Massive layoff round will happen in 2H 2018

Somehow I am not surprised. Everyone in HQ is talking about how incompetent our new CEO really is. He wants to be tough like his predecessor, Lars, or even more so, Kaare Schultz, but simply does not have it. It's the most dangerous type. People who deep inside wish they could be someone else. People are not dumb. Many in HQ are talking about it. I wonder why he got a external consultancy company ? Apparently he is really insecure nowadays with his new boss in place. He can not decide and his best advisor is usually his EA. Can you believe that? The same idiot who was here advising Jakob. Maybe this time the task is so big they needed to bring external advisors. We are doomed. Start looking for a new job.
He is a total loser. I remember him from his last visit. Doug should take over the whole company. He will do a million time better job.

This is rapidly turning into a "project"; my sources have learnt that the Danish consultancy company, Qvartz, has formally been mandated to assist and that they've had a kick off meeting with key NN people earlier today.
A source from Global says that this clandestine project now has a name, the Strategy Execution Office, and that is manned with people from Lars Green's area and several Qvartz guys. They'll also be looking into how the many support areas - for example HR, IT, quality, communication, legal and compliance - can be reorganised and slimmed down.

Doug wouldn't get above a DBM level in most companies.
He is running around telling people during poa how he can do a better job than his useless boss, who has never sold something in his life. Don't let that fool you. He is much more useless than Lars. He was simply too lucky to be at the right place at the right time.

I remember davey boy trying to give our team a rah rah speech and it just didn't work, fell flat , was a bore etc..

The worst decision yet. Listening to him on stage is like watching a slow death. Watching Doug is just uncomfortable. Actually makes me miss the days of Andy. At least he pretended to care about sales. Sorry guys, but those days are over.

I watched Doug’s video yesterday. It was far from reassuring. Looks like we’re headed for yet another re-org so we can stay “agile” and “adapt to changes”. Here’s an idea...cut non-revenue driving functions, and put that money toward being at parity pricing with the competition. We’d own the market if with our portfolio at that point.

I watched Doug’s video yesterday. It was far from reassuring. Looks like we’re headed for yet another re-org so we can stay “agile” and “adapt to changes”. Here’s an idea...cut non-revenue driving functions, and put that money toward being at parity pricing with the competition. We’d own the market if with our portfolio at that point.
I agree, that video screams layoffs. It's going to be announced in August.

I watched Doug’s video yesterday. It was far from reassuring. Looks like we’re headed for yet another re-org so we can stay “agile” and “adapt to changes”. Here’s an idea...cut non-revenue driving functions, and put that money toward being at parity pricing with the competition. We’d own the market if with our portfolio at that point.

Parity pricing? You already have better formulary coverage in the basal and GLP-1 markets, and you don't dominate the market. Now, we should cut our prices as well? If you're looking to incite a lay-off, that's the formula for it. 'Growth is down, so let's cut prices by 20%' - you'd never make up the volume, my man. Like it or not, we screwed in the insulin market - payers view everything as the same, and without the market share, we have to give away the farm to get good formulary coverage. There is still hope in the GLP-1 space...but, we can compete in that market with a lot fewer people than what we have now. A layoff is inevitable. That's a fact.

I guess the "new operating model" was a failure. Time for new leadership. We went through all this restructure and strife less than a year ago and we've now had 4 years in a row where we've had reorgs. Every time we are told we are in the right situation now. We were told we needed to do this before Ozempic launch so the launch will be successful and now we find ourselves with a reorg announcement 6 months into launch. It's disgusting. Resign Doug. Resign Dave. Bye.

I guess the "new operating model" was a failure. Time for new leadership. We went through all this restructure and strife less than a year ago and we've now had 4 years in a row where we've had reorgs. Every time we are told we are in the right situation now. We were told we needed to do this before Ozempic launch so the launch will be successful and now we find ourselves with a reorg announcement 6 months into launch. It's disgusting. Resign Doug. Resign Dave. Bye.

I guess the "new operating model" was a failure. Time for new leadership. We went through all this restructure and strife less than a year ago and we've now had 4 years in a row where we've had reorgs. Every time we are told we are in the right situation now. We were told we needed to do this before Ozempic launch so the launch will be successful and now we find ourselves with a reorg announcement 6 months into launch. It's disgusting. Resign Doug. Resign Dave. Bye.

Reorg?? My friend 3,000 count is not a Reorg. It is a bloodbath.