Happy Humpday! I’m fired up today and want to share just a taste of it with you. I’m encouraging you TODAY to turn fear into F.E.A.R! While it’s normal in Society to fear the unknown, how awesome would it be to FACE EVERYTHING AND RISE? Try applying this core principle to your life in every area and watch GOD go to work.
Today is Tuesday.....

Hey butt whore,

What does JS face? He told you what was going to happen. You think the Novartis Leadership is better? You dumb fuck

Novartis sucks too! JS and MC are snakes and liars. They sold us all a bunch of BS and I hate those aholes! They’ll get a golden parachute while I’m drawing unemployment!

MC and JS told us what was going to happen? They sure did. They said they value the Shire people and the reason they acquired us because we were so impressive doing what we did without MC coverage. They want to keep all 400 of us, B.S., B.S., B.S. Everyone saw through that, so just tell truth. Or did we? They've been telling these lies since they joined (ie. we are getting something for back of the eye) yes you did... Novartis' retina drug. And we all believed them.

My only ask is that John, Mike, and the ZDs actively update their LinkedIn profiles... so I can monitor where NOT to go work. I don’t trust any of them!

We idiots. We got sucked into their fireside chats and jeans at meetings. Finally that was their only contributions for OBU. Incompetent, egotistical and sexist.