Again, short sited people. They don't want to sacrifice share of voice. Thats the model. There will be changes im sure but dont count on a major layoff anytime soon

If you think your going have a 4 product bag trying to service cornea specials and glaucoma specialists and OD's and general ophth. your crazy there will be overlaps for sure but they wont sacrifice the billion plus market potential. Could it be Xiidra and Pazeo sure, but it wont by Xiidra Simbrinza Pazeo Ciprodex and whatever else they have. still 700 million to go with Xiidra so its not an add to the bag.
Not one person carries THAT many drugs there! Clearly you need to do a little homework

Not one person carries THAT many drugs there! Clearly you need to do a little homework

that’s my point Einstein. They don’t now and they won’t when they get Xiidra. Hence they will increase their sales force.

Everyone won’t be there forvever but they won’t change this up right away. If you leave now it creates more need so please do so.

that’s my point Einstein. They don’t now and they won’t when they get Xiidra. Hence they will increase their sales force.

Everyone won’t be there forvever but they won’t change this up right away. If you leave now it creates more need so please do so. you know how many drugs they carry? My rep carries 5, so...

Sniz " They want the people. It was part of the deal they (Novartis) wanted. " "The retention bonus and sales kickers are a sign they want you to stay! " It's one thing to provide encouragement during a tough time but to straight up lie so people keep working is not the right approach. Address these quotes on your final god bye love to see what you have to say...

Hoped for better from these 2 but its still the same ole BS.

Sniz " They want the people. It was part of the deal they (Novartis) wanted. " "The retention bonus and sales kickers are a sign they want you to stay! " It's one thing to provide encouragement during a tough time but to straight up lie so people keep working is not the right approach. Address these quotes on your final god bye love to see what you have to say...

Hoped for better from these 2 but its still the same ole BS.
If you fell for that is your own fault. Howard lied and told my whole team that same BS, I didn't fall for it.

Didn’t fall for anything. Not like I was going to leave and miss out on some bucks with a lay-off. Just be a straight shooter.

Senior leaders get their pay day. Maybe they will send us another video clip 69ing each other with piles of cash behind them.

JS, MC and all the ass-clowns they brought over are all frauds. All the Koolaide drinking ZDs and RDs are frauds too. They have just been putting paint on this sinking ship for the past 2 years. All fluff and no substance since they got here!

JS, MC and all the ass-clowns they brought over are all frauds. All the Koolaide drinking ZDs and RDs are frauds too. They have just been putting paint on this sinking ship for the past 2 years. All fluff and no substance since they got here!
If you think the RD’s knew what was coming you don't have a good relationship with your manager. They are as blindsided as we are. ZD’s possibly knew the strategy post close but the real liars are sniz and MC. They had to have negotiated their buyout and knew what was happening. They weren't totally lying though. Novartis does want the people just not ALL the people. Its a good excuse for them to clear deadwood out of their organization as well. Would be nice if they just cut bottom 50% of each company but this “point system” they talked about probably includes so much BS that it wont be that simple. If you have a very high salary start looking now.

I agree, The RD's and ZD's didnt know. Must of sales were not involved in any of these conversations. That call was a huge right hook because it just differed so much from what we were told.

Now the unknowns are how much will they "optimize"? Will it be a 50% adjustment? 20%? We can all guess and speculate. I truly thought 2019 would be leave as is not only for the business but for a bit of an evaluation period as well of the people and alignment. I just dont trust those guys anymore and i was a big supporter and believer. Fool me once, fool me twice....

RD here chiming in. Yes we are blindsided too. We never were allowed to ask many questions and MC never allowed open dialogue or discussion. MC would actually get angry if asked any questions. ZDs didn’t ask any questions either and would readily squash any sign of questioning from RDs or Sales Specialists. Ultimately, I blame JS and MC but ZDs all just followed suit while following the “company line”.

I don’t believe for a a second that VH in the southeast didn’t know what was coming. He’s a snake in the grass.

RD here chiming in. Yes we are blindsided too. We never were allowed to ask many questions and MC never allowed open dialogue or discussion. MC would actually get angry if asked any questions. ZDs didn’t ask any questions either and would readily squash any sign of questioning from RDs or Sales Specialists. Ultimately, I blame JS and MC but ZDs all just followed suit while following the “company line”.

It was well known since the merger occurred that the OBU was up for sale. Novartis was interested from the moment it was something Takeda wanted to bring to the table. For the OBU to continue hiring people in the vacant territories was self serving and absolutely a true middle finger to anyone hired from end of last year right up until the purchase was finalized. Leadership allowed people to leave their jobs knowing they most likely would be layed off in a few months. We can only hope karma pays them back ten fold for what they knowingly did. May they choke on all the wine they are sucking down...