Medical Sales College. Is it for Real?

What FACTS does "Steve" have?

This is BBB for MSC

Not a single complaint since inception. Steve posts a link to AIMS which hasn't been in business since 2009. People attend MSC not AIMS.

Steve, who are the other names you are speaking of.... Thought so..NOBODY!!!!

I see a lot of complaints about AIMS. Interestingly, the guy who owned AIMS also owns MSC. His name is Jim Rogers.

One cannot escape a bad credit report simply by changing one's name. MSC is still AIMS.

We all agree MSC is legit. It would be impossible to build a business with all of the above positive support info if it was a scam. The program works. This guy keeps posting the same info over and over. He created the ripoff report. Let him keep posting and posting because it has no impact on the college and EliteMed. You guy's have built a great model to help people. Keep up the great work!!

Jim, by "we" you mean you, Scott and Shannon. Well all agree. LOL

'Steve' may be a bit insane but he is very articulate and makes justifiable arguments that he supports with proven factual data. He clearly feels very strongly about the MSC curriculum based on his consistent efforts to discredit MSC and EliteMed. An intelligent individual doesn't spend that time or effort doing something unless they really believe in what they are doing.

While 'Steve' may be out of his mind he has asked many valid questions that have solicited no direct response from MSC that can be perceived as evidentely undisputed. After you break down the responses by MSC and EliteMed they are nothing more than opinions. There is no factual data supporting any of MSC's claims in given reports.

If MSC is a legit operation then there should be no issue directly addressing concerns such as why does your former company AIMS have over 10 BBB complaints? Why have you changed your business name so many times? Can we see some factual data on placements and applications that are received? If questions such as these are addressed (don't address mine but address Steve's detailed lists instead, I am just someone who passed by this site and won't be back) shortly, accurately, and concisely without any 'fluff' in the verbage, it will certainly raise your enrollment and clear the air of the skeptical concerns of the thousands of people looking at your school.

Word to the Wise: Facts are undisputable and put the mind at ease. Shady salespeople are opinions 'fluffed' to look like facts that are persuasive in nature. If you read something and are unsure of what to think, it is an opinion and a sale. (i.e. - I tell you my dog fluffly went to the moon: Fluffly says, "Going to the moon was the best experience ever and brought me closer to my owner." Since I said fluffly said it it must be true...I could have fluffly tell you the same thing as well with no way of you knowing for certain if it was fluffy or not speaking with you. It could be a fat bearded cat acting to be fluffly without you even knowing. What would solve this issue? A scanned copy of Fluffy's ticket going to the moon! That takes a whole lot less time than typing up a rebuttal response.

Indisputable facts, not opinions will clear the MSC and EliteMed name within the community.

So the MSC response should go something like this: See this link, and this link, and this link. If there are enough facts on those links you wouldn't need to say a word.

MSC still hasn't answered "Steve's" questions.

Medical Sales College (MSC) attempts to invalidate the Ripoff Report about them by alleging its author is one of their competitors. Well, let us abrogate their false claim with the following:

Jobseekers should avoid all recruiters and apply directly to companies.

The truth is, I once forwarded my private information to AIMS/EliteMed by answering one of their many credible looking job advertisements on national career boards. I once dealt with recruiters, but have come to the conclusion that networking and applying directly is much more effective.

Anyway, when an AIMS/EliteMed recruiter called, he praised my 4 years of medical sales experience and stated someone in my local area would be contacting me within a couple of days. He evaded all questions about their advertised position near my home.

A few minutes later, he followed up with an email to plant a seed about MSC. Since MSC's website claims they could make one seem as if they have 1 to 2 years of medical sales experience, and I already have 4 from a publicly traded company, I responded politely to express my disinterest in MSC.

Their recruiter then replied, "as per our conversation do not have the experience to get into medical sales." He never said that during our phone conversation, especially since he was too busy praising my accomplishments and stroking my ego--a classic sales technique of sugarcoating the pill. He seemed defensive and frustrated that he could not sell me MSC.

Again, I am not a recruiter, but simply the wrong person to try to con. True, I have never attended MSC, but one does not need to step into a pitfall to warn others about it.

'Steve' may be a bit insane but he is very articulate and makes justifiable arguments that he supports with proven factual data. He clearly feels very strongly about the MSC curriculum based on his consistent efforts to discredit MSC and EliteMed. An intelligent individual doesn't spend that time or effort doing something unless they really believe in what they are doing.

While 'Steve' may be out of his mind he has asked many valid questions that have solicited no direct response from MSC that can be perceived as evidentely undisputed. After you break down the responses by MSC and EliteMed they are nothing more than opinions. There is no factual data supporting any of MSC's claims in given reports.

If MSC is a legit operation then there should be no issue directly addressing concerns such as why does your former company AIMS have over 10 BBB complaints? Why have you changed your business name so many times? Can we see some factual data on placements and applications that are received? If questions such as these are addressed (don't address mine but address Steve's detailed lists instead, I am just someone who passed by this site and won't be back) shortly, accurately, and concisely without any 'fluff' in the verbage, it will certainly raise your enrollment and clear the air of the skeptical concerns of the thousands of people looking at your school.

Word to the Wise: Facts are undisputable and put the mind at ease. Shady salespeople are opinions 'fluffed' to look like facts that are persuasive in nature. If you read something and are unsure of what to think, it is an opinion and a sale. (i.e. - I tell you my dog fluffly went to the moon: Fluffly says, "Going to the moon was the best experience ever and brought me closer to my owner." Since I said fluffly said it it must be true...I could have fluffly tell you the same thing as well with no way of you knowing for certain if it was fluffy or not speaking with you. It could be a fat bearded cat acting to be fluffly without you even knowing. What would solve this issue? A scanned copy of Fluffy's ticket going to the moon! That takes a whole lot less time than typing up a rebuttal response.

Indisputable facts, not opinions will clear the MSC and EliteMed name within the community.

So the MSC response should go something like this: See this link, and this link, and this link. If there are enough facts on those links you wouldn't need to say a word.


Colleges have found fertile ground to operate in Colorado because the state has not required much to open a campus or a storefront school.

That is evident in the numbers: 466 schools are authorized by state officials to operate here, yet the federal government allows only 112 of those schools to give out loan dollars and Pell grants.

Go MSC!!!

'Steve' may be a bit insane but he is very articulate and makes justifiable arguments that he supports with proven factual data. He clearly feels very strongly about the MSC curriculum based on his consistent efforts to discredit MSC and EliteMed. An intelligent individual doesn't spend that time or effort doing something unless they really believe in what they are doing.

1) Steve is INSANE!
2) Steve didn't attend MSC according to him! Why is it that he has a strong opinion about something he doesn't know? (MSC Curriculum)

AGENDA perhaps?

While 'Steve' may be out of his mind he has asked many valid questions that have solicited no direct response from MSC that can be perceived as evidentely undisputed. After you break down the responses by MSC and EliteMed they are nothing more than opinions. There is no factual data supporting any of MSC's claims in given reports.

1) Steve is out of his mind!

2) What valid questions have been asked that can't be found on the internet?

3) There is a ton a published factual data on MSC!

If MSC is a legit operation then there should be no issue directly addressing concerns such as why does your former company AIMS have over 10 BBB complaints? Why have you changed your business name so many times? Can we see some factual data on placements and applications that are received? If questions such as these are addressed (don't address mine but address Steve's detailed lists instead, I am just someone who passed by this site and won't be back) shortly, accurately, and concisely without any 'fluff' in the verbage, it will certainly raise your enrollment and clear the air of the skeptical concerns of the thousands of people looking at your school.

1) According to posts from MSC, AIMS was not the former company of MSC. It was the same concept different group and a licensed college (MSC) not a training center (AIMS).

2) According to BBB ( AIMS had only "2" unresolved complaints. "4" were solved with the help of BBB, "2" BBB found that business made good effort but the customer was not satisfied with response. The real question is, "how many students attended AIMS"? From what I can tell, somewhere in the range of 200-500 attended between 2008-2010 before it closed. If that is the case, only 1% or less of the students ever had any complaint! I'm surprised since they had a "job guarantees" that the number was actually that low! If the placement rate was the 80%+ as advertised, that would still indicate 40-100 unplaced students versus 160-300 placed! Still with 40-100 you would have expected more.

3) According to BBB ( the Medical Sales College has not a single complaint!!! That is unbelievable. MSC is without any complaints in the first two years of operation! If they have 500 placements, that is better than any college period!

Word to the Wise: Facts are undisputable and put the mind at ease. Shady salespeople are opinions 'fluffed' to look like facts that are persuasive in nature. If you read something and are unsure of what to think, it is an opinion and a sale. (i.e. - I tell you my dog fluffly went to the moon: Fluffly says, "Going to the moon was the best experience ever and brought me closer to my owner." Since I said fluffly said it it must be true...I could have fluffly tell you the same thing as well with no way of you knowing for certain if it was fluffy or not speaking with you. It could be a fat bearded cat acting to be fluffly without you even knowing. What would solve this issue? A scanned copy of Fluffy's ticket going to the moon! That takes a whole lot less time than typing up a rebuttal response.

Indisputable facts, not opinions will clear the MSC and EliteMed name within the community.

So the MSC response should go something like this: See this link, and this link, and this link. If there are enough facts on those links you wouldn't need to say a word.

I have seen nothing from Steve that has any factual value. He has made every post here and other places with his name yet never attended the school! I agree with your last paragraph about providing proof. That is exactly what converted me!

This link has 4,754 views of posted video from former students, employers and surgeons.

Video testimonials from every large device company!

My personal favorites:





Colleges have found fertile ground to operate in Colorado because the state has not required much to open a campus or a storefront school.

That is evident in the numbers: 466 schools are authorized by state officials to operate here, yet the federal government allows only 112 of those schools to give out loan dollars and Pell grants.

Go MSC!!!

Thanks for the informative article.

Although the article is more than two years old (great job in all that research), it does bring up some very valid points!


"In 2008, though, state laws were strengthened and state regulators gained a little more muscle to monitor the quality of for-profit schools. Before, state officials simply looked at the business plan, but now they investigate an applying institution's quality, faculty qualification and admissions practices"

It is great to see the state in a much more aggressive stance in approving the institutions!

Also, it is very impressive to see that the Medical Sales College has a higher placement rate of graduates than just the plain GRADUATION rate (not placement rate) of the schools in the article! I sure hope people blog against the unethical nature of these schools below!!

MSC - 71% Placement Rate (

Versus -

Heritage College - 59% Graduation Rate
Platt College - 58% Graduation Rate
Everest College - 38% Graduation Rate
Colorado Tech University - 17% Graduation Rate
College America Denver - 42% Graduation Rate

Some of Colorado's for-profit colleges

Heritage College
Degrees offered: Certificates; associate's
Student population: 966
Tuition and fees (2008-09): $21,523
Students receiving financial aid: 92 percent
Graduation rate: 59 percent
Three-year student-loan default rate: 23 percent

Platt College
Degrees offered: Certificates; associate's and bachelor's
Student population: 199
Tuition and fees (2008-09): $24,150
Students receiving financial aid: 91 percent
Graduation rate: 58 percent
Three-year student-loan default rate: 14 percent

ITT Technical Institute Thornton
Degrees offered: Associate's and bachelor's
Student population: 1,389
Tuition and fees (2008-09): $16,356
Students receiving financial aid: 90 percent
Graduation rate: 46 percent
Three-year student-loan default rate: 27 percent

Everest College Aurora
Degrees offered: Certificates; associate's Tuition and fees (2008-09): $12,747
Students receiving financial aid: 86 percent
Graduation rate: 38 percent
Three-year student-loan default rate: 36 percent*
*The Aurora campus is part of a group of three Everest schools that have a combined three-year default rate of 36 percent.

Colorado Technical University Colorado Springs
Degrees offered: Associate's, bachelor's, master's and doctoral
Student population: 3,598
Tuition and fees (2008-09): $11,665
Students receiving financial aid: 77 percent
Graduation rate: 17 percent
Three-year student-loan default rate: 22 percent

CollegeAmerica Denver
Degrees offered: Associate's and bachelor's
Student population: 416*
Tuition and fees (2008-09): $19,208
Students receiving financial aid: 99 percent
Graduation rate: 42 percent
Three-year student-loan default rate: 32 percent.

Thanks for the informative article.

Although the article is more than two years old (great job in all that research), it does bring up some very valid points!


Like you said, the article is over 2 years old. That's when MSC got licensed--when it was much easier to do so.

Like you said, the article is over 2 years old. That's when MSC got licensed--when it was much easier to do so.

Actually, if you would read the article, you would notice that is was much easier in 2008. The article said it was significantly different in 2010 when it was published!

"In 2008, though, state laws were strengthened and state regulators gained a little more muscle to monitor the quality of for-profit schools. Before, state officials simply looked at the business plan, but now they investigate an applying institution's quality, faculty qualification and admissions practices"

Again, thanks for the update!

Forgot to ask.... what did you think of all those videos of successful graduates? It appears that every single large device company is represented.

Hundreds of placed graduates making tons of money!

I have seen nothing from Steve that has any factual value. He has made every post here and other places with his name yet never attended the school! I agree with your last paragraph about providing proof. That is exactly what converted me!

An obvious MSC owner or employee. It's so easy to spot their writing.

Actually, if you would read the article, you would notice that is was much easier in 2008. The article said it was significantly different in 2010 when it was published!

"In 2008, though, state laws were strengthened and state regulators gained a little more muscle to monitor the quality of for-profit schools. Before, state officials simply looked at the business plan, but now they investigate an applying institution's quality, faculty qualification and admissions practices"

Again, thanks for the update!

Forgot to ask.... what did you think of all those videos of successful graduates? It appears that every single large device company is represented.

Hundreds of placed graduates making tons of money!

The changes made were minimal. Keep in mind, politicians are involved. Colorado is still an easy state to start a school. Their approval process is pretty much like MSC's--you just have to have money.

An obvious MSC owner or employee. It's so easy to spot their writing.

Who cares if it an MSC owner or employee. They are correct!!! Steve is a absolute idiot and through self admission never attended the school and all of his information is unfounded and a waste of time! Every single post should be removed or disregarded. Wait, that would only leave this post on this thread!