Massive Ethicon layoffs on Monday

Tell us more about your situation. I have heard of people who were layed off or pushed out and supposedly got extra years added to their age or tenure as the result of negotiations. I have also heard of people who got nothing.

Items dictated by corporate policy, i.e. weeks of severance, are the least negotiable. But there are many things that aren't described. Items that are within your manager's budget or that that hit a non-cash corporate cost center are more viable than those that need approval from multiple areas or higher up.

An attorney who has negotiated with your local people and division and in your state will have some suggestions. They have a long view and less emotion in the situation. The only goal of HR and legal is to prevent lawsuits. Don't threaten one, or they will become entrenched. Their end goal is that piece of paper acknowledging you accept their offer without any litigation, so keep that in mind and take your time.

Items dictated by corporate policy, i.e. weeks of severance, are the least negotiable. But there are many things that aren't described. Items that are within your manager's budget or that that hit a non-cash corporate cost center are more viable than those that need approval from multiple areas or higher up.

An attorney who has negotiated with your local people and division and in your state will have some suggestions. They have a long view and less emotion in the situation. The only goal of HR and legal is to prevent lawsuits. Don't threaten one, or they will become entrenched. Their end goal is that piece of paper acknowledging you accept their offer without any litigation, so keep that in mind and take your time.

So don't sign the acknowledgemnt? Also, I have some expense reports approved by my manager where we went to strip clubs together with surgeons (my manager, the surgeons and myself). The strip club was listed as a restaurant. Can you get any play out of that one?

This is what pisses me off. You know that the managers are aware of who is out and they know what is going on. They may not have known for too long but I bet they found out recently and could have done the right thing and talked to the reps.

Not necessarily true. When J&J fires someone, at least at Ethicon, they are notorious for telling the manager to schedule a meeting for a face to face with the employee where they can do a group conference call to "talk about it". This happened to 4 of the managers I know. When the manager arrives at the meeting there is a fax waiting for them (airport and hotel lobby lounge). The manager is contacted by HR and told to read the script, as is, no deviation or action will be taken against them. Security also surprises them at the location and stands over the procedure. All of the managers I know were pissed and very upset that even they were so blindsided by the process.

So what's the rumor regarding Blue Ash Vs Jersey? The training institute is in Cinci. Does that spell keep clinical, engineering....perhaps some marketing near their engineers in Cinci. Then admin, finance etc heads east? Just wondering.

Chuck Austin just moved to Cincinnati last year and he will be running the new organization. So, I would definitely say Cincy over New Jersey for sure. The big layoffs in June/July will be here sooner than later! Which means you have to start your interviewing process NOW because it takes on average 4 months to land a decent job these days!

Drama queen below. None of that is true.

Not necessarily true. When J&J fires someone, at least at Ethicon, they are notorious for telling the manager to schedule a meeting for a face to face with the employee where they can do a group conference call to "talk about it". This happened to 4 of the managers I know. When the manager arrives at the meeting there is a fax waiting for them (airport and hotel lobby lounge). The manager is contacted by HR and told to read the script, as is, no deviation or action will be taken against them. Security also surprises them at the location and stands over the procedure. All of the managers I know were pissed and very upset that even they were so blindsided by the process.