, sample logistics, catering ordering, surveys out the azz, computer/software repair, company car repair/maintenance, mae babysitting, bm ride-alongs, meetings, meetings, meetings? And my manager says call frequency is a priority?
What a freaking joke...

So the crack management team at Merck thinks that sending reps out with IPADs is
going to cure all that ails poor Mother Merck?? Too funny.

First of all, if you were going to do this, it should have been done 5 years ago, and secondly, you could send the sales force out with gold plated pimp canes and slide rules, and get the same results.

IPADs are just another way of Merck management's attempt to kick the can down the road and not deal with the real issues.

These nitwits are vested in the status quo, don't ya know?


I am not defending Merck. But if you are in this technology business you do not roll out a brand new product as you said, five years ago. You don't upgrade to Windows 7 when XP is working out for you. You also wait for a decent software package and you test it enough first. You also try to squeeze the most out of money/hardware invested.

In this scenario it has nothing to do with sticking with the status quo.

Now you probably think Merck is behind the time by not getting you a Galaxy and a pairs of Google Glass so you can look cool while still unproductive as heck.

So what. Exactly when does schmerck want me to do all these training modules, teleconferences, sample logistics, catering ordering, surveys out the azz, computer/software repair, company car repair/maintenance, mae babysitting, bm ride-alongs, meetings, meetings, meetings? And my manager says call frequency is a priority?
What a freaking joke...

It's really very simple. You don't have to complicate it. From 8-5, you need to get sampled calls with authentic signatures and they should be event spread throughout that time. Then, after 5, you do those things which you mentioned in your post. You do all those things to completion in whatever amount of time is necessary to get it all done. There are a few things you can do in between calls and I'm assuming you are intelligent enough to know those things.

It's really very simple. You don't have to complicate it. From 8-5, you need to get sampled calls with authentic signatures and they should be event spread throughout that time. Then, after 5, you do those things which you mentioned in your post. You do all those things to completion in whatever amount of time is necessary to get it all done. There are a few things you can do in between calls and I'm assuming you are intelligent enough to know those things.

The problem is that when you add up the time it takes to do all that other crap, you end up with a second full time job due to the merck beauracracy.

I didn't complicate this job, the idiot management did. Trust me, no one is operating as you suggest.

I am not defending Merck. But if you are in this technology business you do not roll out a brand new product as you said, five years ago. You don't upgrade to Windows 7 when XP is working out for you. You also wait for a decent software package and you test it enough first. You also try to squeeze the most out of money/hardware invested.

In this scenario it has nothing to do with sticking with the status quo.

Now you probably think Merck is behind the time by not getting you a Galaxy and a pairs of Google Glass so you can look cool while still unproductive as heck.

Sorry but you can't blame Win7 on Merck. Microsoft is sunsetting XP in April 2014. Don't move to Win7 and you'll really see what broken IT looks like.

I always enjoy technology gripes from the non-tech - nothing would make you happy besides something that read your mind while you didn't have to brother to think.

The problem is that when you add up the time it takes to do all that other crap, you end up with a second full time job due to the merck beauracracy.

I didn't complicate this job, the idiot management did. Trust me, no one is operating as you suggest.

That's a pretty bold assumption to make - that no one operates in what the other person suggested. I operate like that. Im up at 5, get the kids ready for school, go to work, pick up the kids, make dinner, then work on the other stuff Merck is asking for, I usually get those done by 11:30, 1 am. I go to bed and do it all over again the next day. It's going good. What's the problem?

That's a pretty bold assumption to make - that no one operates in what the other person suggested. I operate like that. Im up at 5, get the kids ready for school, go to work, pick up the kids, make dinner, then work on the other stuff Merck is asking for, I usually get those done by 11:30, 1 am. I go to bed and do it all over again the next day. It's going good. What's the problem?

Whatever floats your boat, sister. Give it all you got. If you're still around in another 5-10 years (you won't be), you'll realize what your docs REALLY think of you.

By the way, your kids don't know you and your husband is screwing around when you're at "work." Keep wishing, you S3 wanna-be.

So the crack management team at Merck thinks that sending reps out with IPADs is
going to cure all that ails poor Mother Merck?? Too funny.

First of all, if you were going to do this, it should have been done 5 years ago, and secondly, you could send the sales force out with gold plated pimp canes and slide rules, and get the same results.

IPADs are just another way of Merck management's attempt to kick the can down the road and not deal with the real issues.

These nitwits are vested in the status quo, don't ya know?

Maybe we should hire C lo Green at a Merck meeting for this ongoing FU poster. I DO HAVE SOME IPAD ADVICE. Be careful at rfm lunches. I left mine on a chair and a hefty secretary sat on it. Now only half the screen is visible. Hope she enjoyed her taco lunch. This will be my second replacement. I drove off in the fusion and forgot that ye ole pad was atop the car. Bring back paper samle sig cards and fax machines. Technology stinks.

I am not defending Merck. But if you are in this technology business you do not roll out a brand new product as you said, five years ago. You don't upgrade to Windows 7 when XP is working out for you. You also wait for a decent software package and you test it enough first. You also try to squeeze the most out of money/hardware invested.

In this scenario it has nothing to do with sticking with the status quo.

Now you probably think Merck is behind the time by not getting you a Galaxy and a pairs of Google Glass so you can look cool while still unproductive as heck.

The biggest problem with mother is amnesia, remember iPACs, MyCall, NCM to name a few schemes sold as company saving programs. We've spent billions "re-organizing" but I suspect that the truth is that someone has invested in "tech" so we buy to make them rich.

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