Medical Sales College. Is it for Real?

Look at all these positive modeling school testimonials. It must therefore be legit:

"Although previous comments may lead one to believe I am not in support of all modeling schools, it should be known, there are certain schools, which actually do a great job in being honest and discover incredible talent who have gone on to great, huge careers. The team at the Barbizon is one of those schools and has an incredible relationship with not only myself and The Network but with many top agencies around the world. They have “great” eyes for talent and have discovered some great talent."
- Paul Fisher, CEO The Network, Star of the CWTV show Remodeled

"I would like to say THANK YOU for the opportunity of a lifetime for Tori and myself to be part of Barbizon. What an amazing experience. Who would have thought that me submitting a photo of her to a contest on Face book would have given her all these wonderful opportunities. Barbizon Rocks! "
- Vanessa Addis, Parent

"I would like to thank you for the amazing opportunity you have given me with Barbizon. I truly had a memorable time and gained much knowledge about modeling and acting. I appreciate all of your time and dedication you have put towards all of the students."
- Philicia Peters

"loved my experience here "
- Korinah, Facebook

"I'm Receiving Modeling Jobs Right And Left! Thank You So Much Barbizon ! I'm Extremely Grateful "
- Katherine, Facebook

"It just seem like yesterday i was a 13 year old that had a dream to be a model and actor. after, i was done with Barbizon i started to have the most greatest opportunity of my life i am so bless for everything now i have a competition that's coming up and i am ready to shine show them how Barbizon change my life and i would like to say again thank you so much for everything!!!!♥
janet reyes barbizon grad"
- Janet, Facebook

"Savannah was diagnosed at age 5 with Hepatoblastoma which is a rare liver cancer in children. Previously I had just finished radiation treatments for Breast Cancer and she was diagnosed with this liver cancer within 6 weeks of my treatment ending. So our family knows the emotional rollercoaster cancer puts you through. We also know the joy of survivorship as well. She just found out last week at Hershey Medical Center that she is now 3 years cancer free!! (I am 4 years cancer free too!) We have a lot to be thankful for and our life perspective is different than most. We are just happy for the opportunity each day brings honestly. She started her classes with Barbizon after all her cancer treatments were over with. (She spent every 20 days as 10 days inpatient up at Hershey for almost a year) When she lost all her hair you could see the disappointment in her eyes. Children would not play with her at playgrounds and she was not invited to birthday parties. It was really a sad time for Savannah. Perhaps that is why Savannah is so compassionate and a social butterfly wanting to include everyone. We knew we had to do something to make her shine again as we know her. Barbizon has been perfect for that. Thank-you for putting a smile on her face when very little else could anymore. Savannah definitely has more self confidence and has a good time on runway and photo shoots. If that is all that comes out of Barbizon, we as her parents are thrilled with the outcome so far. Although Savannah has already told us she wants to go to Paris to eat a croissant and visit the Eiffel Tower. Lofty goals for an 8 year old I think. Whatever her dream, we support it. Thanks again for the opportunity to be in the Pink Promise Fashion Show."
- Kimona & Shawn Keenen (Parents of Savannah Keenen)

"Oana recently did an interview with ASPIRING HOLLYWOOD where she took the time to thank Barbizon. Oana has done a lot of print work for both Billabong and Bratz. She has also been involved in doing fashion shows for big names such as Hilary Duff and Mary-Kate and Ashley Olson! Oana’s advice for aspiring actors and models, Don’t give up! Give it your all & hope for the best!

- Oana Gregory

""I tell you, Barbizon has been one of the best things ever for this girl - she has SO much confidence. She has really tapped into what makes her "tick" and is totally going for it and doing great! Her agents love her, and are very encouraging for her future as a commercial actress and model. Keep your eye out for Miss Jayne Hall - she is going places!" "
- Donna Harkness, Barbizon Parent

"I left with a new confidence that I’ve never experienced before. I was confident I could put on make up correctly, walk on stage gracefully, and confident I could be a better speaker. Read more from Jena on the BARBIZON OF GEORGIA WEBSITE"
- Jena Sims, Barbizon of Georgia

Look at all these positive modeling school testimonials. It must therefore be legit:

"Although previous comments may lead one to believe I am not in support of all modeling schools, it should be known, there are certain schools, which actually do a great job in being honest and discover incredible talent who have gone on to great, huge careers. The team at the Barbizon is one of those schools and has an incredible relationship with not only myself and The Network but with many top agencies around the world. They have “great” eyes for talent and have discovered some great talent."
- Paul Fisher, CEO The Network, Star of the CWTV show Remodeled

"I would like to say THANK YOU for the opportunity of a lifetime for Tori and myself to be part of Barbizon. What an amazing experience. Who would have thought that me submitting a photo of her to a contest on Face book would have given her all these wonderful opportunities. Barbizon Rocks! "
- Vanessa Addis, Parent

"I would like to thank you for the amazing opportunity you have given me with Barbizon. I truly had a memorable time and gained much knowledge about modeling and acting. I appreciate all of your time and dedication you have put towards all of the students."
- Philicia Peters

"loved my experience here "
- Korinah, Facebook

"I'm Receiving Modeling Jobs Right And Left! Thank You So Much Barbizon ! I'm Extremely Grateful "
- Katherine, Facebook

"It just seem like yesterday i was a 13 year old that had a dream to be a model and actor. after, i was done with Barbizon i started to have the most greatest opportunity of my life i am so bless for everything now i have a competition that's coming up and i am ready to shine show them how Barbizon change my life and i would like to say again thank you so much for everything!!!!♥
janet reyes barbizon grad"
- Janet, Facebook

"Savannah was diagnosed at age 5 with Hepatoblastoma which is a rare liver cancer in children. Previously I had just finished radiation treatments for Breast Cancer and she was diagnosed with this liver cancer within 6 weeks of my treatment ending. So our family knows the emotional rollercoaster cancer puts you through. We also know the joy of survivorship as well. She just found out last week at Hershey Medical Center that she is now 3 years cancer free!! (I am 4 years cancer free too!) We have a lot to be thankful for and our life perspective is different than most. We are just happy for the opportunity each day brings honestly. She started her classes with Barbizon after all her cancer treatments were over with. (She spent every 20 days as 10 days inpatient up at Hershey for almost a year) When she lost all her hair you could see the disappointment in her eyes. Children would not play with her at playgrounds and she was not invited to birthday parties. It was really a sad time for Savannah. Perhaps that is why Savannah is so compassionate and a social butterfly wanting to include everyone. We knew we had to do something to make her shine again as we know her. Barbizon has been perfect for that. Thank-you for putting a smile on her face when very little else could anymore. Savannah definitely has more self confidence and has a good time on runway and photo shoots. If that is all that comes out of Barbizon, we as her parents are thrilled with the outcome so far. Although Savannah has already told us she wants to go to Paris to eat a croissant and visit the Eiffel Tower. Lofty goals for an 8 year old I think. Whatever her dream, we support it. Thanks again for the opportunity to be in the Pink Promise Fashion Show."
- Kimona & Shawn Keenen (Parents of Savannah Keenen)

"Oana recently did an interview with ASPIRING HOLLYWOOD where she took the time to thank Barbizon. Oana has done a lot of print work for both Billabong and Bratz. She has also been involved in doing fashion shows for big names such as Hilary Duff and Mary-Kate and Ashley Olson! Oana’s advice for aspiring actors and models, Don’t give up! Give it your all & hope for the best!

- Oana Gregory

""I tell you, Barbizon has been one of the best things ever for this girl - she has SO much confidence. She has really tapped into what makes her "tick" and is totally going for it and doing great! Her agents love her, and are very encouraging for her future as a commercial actress and model. Keep your eye out for Miss Jayne Hall - she is going places!" "
- Donna Harkness, Barbizon Parent

"I left with a new confidence that I’ve never experienced before. I was confident I could put on make up correctly, walk on stage gracefully, and confident I could be a better speaker. Read more from Jena on the BARBIZON OF GEORGIA WEBSITE"
- Jena Sims, Barbizon of Georgia

You are now officially known as the "uni-blogger r*****"!

I am a very happy MSC student. I have been watching this site for a few months now. Originally your blogging started out as the school was a scam and nobody was placed. After MSC posted hundreds of ACTUAL testimonials with pictures and links to the placed students... then it changed to the "modeling scam". If you look just over the last month, you have posted almost 30 posts with the identical language with "modeling scam"! You have started several threads with ridiculous statements and now that MSC is as successful as ever, you take the same "modeling scam" and post it on multiple threads at the same time.

Nobody tries this hard (uni-blogger r*****) without having an agenda or something to lose.

If you really want to know about MSC, contact the admissions department which can give you multiple students in your state that have actually attended the college. They have multiple videos on You Tube with real students.

You are now officially known as the "uni-blogger r*****"!

I am a very happy MSC student. I have been watching this site for a few months now. Originally your blogging started out as the school was a scam and nobody was placed. After MSC posted hundreds of ACTUAL testimonials with pictures and links to the placed students... then it changed to the "modeling scam". If you look just over the last month, you have posted almost 30 posts with the identical language with "modeling scam"! You have started several threads with ridiculous statements and now that MSC is as successful as ever, you take the same "modeling scam" and post it on multiple threads at the same time.

Nobody tries this hard (uni-blogger r*****) without having an agenda or something to lose.

If you really want to know about MSC, contact the admissions department which can give you multiple students in your state that have actually attended the college. They have multiple videos on You Tube with real students.

I believe the rip off report guy since I found a ton of Elite jobs that couldn't possibly be real.

I believe the rip off report guy since I found a ton of Elite jobs that couldn't possibly be real.

You believe "yourself" Uni-Blogger r*****?

How could the largest recruitment company with 10 plus recruiters have that many jobs... Maybe because they are the largest, work contingency, charge 1/10 of traditional recruiters and have 500 placements?


Curious, why is it that you would start a RipOff Report and claim to never be a student yet on your own report respond and post 27 times? All with your name!

Basically, you respond to yourself! Then you link your own report here?

Why is that?


Curious, why is it that you would start a RipOff Report and claim to never be a student yet on your own report respond and post 27 times? All with your name!

Basically, you respond to yourself! Then you link your own report here?

Why is that?

The man is Bi-Polar. He also has multiple personalities. He has decided to take on a futile effort to discredit MSC and Elite. Obviously the consumers can see right through him.


Curious, why is it that you would start a RipOff Report and claim to never be a student yet on your own report respond and post 27 times? All with your name!

Basically, you respond to yourself! Then you link your own report here?

Why is that?

Looks like Tiffany has also posted, as well as others.


"Most modeling scams are not absolute scams. There are success stories. Some people do benefit. Just because a company is not an absolute scam, however, does not prove it is not a scam."

YOU are a f ing whacko!! The sky is falling . Hey Chicken Little! Get off of your momma's sugar teat and wise up to the world. You are a paranoid bastard!

'Steve' may be a bit insane but he is very articulate and makes justifiable arguments that he supports with proven factual data. He clearly feels very strongly about the MSC curriculum based on his consistent efforts to discredit MSC and EliteMed. An intelligent individual doesn't spend that time or effort doing something unless they really believe in what they are doing.

While 'Steve' may be out of his mind he has asked many valid questions that have solicited no direct response from MSC that can be perceived as evidentely undisputed. After you break down the responses by MSC and EliteMed they are nothing more than opinions. There is no factual data supporting any of MSC's claims in given reports.

If MSC is a legit operation then there should be no issue directly addressing concerns such as why does your former company AIMS have over 10 BBB complaints? Why have you changed your business name so many times? Can we see some factual data on placements and applications that are received? If questions such as these are addressed (don't address mine but address Steve's detailed lists instead, I am just someone who passed by this site and won't be back) shortly, accurately, and concisely without any 'fluff' in the verbage, it will certainly raise your enrollment and clear the air of the skeptical concerns of the thousands of people looking at your school.

Word to the Wise: Facts are undisputable and put the mind at ease. Shady salespeople are opinions 'fluffed' to look like facts that are persuasive in nature. If you read something and are unsure of what to think, it is an opinion and a sale. (i.e. - I tell you my dog fluffly went to the moon: Fluffly says, "Going to the moon was the best experience ever and brought me closer to my owner." Since I said fluffly said it it must be true...I could have fluffly tell you the same thing as well with no way of you knowing for certain if it was fluffy or not speaking with you. It could be a fat bearded cat acting to be fluffly without you even knowing. What would solve this issue? A scanned copy of Fluffy's ticket going to the moon! That takes a whole lot less time than typing up a rebuttal response.

Indisputable facts, not opinions will clear the MSC and EliteMed name within the community.

So the MSC response should go something like this: See this link, and this link, and this link. If there are enough facts on those links you wouldn't need to say a word.

'Steve' may be a bit insane but he is very articulate and makes justifiable arguments that he supports with proven factual data. He clearly feels very strongly about the MSC curriculum based on his consistent efforts to discredit MSC and EliteMed. An intelligent individual doesn't spend that time or effort doing something unless they really believe in what they are doing.

While 'Steve' may be out of his mind he has asked many valid questions that have solicited no direct response from MSC that can be perceived as evidentely undisputed. After you break down the responses by MSC and EliteMed they are nothing more than opinions. There is no factual data supporting any of MSC's claims in given reports.

If MSC is a legit operation then there should be no issue directly addressing concerns such as why does your former company AIMS have over 10 BBB complaints? Why have you changed your business name so many times? Can we see some factual data on placements and applications that are received? If questions such as these are addressed (don't address mine but address Steve's detailed lists instead, I am just someone who passed by this site and won't be back) shortly, accurately, and concisely without any 'fluff' in the verbage, it will certainly raise your enrollment and clear the air of the skeptical concerns of the thousands of people looking at your school.

Word to the Wise: Facts are undisputable and put the mind at ease. Shady salespeople are opinions 'fluffed' to look like facts that are persuasive in nature. If you read something and are unsure of what to think, it is an opinion and a sale. (i.e. - I tell you my dog fluffly went to the moon: Fluffly says, "Going to the moon was the best experience ever and brought me closer to my owner." Since I said fluffly said it it must be true...I could have fluffly tell you the same thing as well with no way of you knowing for certain if it was fluffy or not speaking with you. It could be a fat bearded cat acting to be fluffly without you even knowing. What would solve this issue? A scanned copy of Fluffy's ticket going to the moon! That takes a whole lot less time than typing up a rebuttal response.

Indisputable facts, not opinions will clear the MSC and EliteMed name within the community.

So the MSC response should go something like this: See this link, and this link, and this link. If there are enough facts on those links you wouldn't need to say a word.

Yeah, you're right that "Steve" is a bit nuts and at the same time raises many valid points and questions. I gather it is because he is trying to tell us what he sees, and not because he is losing money to Elite, as Elite wants us to think. From watching this site I can tell you that MSC and Elite will give many links to prove their facts, but they will all lead to information they themselves created. Linkedin, Youtube, BBB for their new name, and their own website are their favorites. I'm glad "Steve" is still writing, since the many young naive people Elite calls on ought to know what he is saying before they pay MSC.

Yeah, you're right that "Steve" is a bit nuts and at the same time raises many valid points and questions. I gather it is because he is trying to tell us what he sees, and not because he is losing money to Elite, as Elite wants us to think. From watching this site I can tell you that MSC and Elite will give many links to prove their facts, but they will all lead to information they themselves created. Linkedin, Youtube, BBB for their new name, and their own website are their favorites. I'm glad "Steve" is still writing, since the many young naive people Elite calls on ought to know what he is saying before they pay MSC.

Why is it that "Steve" responds to "Steve"?

Check out this modeling school argument from its website. Gee, it sounds an awful like EliteMed-Medical Sales College.

I don’t want to go to Barbizon because I saw some things on Internet complaint sites.

Go to or and search the following companies Johnson & Johnson, Kraft Foods, Kellogg, The Walt Disney Co., PepsiCo., SaraLee, Google, Microsoft, UPS and Dean Foods. These companies are listed as Forbes 2010 Most Trustworthy Companies and you will find a complaint or scam accusation on each one of them.

Unfortunately, anyone can write anything on the Internet - even our competitors. The fact is Barbizon has been around for over 70 years, and while we are not perfect, we have stayed in business for nearly a century because we care about our students, graduates and their families and we promise to work hard to provide you the best experience possible.