It was well known since the merger occurred that the OBU was up for sale. Novartis was interested from the moment it was something Takeda wanted to bring to the table. For the OBU to continue hiring people in the vacant territories was self serving and absolutely a true middle finger to anyone hired from end of last year right up until the purchase was finalized. Leadership allowed people to leave their jobs knowing they most likely would be layed off in a few months. We can only hope karma pays them back ten fold for what they knowingly did. May they choke on all the wine they are sucking down...
Thinks they give a crap about karma theyll be rolling around in their severance and golden parachutes like scrooge mcduck

This is so funny. Why are you OBU people still posting one here? Buu-Bye! You idiots don’t know shit. I don’t blame JS & MC. They didn’t sell the OBU, we Takeda did. They weren’t even allowed to talk to Novartis until deal was done. You idiots want to know why Takeda didn’t want you? Go read the previous posts, why would anyone want people like this? Go back to B&L where you belong. Nevermind- you’ll be looking for any job you can get soon. And, please go post somewhere else. You’re not welcome here anymore

This is so funny. Why are you OBU people still posting one here? Buu-Bye! You idiots don’t know shit. I don’t blame JS & MC. They didn’t sell the OBU, we Takeda did. They weren’t even allowed to talk to Novartis until deal was done. You idiots want to know why Takeda didn’t want you? Go read the previous posts, why would anyone want people like this? Go back to B&L where you belong. Nevermind- you’ll be looking for any job you can get soon. And, please go post somewhere else. You’re not welcome here anymore
Well go back to B&L if you go back to 6th grade to learn to properly construct a grammatically correct paragraph.

Where are they? Took the cash and ran to wine country? Too chicken to show their face after all the lies? Trying to start a new venture capitalist backed company? Still Counting calls to Ask Iiris? Cowards

Yes I work here, won a few P clubs and they are doing better than KK ever did. I’m not saying the guys are the bomb, but I don’t remember them lying to me. So what exactly did they do to you?
what a stupid question - I am not part of this thread or in sales but really ? I know what they would have lied on as all ophthal senior management did. Read all the posts and you may start to understand

Yes I work here, won a few P clubs and they are doing better than KK ever did. I’m not saying the guys are the bomb, but I don’t remember them lying to me. So what exactly did they do to you?
A few? Theres been 2 years and id have to double check but i don't think there is any back to back winners. If there is theres prob one and you just called yourself out lol. Let me look and ill guess your name hotshot.

Wtf did you expect them to do? Were they going to come right out and say ...yes there will be layoffs... and jeopardize there own jobs and families. They said there may be changes and never came out and said no layoffs. If you were living in fantasy land that was your fault.

All I ever heard them say was:
1. Novartis wants all of us and is excited for all of us to come over.
2. The reps that don’t leave and stick it out with Xiidra will be rewarded.

All I ever heard them say was:
1. Lies
2. Empty Promises
3. We will fix IC
4. We will contract for managed care
5. There will be an OBU
6. Xiidra is profitable
7. OBU is more valuable as an entire unit
8. Call Ask Iiris
9. I hired more of my buddies from Genentech
10. 90 Day scripts matter