
Masimo has the most talented sales force in the business. Everything I read on this website in regards to how we have treated the sales force is true. Joe has a decision to make in 2012, pay the talent what they are worth or loose them. I hope we figure it out and pay on base business and SpO2 and then we will lower the hammer on the competition. We know comp plan is screwed up. The question is does Joe want to own the SpO2 and monitoring market or keep focus on a niche product that has value but will continue to grow slow. I cant wait to they get the comp plan right and all the reps give 100% again. We have got to pay reps what we promised and stop turnover. We know it and we are going to get it right. Look for changes in 2012 and be prepared to kick some ass, dont leave until you see the new comp plan, we know this is our last shot. If we dont I am leaving too. We cannot afford to have a sales force that lacks the experience to sell these products and the talent we have in place right now is what we need, we just need to figure out how to pay you. Stay until we launch 2012 comp plan and if we blow leave quickly. We dont deserve decent people if we screw this up again!! We know we can kick Covidiens ass and so do they. "The Masimo Mole"

Interesting comments. I am a rep and fortunately I am one of the ones that is doing very well and have made more money than I have ever made. I agree that 2012 comp plan will be the deciding factor for many people including the reps who are doing well this year. Our SpO2 technology is clearly better and we have no problem convincing customers of this. The problem is pulse oximetry contracts are so long that you may have a territory with no new conversion opportunities because you are locked out by a 5 year contract with Nellcor that still has 3 years left. If this is the case it is difficult to make big money. I agree that they need to start paying on base business or they will continue to lose people. They need to do away with the draw which feels like debt to many people and pay monthly base business with kickers for Nellcor conversions. It is true that you could make 300k one year and make 100k the next. This large variation creates uncertainty in the sales force about the future and any type of doubt causes people to be open to leaving. The money needs to be more stable. In the past when there were only a handful of reps the current model of big checks for conversions worked well because everyone had huge territories and there was always a conversion. With the smaller territories this is not the case. If they want to keep people the base salary and base business pay together need to keep you around 120k. On top of that there needs to be pay for hemoglobin, patient safety net, capital and Conversions. The hemoglobin should just be a percentage of sales. The PSN should be a 1 time payment for each one. The capital needs to be a percentage of sales and conversions need to be lump sum payments depending on the size of the conversion. At plan pay should stay at 170, but there needs to be a stability of a bottom of around 120 if they want good people to stay. This would mean if I had a bad year I would make 140ish. It would also mean on a good year I may not make 300, but only 250. I am fine with that. I think people prefer consistent income. The car allowance is a little week compared to industry standard. Can't wait till January to see what is launched. If they do decide to move to a more revenue base pay model this could be one of the best companies to work for in the industry and people may never leave.

Too Funny!!

If anyone was hiring-no one would work at masimo!
Your tech sux and the INDEPENDENT Peer Review published studies prove it-not the bought and stock paid for crap you call a study (marketing paper) with 2 patients!

hey you guys do press releases for everything, even the biggest of surprises that someone was flimflammed into buying your crap. Every time someone does it, you make a press release cause lets face it...that was big news. But today, how about a press release for your new 52 week low for the over printed stock you guys push-heck you even give it to the guys doing your studies....(if I was getting paid in your stock I would rather get paid in gum).
Anyway, a great press release as the market drops but masimoto drops 3 times the market percentage....hmmmm wonder who other than chianti has a golden parachute?

Ya, the market is up huge today! Well how did mess&mo do? Well the DOW is up over 330 points, the Nasdaq and S&P are up too, hmmmmm need a press release for the mo's-they kept tank'n. Get close to that 52 week high again-while others are on the move up. Way to go mess&mo

I don't understand, if their technology is in fact superior and sales continue to climb, why the rep turnover?[/QUOTE

]Comp plan is based mostly on hemoglobin sales and they are not moving. Takes too much time and return is not there. Cant make more than the draw in 75% of the sales force. If comp plan gets corrected it could be a good place to work. Unfortunately Masimo does not have a history of treating people right

Comp plan just got worse. No one will hit the plan and they design it that way. Total plan s $231k. You can expect to make around $120k and a terrible car allowance. If you take a job there because you are unemployed dont stop looking for another job, lots of people take the one year deal then leave before the nightmare begins.

Interesting comments. I am a rep and fortunately I am one of the ones that is doing very well and have made more money than I have ever made. I agree that 2012 comp plan will be the deciding factor for many people including the reps who are doing well this year. Our SpO2 technology is clearly better and we have no problem convincing customers of this. The problem is pulse oximetry contracts are so long that you may have a territory with no new conversion opportunities because you are locked out by a 5 year contract with Nellcor that still has 3 years left. If this is the case it is difficult to make big money. I agree that they need to start paying on base business or they will continue to lose people. They need to do away with the draw which feels like debt to many people and pay monthly base business with kickers for Nellcor conversions. It is true that you could make 300k one year and make 100k the next. This large variation creates uncertainty in the sales force about the future and any type of doubt causes people to be open to leaving. The money needs to be more stable. In the past when there were only a handful of reps the current model of big checks for conversions worked well because everyone had huge territories and there was always a conversion. With the smaller territories this is not the case. If they want to keep people the base salary and base business pay together need to keep you around 120k. On top of that there needs to be pay for hemoglobin, patient safety net, capital and Conversions. The hemoglobin should just be a percentage of sales. The PSN should be a 1 time payment for each one. The capital needs to be a percentage of sales and conversions need to be lump sum payments depending on the size of the conversion. At plan pay should stay at 170, but there needs to be a stability of a bottom of around 120 if they want good people to stay. This would mean if I had a bad year I would make 140ish. It would also mean on a good year I may not make 300, but only 250. I am fine with that. I think people prefer consistent income. The car allowance is a little week compared to industry standard. Can't wait till January to see what is launched. If they do decide to move to a more revenue base pay model this could be one of the best companies to work for in the industry and people may never leave.

Well the 2012 comp is worse than ever. Uncle Joe's baby. FU - good to know you are making a lot of money. You are one of maybe 3 out of 70. Masimo will never be a good company to work for, when a company plans on no one hitting target goals it is not a positive work enviroment, dont know what your history is but you have no idea what a quality comapny looks like

Comp plan just got worse. No one will hit the plan and they design it that way. Total plan s $231k. You can expect to make around $120k and a terrible car allowance. If you take a job there because you are unemployed dont stop looking for another job, lots of people take the one year deal then leave before the nightmare begins.

Lots of Masimo reps paper on the street. Joe wants turnover and he is going to get it. The top reps are leaving fast due to caps in commission, all the rest are just leaving because it all sux. Joe does not appear to know what he is doing. the quality of people willing to work for him is declining.

Interesting comments. I am a rep and fortunately I am one of the ones that is doing very well and have made more money than I have ever made. I agree that 2012 comp plan will be the deciding factor for many people including the reps who are doing well this year. Our SpO2 technology is clearly better and we have no problem convincing customers of this. The problem is pulse oximetry contracts are so long that you may have a territory with no new conversion opportunities because you are locked out by a 5 year contract with Nellcor that still has 3 years left. If this is the case it is difficult to make big money. I agree that they need to start paying on base business or they will continue to lose people. They need to do away with the draw which feels like debt to many people and pay monthly base business with kickers for Nellcor conversions. It is true that you could make 300k one year and make 100k the next. This large variation creates uncertainty in the sales force about the future and any type of doubt causes people to be open to leaving. The money needs to be more stable. In the past when there were only a handful of reps the current model of big checks for conversions worked well because everyone had huge territories and there was always a conversion. With the smaller territories this is not the case. If they want to keep people the base salary and base business pay together need to keep you around 120k. On top of that there needs to be pay for hemoglobin, patient safety net, capital and Conversions. The hemoglobin should just be a percentage of sales. The PSN should be a 1 time payment for each one. The capital needs to be a percentage of sales and conversions need to be lump sum payments depending on the size of the conversion. At plan pay should stay at 170, but there needs to be a stability of a bottom of around 120 if they want good people to stay. This would mean if I had a bad year I would make 140ish. It would also mean on a good year I may not make 300, but only 250. I am fine with that. I think people prefer consistent income. The car allowance is a little week compared to industry standard. Can't wait till January to see what is launched. If they do decide to move to a more revenue base pay model this could be one of the best companies to work for in the industry and people may never leave.

How did you like what was launched?

How did you like what was launched?

It was definately a little different than I expected. Even though the quota for Rainbow and TI are high I think I will make more this year. If you think about it, last year we got paid 15% on rainbow and day 1 this year we are getting 17.5%. That is a 2.5% bump even if you don't come close to your quota. Also, instead of 4% on capital we now get 10%. That is a 15,000 dollar difference for me on what I sold last year. We also get paid 10% on all specialty sensors which will add up to a couple of thousand dollars. The TI seems very similar to last year. I am fortunate because I have some big deals coming in. I do like that they have moved some of the commission to monthly instead of quarterly. I do think it is a little absurd that each territory has to grow at least 20%. Some reps have a 1 million dollar territory and some have a 6 million dollar territory. The 20% minimum on a 6 million dollar territory is nearly impossible and there is base business growth pay tied to this. There is a lot of truth on this site about Masimo. There are a lot of people leaving because they aren't making a lot of money. However, if you have some TI deals come through and even hit half your rainbow number this year you should still push 200k. The at plan pay of 231k is a bit of stretch. Very few will come close to this. In this sales force you have some making 300 and some barely scratching a 100 which is why there is the turnover. There is too much variability year to year and there is a ton of pressure to sell rainbow. I will definately finish this year out as I have deals coming in and should still make over 200. I am very concerned about 2013 and can't promise I will still be around because I may run out of possible Nellcor conversions because there won't be any contracts coming up. You currently can't survive just off of rainbow sales.

It was definately a little different than I expected. Even though the quota for Rainbow and TI are high I think I will make more this year. If you think about it, last year we got paid 15% on rainbow and day 1 this year we are getting 17.5%. That is a 2.5% bump even if you don't come close to your quota. Also, instead of 4% on capital we now get 10%. That is a 15,000 dollar difference for me on what I sold last year. We also get paid 10% on all specialty sensors which will add up to a couple of thousand dollars. The TI seems very similar to last year. I am fortunate because I have some big deals coming in. I do like that they have moved some of the commission to monthly instead of quarterly. I do think it is a little absurd that each territory has to grow at least 20%. Some reps have a 1 million dollar territory and some have a 6 million dollar territory. The 20% minimum on a 6 million dollar territory is nearly impossible and there is base business growth pay tied to this. There is a lot of truth on this site about Masimo. There are a lot of people leaving because they aren't making a lot of money. However, if you have some TI deals come through and even hit half your rainbow number this year you should still push 200k. The at plan pay of 231k is a bit of stretch. Very few will come close to this. In this sales force you have some making 300 and some barely scratching a 100 which is why there is the turnover. There is too much variability year to year and there is a ton of pressure to sell rainbow. I will definately finish this year out as I have deals coming in and should still make over 200. I am very concerned about 2013 and can't promise I will still be around because I may run out of possible Nellcor conversions because there won't be any contracts coming up. You currently can't survive just off of rainbow sales.

Last year there were very few who made any money. The percentages are too small making any money and too large barely scraping 100k. Add the car allowance and you loose another 6k-8k a year. Healthcare cost for a family are @10k with deduct. I have been lucky so far with good opportunity's but I have a family to think about and with the current cash flow issue (2.5 months draw) it seems irresponsible to not look for a job. Even though I have some great oppotunity's this year I am going to seek employment elsewhere. Just too risky at Masimo. Some of the people that work here are too scummy. Attitudes here are awful and it is depressing to work here

Hey, I was actually doing a SWOT analysis for a German firm on Masimo's products and was rather impressed with the devices, although all this rainbow-stuff is a bit too childish and colourful for my taste. Nevertheless I thought this was something interesting and innovative, but now I'm pretty shocked to read all these negative comments about the technology and most of all the company. However, I know this might not be quite the right thread to ask this, but what is wrong with 100k per annum? Isn't that massive? Any German would be off his arse with joy to get about 8k per month, that's huuuuuge. Is the US so expensive?

If you work for a group that is impressed with the masimo stuff, I'm sure you would be happy for 100k.
The problem is we get lots taken out for our car, health insur, and a dozen ways to have to give it back. This company is about the way things look, not the way things are.

Hey, I was actually doing a SWOT analysis for a German firm on Masimo's products and was rather impressed with the devices, although all this rainbow-stuff is a bit too childish and colourful for my taste. Nevertheless I thought this was something interesting and innovative, but now I'm pretty shocked to read all these negative comments about the technology and most of all the company. However, I know this might not be quite the right thread to ask this, but what is wrong with 100k per annum? Isn't that massive? Any German would be off his arse with joy to get about 8k per month, that's huuuuuge. Is the US so expensive?

100k would not be too bad if that were all there was to it. The problem is 60k base with a 36k draw and $6k car allowance. Over 75% of the sales people owed part of the 36k draw back, so actual pay is around 65k after expenses and 401k deduction for over half the sales team. car and health insurance costs about $15,000 out of pocket. 401k match is well below industry standards in US. Pay has been decreasing for the last 3 years. A new sales force was hired 2 years ago with and we were all told to expect $170k. Masimo sets expectations then falls well short. The main issue with Masimo employees is we do not trust Joe, he lies and he is greedy. He is the opposite of everything he says he believes. He is starting to act insane and paranoid too.

Word on street is the private practice department is a house of cards wall to wall top to bottom. Don't walk, run.

The whole place is a house of cards. Masimo fights for every commission $ we earn. They find new ways not to pay commissions every month. I feel bad for the people who are still there. I will be gone in a week. I am so happy. The world had become so gray and unhappy for me. Now the fog has cleared and I am out of the bunny hole. Those people are seriously f'd up. You have no idea unless you are involved with them. It is really bad!!!

They are the real deal, I use their proucts. The rainbow technology is very very real and even more important is the glucose monitoring that they are about to finish developing. Itd be nice to not have to draw blood ever again. Also, as far as ethics, my rep is a past NICU nurse and has the biggest heart and best attituded of any other company regardless. Just some honest input!

Uh-huh, and there are monkeys flying out of my ass too. Okay Masimo manager, thanks for the input.

Uh-huh, and there are monkeys flying out of my ass too. Okay Masimo manager, thanks for the input.

There are several companies working on glucose. Masimo is one of many. Even if they get it today Masimo can't launch a product correctly and Joe is so greedy it will be very, very, very, very expensive. Thrive on this MF!!!! People who work at Masimo despise Joe Kiani except for the kiss asses in Irvine.

I am not sure why all of you are saying you can't make money at masimo. I am an acute care rep and going to do 280k this year. It is true if you don't sell you wont make much so just go sell something. At plan pay is 170k. Base is 60k. You need to close business to make money so you need to decide if it is worth the risk. Most of my region is trending over 200 this year with some reaching over 300. There are very few companies that offer you the upside that Masimo provides.

This is not true. There were no regions where most of the people made more then the base plus draw. half owed money after 2011 and we recieved a comp plan that is worse in 2012. Why is Masimo management looking on this website anyway? You are a piece of shit, too much truth here?

Whoever wrote this works at Masimo. They are correct. 100k at Masimo is 80k at a good company. They shit on us at every turn. car allowance and health care sux. Joe is a greedy Iranian.

Masimo is killing themselves. Dont have the infrastructure to support current pulse ox business. All this hemoglobin focus is going to destroy the company. Best reps are looking for jobs. Joe hates sales people, pay is low compared to industry standards.

It was definately a little different than I expected. Even though the quota for Rainbow and TI are high I think I will make more this year. If you think about it, last year we got paid 15% on rainbow and day 1 this year we are getting 17.5%. That is a 2.5% bump even if you don't come close to your quota. Also, instead of 4% on capital we now get 10%. That is a 15,000 dollar difference for me on what I sold last year. We also get paid 10% on all specialty sensors which will add up to a couple of thousand dollars. The TI seems very similar to last year. I am fortunate because I have some big deals coming in. I do like that they have moved some of the commission to monthly instead of quarterly. I do think it is a little absurd that each territory has to grow at least 20%. Some reps have a 1 million dollar territory and some have a 6 million dollar territory. The 20% minimum on a 6 million dollar territory is nearly impossible and there is base business growth pay tied to this. There is a lot of truth on this site about Masimo. There are a lot of people leaving because they aren't making a lot of money. However, if you have some TI deals come through and even hit half your rainbow number this year you should still push 200k. The at plan pay of 231k is a bit of stretch. Very few will come close to this. In this sales force you have some making 300 and some barely scratching a 100 which is why there is the turnover. There is too much variability year to year and there is a ton of pressure to sell rainbow. I will definately finish this year out as I have deals coming in and should still make over 200. I am very concerned about 2013 and can't promise I will still be around because I may run out of possible Nellcor conversions because there won't be any contracts coming up. You currently can't survive just off of rainbow sales.

I have 6 Masimo resumes on my desk right now. Doing a little research to see why everyone is exiting. Companies like this run in cycles and Masimo is in a declining cycle right now. After enough people leave they will restructure the compensation or seek less experienced reps. This is not uncommon. I would not recommend taking a job here now. You will be looking again soon and earn much less pay than you are promised. Ask to speak to current reps before taking the job. There is too much smoke hear for there not to be a fire. Masimo has always had a reputation for high turnover and a small % making the sales goals, not one of your blue chip companies. Be cautious!!

I have 6 Masimo resumes on my desk right now. Doing a little research to see why everyone is exiting. Companies like this run in cycles and Masimo is in a declining cycle right now. After enough people leave they will restructure the compensation or seek less experienced reps. This is not uncommon. I would not recommend taking a job here now. You will be looking again soon and earn much less pay than you are promised. Ask to speak to current reps before taking the job. There is too much smoke hear for there not to be a fire. Masimo has always had a reputation for high turnover and a small % making the sales goals, not one of your blue chip companies. Be cautious!!

Yes, lots of Masimo reps looking for jobs. I am surprised to see it. I guess all those new products arent working out in the comp plan.