Massive layoff round will happen in 2H 2018

I’m afraid based on our leadership, sales force that can’t sell, and pure lack of motivation (fear tactics don’t work) because nobody is scared.... Even without gifts from PBMs we are still screwed.

maybe you dumb idiots forgot there was layoff last year .. nov 16. Yeah it was small but effected a lot of good people .. it’s all good in better place now . Anyway good luck to you all . Kharma is a bitch and those higher ups will get theirs in the end

maybe you dumb idiots forgot there was layoff last year .. nov 16. Yeah it was small but effected a lot of good people .. it’s all good in better place now . Anyway good luck to you all . Kharma is a bitch and those higher ups will get theirs in the end

You’re still confused about what a lay-off is, but I guess we can let that slide. Regardless, I don’t think this post is true in any way whatsoever - a company who has already made up their mind to do a layoff would go ahead and do it - no need to carry excess cost longer than you need to. I’m sure a layoff is always a possibility, but I don’t believe it’s a certainty as the OP claims. And, if they do lay us off....big fucking deal. I’ll take my package and go find a new job. It might not be easy, but I keep seeing people we fired end up with new jobs, so I think I’ll be ok of I get laid off. Just calm down, do your job, and deal with it if it comes.

in My career anytime i have read a CF blurb about a company making changes, in some form or fashion it’s always been piece a truth to it. Exact numbers or dates may be off but the concept usually plays out like it’s posted on here sometimes 9 months in advance. I wouldn’t write this one off, expect and prepare for some form of change in the near future. Be smart.

Yup, and I guess we'll just have to accept that NVO is like all the other pharma companies: when the going gets tough, people get fired. There is nothing surprising about that except that management has tried to create this aura around the values and the Triple Bottom Line. At the end of the day the only thing that matters is to make money - and employees are seen as expendable.

Yup, and I guess we'll just have to accept that NVO is like all the other pharma companies: when the going gets tough, people get fired. There is nothing surprising about that except that management has tried to create this aura around the values and the Triple Bottom Line. At the end of the day the only thing that matters is to make money - and employees are seen as expendable.

Well said.

Yup, and I guess we'll just have to accept that NVO is like all the other pharma companies: when the going gets tough, people get fired. There is nothing surprising about that except that management has tried to create this aura around the values and the Triple Bottom Line. At the end of the day the only thing that matters is to make money - and employees are seen as expendable.

I'm not sure you understand what the Triple Bottom Line even means - it certainly doesn't mean we'll never do layoffs.

I'm sure that there are many loyal employees who know perfectly well what social responsibility is.

During the massive layoffs in 2H 2016 I've heard of at least 10-15 co-workers in R&D who were terminated although they had a chronic disease, were on long-term sick leave due to work-related stress, had terminally ill spouses or were young, single mothers with disabled children.

What makes it even worse is that it took no less than 3-4 months before many of these positions had been re-posted and filled with new people from the outside.

Is that social responsibility?

I'm sure that there are many loyal employees who know perfectly well what social responsibility is.

During the massive layoffs in 2H 2016 I've heard of at least 10-15 co-workers in R&D who were terminated although they had a chronic disease, were on long-term sick leave due to work-related stress, had terminally ill spouses or were young, single mothers with disabled children.

What makes it even worse is that it took no less than 3-4 months before many of these positions had been re-posted and filled with new people from the outside.

Is that social responsibility?
That can't be true. Sad.

This is rapidly turning into a "project"; my sources have learnt that the Danish consultancy company, Qvartz, has formally been mandated to assist and that they've had a kick off meeting with key NN people earlier today.

Whatever this turns into I hope it's going to be a faster process than in the fall of 2016. It took close to two months, from start to finish, and was a complete nightmare for everyone in NNI. If Global in their wisdom has decided that they need to terminate a lot of people, then just be open and honest about the whole damn thing - and get it over with.