Some SSR's are being axed, some reps,DM's, RM's. CSR's will replace some HSR's where they consolidate territorys. Then they can eliminate the problem of duplicate reps, CSR's are already capable of doing HSR's jobs.. Maybe if they stop paying for reps that are not working, they can pay the other reps that do work a better much deserved salary. They might be increasing the CSR salaries next year by doing these cuts, time to trim the fat! But dont hold your breathe on that, nothing is as it seems! Sorry 4 those who lost jobs today: this is how the industry works, lay offs are inevitable, you are never safe , theres no job security. Y'all will get severance packages so dont worry, be happy now.
The call just ended and we know this: These are the changes:
less than 6% of sales team let go
37 HSR/CSR divisions to 30 Divisions- 7 DM's
2 Regions eliminated- 2 Regional Managers let go
Oct 14 is last day for people laid off
Severance packages to all
Comp plans stay the same====== no changes to pay
PDM stays same------------
May be eligible for vacany pay- if you lost HSR or CSR make sure to ask your Mgr about this
2012: TBD