Massive layoff round will happen in 2H 2018

We now know what it has been like at 99% of Pharma companies for the past 15 years. Complete uncertainty quarter to quarter and basically a healthy mistrust of leadership. Welcome to our new normal.

Whatever this turns into I hope it's going to be a faster process than in the fall of 2016. It took close to two months, from start to finish, and was a complete nightmare for everyone in NNI. If Global in their wisdom has decided that they need to terminate a lot of people, then just be open and honest about the whole damn thing - and get it over with.

That sure would be nice, but it aint gonna happen that way. That never happens in any industry.

Kind of sad that management cant learn from their past mistakes. For the kind of money they take home, wouldn't you think they'd know they need to rip the band-aid off quickly?

I'm sure that there are many loyal employees who know perfectly well what social responsibility is.

During the massive layoffs in 2H 2016 I've heard of at least 10-15 co-workers in R&D who were terminated although they had a chronic disease, were on long-term sick leave due to work-related stress, had terminally ill spouses or were young, single mothers with disabled children.

What makes it even worse is that it took no less than 3-4 months before many of these positions had been re-posted and filled with new people from the outside.

Is that social responsibility?

Layoffs are layoffs. Unfortunately, that's just sometimes the way it works. You can't apply whatever criteria you use to the group, but then start picking and choosing people who are immune to the criteria because they are sick or they have family members who are sick. I know that's not what you want to hear, but that's they way it works.

And this still has nothing to do with social responsibility. It may have to do with treating employees with respect, but that's not what social responsibility is as part of the Triple Bottom Line.

Layoffs are layoffs. Unfortunately, that's just sometimes the way it works. You can't apply whatever criteria you use to the group, but then start picking and choosing people who are immune to the criteria because they are sick or they have family members who are sick. I know that's not what you want to hear, but that's they way it works.

And this still has nothing to do with social responsibility. It may have to do with treating employees with respect, but that's not what social responsibility is as part of the Triple Bottom Line.

Fuck off r***** !

This is rapidly turning into a "project"; my sources have learnt that the Danish consultancy company, Qvartz, has formally been mandated to assist and that they've had a kick off meeting with key NN people earlier today.

Somehow I am not surprised. Everyone in HQ is talking about how incompetent our new CEO really is. He wants to be tough like his predecessor, Lars, or even more so, Kaare Schultz, but simply does not have it. It's the most dangerous type. People who deep inside wish they could be someone else. People are not dumb. Many in HQ are talking about it. I wonder why he got a external consultancy company ? Apparently he is really insecure nowadays with his new boss in place. He can not decide and his best advisor is usually his EA. Can you believe that? The same idiot who was here advising Jakob. Maybe this time the task is so big they needed to bring external advisors. We are doomed. Start looking for a new job.

I completely disagree, look for this role to expand. Why would the company get rid of HSDCS's? They realize they can get more business with less reps.

Really? There used to be MANY more HSDCSs but those roles were eliminated in the last realignment. The mistake was that they didn’t eliminate all of them. Now the channel will be completely gone

I hear that Ulrich Otte (UCO) over in Finance has been given the task to spearhead the NNI part of the global "strategic review", an euphemism for the mother of all layoffs.

This will not end well.