WOW! I didn't realize that there no health benefits. I live in the South and there are no openings where I live. Do you guys know if another expansion or new contract is in the works that would have part time opportunities?

Look into other companies.....other contact organizations exist and so do big companies.

If u r asking n ref 2 part time Merck... It's hourly rate no sick, no vac no paid days off- no benefits at any rate. Only mileage nothing else toward car/ins costs. 75 I think for cell & Internet combined. Not sure what the low end of bonus are. Just hoping I get 8k or so for year. Everyone seems to be making 40k give or take some n just bonus and salary. Any comments from those here from beginning or a good while on if some people are making closer to $0 year in bonuses.

I guess the factor of why this contract doesn't have benefits at a different rate is because of the flex status vs part time. I know PDI has different for part time and flex. Part time gets benefits at a higher cost and paid pto but flex there is no health benefits or days off. I'm not sure if all PDI flex are paid per signature vs per hour.

Pdi has both part time & flex. Most PDI flex are pay per sig with no benefits really like the part time does. There could be some PDI flex that are set up differently but the main way like tamiflu is per sig but you can have a % of refused to sign that count. I'm fairly certain it's only the dr who can sign regardless of sample call or not.

Lets hope that it stays awsome. Lots of changes here and everywhere else. Funny thing about change. Leadership is everything. Good or Bad

Whats so awsome about part time, no benefits and pay per signature? If you were making 80K for 4 days and no nightime work I would say you could use the word awesome....its a few bucks for the working mom.....for all others its something till the real thing comes along....

3 weeks you must take in the year and it is true flex you can stay home if you have a sick kid and make it up next week we sell excellent established products and we are growing market share it is a great gig

What do you mean by intense and that tests are hard?
What does home study consist of?
Teleconferences, on line training are you by yourself and just study and take your product tests when your ready?
Please be as specific as you can!