MC - Thoughts?

OBU is way more primary care since MC has arrived. No discussions at all about selling, performance, science, competition, etc. It’s all fluff stuff here.

I have to throw the bullshit flag on all of this. Either you have a very short memory (which you should get that checked) or MC pissed you off somehow so you come on here to bash.

Before MC and JS arrived we had a weekly message scripts, weekly and monthly call and expense reporting, IC plan that changed every month or so (10 by 10 - what a nightmare). Now that was primary care! MC and JS did away with that. I’m not saying they’re perfect but it’s so much better since they got here. I don’t know MC well but have talked to him a few time and he seems fine to me. But I do like how far the OBU has come.

By the way, you need someone to talk to you about selling? I knew we had some lame ass sales reps around but this is pathetic.

I’ve never said a word to MC or JS but 5 conference calls a week on Ask Iiris and a contest based on activity (enrolling patients) seems like primary care initiatives to me. I don’t need help selling but I don’t need to waste my time on repetitive tasks either.

I agree with most on this thread. He did inherit a mess and I doubt he anticipated the Takeda stuff; but he has done ZERO to impress me. Poor communicator and no transparency. Real leaders rise to the occasion. He has not. I would not want to hang my legacy on KAM expansion, FRMs, 90 Day, Ask Iiris, PillPack, and the ghost retina product but this is the path he has chosen!


Disclosure- I am a HQ person in the OBU. Look at CP occasionally for a good laugh but rarely post anything. After reading this stuff about MC I want to chime in and pretty sure I’ll get blasted by the haters on here. I have worked close with MC on several things and have gotten to know him pretty well. First, you should know he (and JS) won’t look at CP. They are both very direct about that.

The things said on these posts about MC couldn’t be anymore wrong. I’ve seen it first hand. I’ve been in several meetings where he was getting challenged to get rid of the bottom 10,15,20 % of the OBU and he defended the reps to give them a chance to turn things around. I’ve seen him work with Marketing to build a stronger science message and tools for the field. He’s gone to battle with the IC folks on behalf of sales. He may not win all the battles but he’s smarter than them and you can tell they are afraid of him.

I’ve watched him push the ZDs and RDs to be better managers and leaders. I was also around when KK was here. He is sooo much better than she ever was. For those that are accusing him of surrendering himself with yes people - 5 of the 6 people that report to him where already at Shire and in place before he got here. He’s only hired one person who wasn’t already here. Not even close to surrounding himself with yes people.

For the culture haters - he backs up his talk with actions. He’s invested people and dollars in culture projects to help the OBU.

It’s easy to come on here and bash people and make stuff up. I just hate to see one of the really good ones have this load of lies on here. Go ahead and slam me for defending him. It’s what you do!
By the way, MC has blocked half a day once a month to have one-on-ones with the reps. Give that a try before making shit up on here.

thank you. Nicely said. I am not a hater, but from my view on the front line in sales, everything that was said against MC does appear to be true. I appreciate your inside perspective.

Disclosure- I am a HQ person in the OBU. Look at CP occasionally for a good laugh but rarely post anything. After reading this stuff about MC I want to chime in and pretty sure I’ll get blasted by the haters on here. I have worked close with MC on several things and have gotten to know him pretty well. First, you should know he (and JS) won’t look at CP. They are both very direct about that.

The things said on these posts about MC couldn’t be anymore wrong. I’ve seen it first hand. I’ve been in several meetings where he was getting challenged to get rid of the bottom 10,15,20 % of the OBU and he defended the reps to give them a chance to turn things around. I’ve seen him work with Marketing to build a stronger science message and tools for the field. He’s gone to battle with the IC folks on behalf of sales. He may not win all the battles but he’s smarter than them and you can tell they are afraid of him.

I’ve watched him push the ZDs and RDs to be better managers and leaders. I was also around when KK was here. He is sooo much better than she ever was. For those that are accusing him of surrendering himself with yes people - 5 of the 6 people that report to him where already at Shire and in place before he got here. He’s only hired one person who wasn’t already here. Not even close to surrounding himself with yes people.

For the culture haters - he backs up his talk with actions. He’s invested people and dollars in culture projects to help the OBU.

It’s easy to come on here and bash people and make stuff up. I just hate to see one of the really good ones have this load of lies on here. Go ahead and slam me for defending him. It’s what you do!
By the way, MC has blocked half a day once a month to have one-on-ones with the reps. Give that a try before making shit up on here.

Thanks for responding Mike! I’m glad you can talk about something besides Ask Iiris!

OP here. KK sucked. No one in their right mind would disagree with that. She was a train wreck. No one inside challenged her IC structure or her militant, tyrant ways, even the framer of her IC is a yes man. MC is much better than KK. Almost anything MC could have done would be a better situation. However he is not a good sales leader. He does not instill many of the core ideals that are necessary for people to want to follow him. Shire needs more than a manager, we need a true leader to lead.

The idea of this post was not to bash anyone. It’s to try to discuss ideas and issues. It’s too bad it never works out that way. As a rep all I want is to be provided with resources I need, and for upper management to understand my market so they can plan for my success. I’m not a top performer or a bottom feeder but I help keep the lights on. I want to feel good and confident about leadership and I don’t.

OP here. KK sucked. No one in their right mind would disagree with that. She was a train wreck. No one inside challenged her IC structure or her militant, tyrant ways, even the framer of her IC is a yes man. MC is much better than KK. Almost anything MC could have done would be a better situation. However he is not a good sales leader. He does not instill many of the core ideals that are necessary for people to want to follow him. Shire needs more than a manager, we need a true leader to lead.

The idea of this post was not to bash anyone. It’s to try to discuss ideas and issues. It’s too bad it never works out that way. As a rep all I want is to be provided with resources I need, and for upper management to understand my market so they can plan for my success. I’m not a top performer or a bottom feeder but I help keep the lights on. I want to feel good and confident about leadership and I don’t.

Your first mistake was thinking CP was a place for idea sharing. CP is all about making shit up and basing people. Silly rookie! All I need is a sales leader that is smart enough to give me opportunities to grow my business. It ain’t perfect but I’ve got more ways to grow my business in the last year that he’s been here than the last two years under KK. I don’t need a rah-rah fake ass sales leader. Maybe you do. Try working at a car lot - seems like that’s the kind of work environment you’re looking for. Otherwise lead yourself. Your supposed to be a grown ass adult.

That response is why CP is such a bad place to learn or have thoughtful discussion. A lot of emotion and degrading comments and not enough smart, 'adult' discussion. The OP obviously has an opinion and is not looking for agreement but dialogue. Other smart thoughts. Not dumb comments that serve no purpose other than to make the person typing feel some sort of warped superiority.

MC does not exude any culture or trust beyond maybe the HQ person who commented or other HQ people, but that should also emanate to the salesforce. It does not. The SF may have pockets of happy districts, but my sources are throughout the SF and on a whole, most are not happy. That's something MC needs to remedy. For now, they are interested in saving their own asses past 2018. That's pretty clear. Fireside chats are hysterical. Shire culture? There is none. Med D access? None. Great ideas? Ask iiris? Ha! 90 DayRx push? Using what helpful resource?

MC is a wolf in sheep's clothing. Just saying.

Q4 goals are brutal! Explain this MC! I guess you will blame this one on a vendor too. Man up and admit you are over your head. I don’t want to hear about Genentech; that product sold itself. Sick of this! Done!

You got your goal? Crickets from our manager

Managers have them. If they haven’t given them to you, that is because goals are so high they don’t want the backlash and disengagement. He/she will keep them until Friday (bad news released on Friday so less noise). They would rather us focus on enrolling patients vs. driving business.

Managers have them. If they haven’t given them to you, that is because goals are so high they don’t want the backlash and disengagement. He/she will keep them until Friday (bad news released on Friday so less noise). They would rather us focus on enrolling patients vs. driving business.
Yup they are giving them out Friday bc they are sky high. Nice way to ruin a weekend. Some people have theirs nut up and give them out you cowards

I'm on RD. Some tweaks are made based on feedback from us. These tweaks are limited. The tweaks have to get approved before we can roll them out. We arent holding them. Grow up.