Massive DM exit!

Maybe, but maybe not. Europe has both reps and single payer. However, America is decades away from ever getting SP system. As long as there's O-care to pick up the un-insurable, then there will never be a need for it; most Americans get their insurance through work and want no changes to this system. You don't throw out a system that insures 4/5ths of a nation for the unfortunate 1/5th with no insurance.
While it may be true that Europe has reps, their role is much different. Single payer is coming, as the scheme is for rates and co-pays to increase to politically unacceptable levels, allowing the government to step in and fix the system. We know how successful that will be. Winners will look outside the industry for their futures and loose ten pounds, because the system will work best for those who do not access it.

Oh hell yeah! One is laughing her ass off because she has gotten away with so much HR shit it's unbelievable. The other is either drinking WAY too much koolaid, or is so high on himself, he can't see that Pittsburgh is a sinking ship

RW, RR and JA talk the talk, but are nothing but lipstick on a pig. They are props used to hold up the leadership team/house of cards. Leadership needs these types to justify the GTM fiasco!!!! They themselves have no leadership skills or original ideas, just soldiers with a checklist and average storytelling ability. It is happening all over the country. If our customers read our "success stories" about them, they would laugh their ass off.

Decent Rep? What does that even mean today? 20 years ago maybe, but now ...Please!!! Lets face it, we're selling Smyth Corona typewriters in a world of computers. Do you go to the store and stock up on your "tier 2 food" all of which are priced the same? I didn't think so. The influence and power a physician has over what drug a patient ultimately receives today is laughable. So stop deluding yourself with the notion that their is some profound difference between a contract rep and one who has simply lucked out and (for the moment) dodged the downsizing axe that has decimated this industry and will ultimately leave very few bodies left. The only reason this has not happened sooner is that managers ( or more accurately glorified baby sitters) need reps to manage and directors need managers to justify their cushy jobs. The sad fact is pharma reps are nothing more than useful idiots whos main purpose is to prop up the shaky management structure above. To keep convincing yourself that you're "super rep" with unmatched powers of persuasion and head and shoulders above the rest of the "deli slingers" is about as meaningful as winning a trophy for being the tallest midget at a dwarf competition and only serves to remind all of us how pathetic and silly this job truly has become
Very well said

C'mon, HSBS is knocking it out of the park! They're the bedrock of GTM. I hear about them making inroads daily with otherwise impossible to see offices and HSs. If you're not seeing it, just ask 'em, they'll tell ya'. Oh, and no samples, no problem. Their account and product expertise easily overcomes that obstacle. I could not possibly do my TBM job with confidence if I didn't know that HSBS was paving the way. I sleep like a baby at night!

While it may be true that Europe has reps, their role is much different. Single payer is coming, as the scheme is for rates and co-pays to increase to politically unacceptable levels, allowing the government to step in and fix the system. We know how successful that will be. Winners will look outside the industry for their futures and loose ten pounds, because the system will work best for those who do not access it.
We are not headed to SP. I get there seems to be some "feelings" of instability but I'm home state of CA they had the smallest year to year increase on premiums for insurance ever recorded for the state. Some states might have had increases but keep in mind OCare wasn't even designed to tackle that problem. Seems to me insurance companies are smart biz ppl trying to extort as much increases they can get away with before they will back them down to remain in business. An analogy would be a forestry company that leaves some trees so as not to go out of business. SP is a pipe dream in the USA - it will never happen stop getting your undies all bunched up.

We are not headed to SP. I get there seems to be some "feelings" of instability but I'm home state of CA they had the smallest year to year increase on premiums for insurance ever recorded for the state. Some states might have had increases but keep in mind OCare wasn't even designed to tackle that problem. Seems to me insurance companies are smart biz ppl trying to extort as much increases they can get away with before they will back them down to remain in business. An analogy would be a forestry company that leaves some trees so as not to go out of business. SP is a pipe dream in the USA - it will never happen stop getting your undies all bunched up.
I'll stipulate that the point can be debated. One question first, what is the major payer in your geography? Time will tell ........

We are not headed to SP. I get there seems to be some "feelings" of instability but I'm home state of CA they had the smallest year to year increase on premiums for insurance ever recorded for the state. Some states might have had increases but keep in mind OCare wasn't even designed to tackle that problem. Seems to me insurance companies are smart biz ppl trying to extort as much increases they can get away with before they will back them down to remain in business. An analogy would be a forestry company that leaves some trees so as not to go out of business. SP is a pipe dream in the USA - it will never happen stop getting your undies all bunched up.

Quote Obama
"I will sign a universal health care bill into law by the end of my first term as president that will cover every American and cut the cost of a typical family's premium by up to $2,500 a year."

Quote Obama
"I will sign a universal health care bill into law by the end of my first term as president that will cover every American and cut the cost of a typical family's premium by up to $2,500 a year."

Help me out here, my memory is fuzzy. What plan did the previous administration put into place during its 8 years of rising health care costs?

Seems like the same plan that party has put forth for the last 8 years. Trouble is "Repeal the Affordable Care Act" isn't actually a plan.

Quote Obama
"I will sign a universal health care bill into law by the end of my first term as president that will cover every American and cut the cost of a typical family's premium by up to $2,500 a year."
Cut the cost of a typical family's health insurance premium by up to $2,500 a year

"I will sign a universal health care bill into law by the end of my first term as president that will cover every American and cut the cost of a typical family's premium by up to $2,500 a year."

Speech, "A Politics of Conscience," June 23, 2007

You dumb ass, that's a 2007 speech given during an election process. ACA was 2010. You are dumb if you don't see a difference.

Just wondering. I see the CP censor police are working by removal of the post referencing Tropic Thunder.

How overly sensitive have we become where we can't even deal with someone using terms that may be construed at offensive? We are becoming a nation of babies.

And just remember...witches don't wear underpants in order to get a better grip on their broom.

Just wondering. I see the CP censor police are working by removal of the post referencing Tropic Thunder.

How overly sensitive have we become where we can't even deal with someone using terms that may be construed at offensive? We are becoming a nation of babies.

And just remember...witches don't wear underpants in order to get a better grip on their broom.

Listen you fool. Making fun of a whole group for you to laugh at is out-of-bounds. People don't want to be insulted - it's that simple.

Let me guess though, you blew your shit when you were called "deplorable" though, right?