Massive DM exit!

Someone on CP is a little obsessed with someone named "Dev". Other than him/her, this post is clean?? We are wishing the DMs who left the best. We're happy for them. The point is: BI is losing or lost their best!!
In reality, though, they did get rid of some pretty crappy DM's in addition to some good ones.

Who would want to stay and manage less than average contract reps?
Whats the career development path for a contract rep? Not like BI is promising a lustrous career to roll over into. You get what you pay for and it shows.
Where $ goes so does talent- thinking IPF and Oncology is the lifeblood.

Decent Rep? What does that even mean today? 20 years ago maybe, but now ...Please!!! Lets face it, we're selling Smyth Corona typewriters in a world of computers. Do you go to the store and stock up on your "tier 2 food" all of which are priced the same? I didn't think so. The influence and power a physician has over what drug a patient ultimately receives today is laughable. So stop deluding yourself with the notion that their is some profound difference between a contract rep and one who has simply lucked out and (for the moment) dodged the downsizing axe that has decimated this industry and will ultimately leave very few bodies left. The only reason this has not happened sooner is that managers ( or more accurately glorified baby sitters) need reps to manage and directors need managers to justify their cushy jobs. The sad fact is pharma reps are nothing more than useful idiots whos main purpose is to prop up the shaky management structure above. To keep convincing yourself that you're "super rep" with unmatched powers of persuasion and head and shoulders above the rest of the "deli slingers" is about as meaningful as winning a trophy for being the tallest midget at a dwarf competition and only serves to remind all of us how pathetic and silly this job truly has become

Decent Rep? What does that even mean today? 20 years ago maybe, but now ...Please!!! Lets face it, we're selling Smyth Corona typewriters in a world of computers. Do you go to the store and stock up on your "tier 2 food" all of which are priced the same? I didn't think so. The influence and power a physician has over what drug a patient ultimately receives today is laughable. So stop deluding yourself with the notion that their is some profound difference between a contract rep and one who has simply lucked out and (for the moment) dodged the downsizing axe that has decimated this industry and will ultimately leave very few bodies left. The only reason this has not happened sooner is that managers ( or more accurately glorified baby sitters) need reps to manage and directors need managers to justify their cushy jobs. The sad fact is pharma reps are nothing more than useful idiots whos main purpose is to prop up the shaky management structure above. To keep convincing yourself that you're "super rep" with unmatched powers of persuasion and head and shoulders above the rest of the "deli slingers" is about as meaningful as winning a trophy for being the tallest midget at a dwarf competition and only serves to remind all of us how pathetic and silly this job truly has become
It's apparent from your ranting that the only college you went to was clown college. You are one of the dumbest people who've posted on here in a long while.

Decent Rep? What does that even mean today? 20 years ago maybe, but now ...Please!!! Lets face it, we're selling Smyth Corona typewriters in a world of computers. Do you go to the store and stock up on your "tier 2 food" all of which are priced the same? I didn't think so. The influence and power a physician has over what drug a patient ultimately receives today is laughable. So stop deluding yourself with the notion that their is some profound difference between a contract rep and one who has simply lucked out and (for the moment) dodged the downsizing axe that has decimated this industry and will ultimately leave very few bodies left. The only reason this has not happened sooner is that managers ( or more accurately glorified baby sitters) need reps to manage and directors need managers to justify their cushy jobs. The sad fact is pharma reps are nothing more than useful idiots whos main purpose is to prop up the shaky management structure above. To keep convincing yourself that you're "super rep" with unmatched powers of persuasion and head and shoulders above the rest of the "deli slingers" is about as meaningful as winning a trophy for being the tallest midget at a dwarf competition and only serves to remind all of us how pathetic and silly this job truly has become

You are an ignorant contract reppie. We need less expensive simpler minds, so we hire you. You're welcome.

You are an ignorant contract reppie. We need less expensive simpler minds, so we hire you. You're welcome.
I'm sure once single payer healthcare kicks in all this carping will become a moot point and allow the superior reps to once again shine bright and kick all the lowlife contract reps to the curb. Nothing says innovation, growth and success like an army of bureaucrats and endless regulations. Looking forward to the day when filling out a sign- in sheet at lunch resembles schedule B on my 1040 .

I'm sure once single payer healthcare kicks in all this carping will become a moot point and allow the superior reps to once again shine bright and kick all the lowlife contract reps to the curb. Nothing says innovation, growth and success like an army of bureaucrats and endless regulations. Looking forward to the day when filling out a sign- in sheet at lunch resembles schedule B on my 1040 .
You are deluding yourself if you think we will get single payer in our lifetime.

Single payor will put the majority of reps and managed care people out of work.
Maybe, but maybe not. Europe has both reps and single payer. However, America is decades away from ever getting SP system. As long as there's O-care to pick up the un-insurable, then there will never be a need for it; most Americans get their insurance through work and want no changes to this system. You don't throw out a system that insures 4/5ths of a nation for the unfortunate 1/5th with no insurance.