
this company is cash flush, pays their reps what they say, are ethical, have a great product and very good pipeline, any negative comments are completly unfounded and probably angry people who werent offered a job, lastly very easy to work with mgmt, i came from pharma this is lightyears above, i was a Phizer rep and wish i had gone into devices 7-8 yrs sooner.

What a tool you are!! There are plenty of openings now. They must be scrapping the bottom of the barrel to have someone like you working for them!! Where was the NAtional Sales meeting and awards presentations this year.....ooohhh on the phone. Flush with cash my a...

I have heard Masimo is one of the most unethical companies in the industry. Take it for what its worth- I dont work there, and I dont compete against them. Just realize you will be asked to do things that no other legitimate, publicly traded company would ever do- maybe aside from Bard.

Unfortunately Masimo has all the problems of a big company and a small company. The have a ton of BS to deal with and changes are very slow to come. They launch products before they are ready (like a small company) but when they have issues they don't make the obvious changes (like a big company). I have been a Masimo employee almost 2 years and it is the most miserable place I have ever been. Comp plan is terrible and they have known it for a while, we kept hearing trust us Masimo always does the right thing and it never happened then the new comp plan was even worse. That's when all the reps started to hit the door. Unless you are desparate this is not a good place to work. You will be grossly underpaid and over worked. The managers have no experience selling capital and marketing has no clue as to what to do. No one wants to hear the reality so the BS just goes in a circle. There are tons of openings at Masimo because everyone is looking to get out, even the new people. They see how bad it is almost immediately and start exiting. Really, find something else before coming to Masimo.

Masimo is awful. I worked there for 5 months and left before my one year $120,000 gaurantee was up. It is so bad you can not believe they are still in business. Huge turnover, no one wants to stay!!!! No one!!!!!!!

Masimo is going thru some major changes now and is not willing to pay the quality people they have, it is not a job for someone with experience. If you are just getting into sales and need the experience then Masimo may be good for a year or 2...if you can stand the incompetent management. The pay is about half of what they will promise. They will pay the gaurantee but you may owe them money when it is over. Not worth the risk!!!! They will sue you.

They are the real deal, I use their proucts. The rainbow technology is very very real and even more important is the glucose monitoring that they are about to finish developing. Itd be nice to not have to draw blood ever again. Also, as far as ethics, my rep is a past NICU nurse and has the biggest heart and best attituded of any other company regardless. Just some honest input!

I bet your rep is gone now. How is that Rainbow garbage working for you now? are you one of 5 users in the US? BS. Do you trust the numbers Rainbow is giving? If you do I hope I never end up on your table.

Masimo, like all start up companies has its growing pains. The one consistent message from Masimo’s CEO, is to do what is best for the patient. The technology of the product is fundamentally superior to anything on the market. I will personally be happy to demonstrate the advantages of the product to anyone willing to “Take the Challenge”.

Masimo still has a $1,000,000 offer to anyone who will meet the agreed upon conditions for a side by by side comparison of the performance of Masimo SET Sp02 as compared to any other pulse oximetry technology available today.

I was a hospital administrator for many years before I joined Masimo and I can assure you that the product and service exceed expectations.

I do not have any experience or reference to comment on the compensation packages of the sales people. When I worked for a hospital, I always believed that a sales person would sell me anything to make a buck. I rarely trusted them and I was always skeptical of any or all of their marketing claims.

This product is different. If you do not want to provide any personal contact information on this blog, I clearly understand. Call Masimo corporate office (949) 297-7000 and ask for Clinical Services, leave you phone number and I will call you back

You will be amazed.

Masimo isn't perfect by a long shot but I don't think you could call them unethical. Their pricing might be a bit off, but they'll figure that out and adjust it eventually. or they won't and the product will fail. In this day and age you can't force a new technology on hospitals. It's all about the bottom line.

Most of the negative posts are obviously from former or disgruntled reps who are venting. That is their right, but let's not discount the good that this company and its technology has done.

all technology companies find themselves in lawsuits. It is just part of business. They have to protect their patents and tech to protect shareholder value.

As for the lawsuit by the former reps. I don't know much about it, but the product they were selling had some problems and they didn't make the money they thought they would. So they sued. I doubt they'll win.

I am not sure why all of you are saying you can't make money at masimo. I am an acute care rep and going to do 280k this year. It is true if you don't sell you wont make much so just go sell something. At plan pay is 170k. Base is 60k. You need to close business to make money so you need to decide if it is worth the risk. Most of my region is trending over 200 this year with some reaching over 300. There are very few companies that offer you the upside that Masimo provides.

How do you like it now? Every rep I know is moving as fast as they can to leave this company. I work there now. Worst company management I have heard been involved with!!! Pay is awful, car allowance sux, 401k sux, and health plan is so bad you would be better off going to get it on your own. You must be one fo the assholes who hired me!!! BTW - I am one of Masimo most successful reps. You dont make anything close to what they lied to us about. ANybody stupid enough to go to work for these guys deserves what they get. Do you research on Masimo before taking their money. They will threaten to sue you too!!!!!

I hate to see all this. I have a therapist that is looking to get on board with Masimo. I told her that I have seen at least 5 new reps since I have worked at hospital, not that long. They seem to have a lot of turnover which is why I refuse to do business with them. At least I know what I will get with Covidien. I think Masimo has a slight advantage on pulse ox but I do not want to convert them and then have my rep leave n the middle of a project. Not worth the hassle. They have a reputation for treating people badly. I know this is just a complain site for sales people but I cant help but think some of it might be true based on how many reps they go through.

I am not sure why all of you are saying you can't make money at masimo. I am an acute care rep and going to do 280k this year. It is true if you don't sell you wont make much so just go sell something. At plan pay is 170k. Base is 60k. You need to close business to make money so you need to decide if it is worth the risk. Most of my region is trending over 200 this year with some reaching over 300. There are very few companies that offer you the upside that Masimo provides.

Thanks for posting. Who is going to make 280k? Who is going to make 200k? Trending...upside?, why didnt you use sales athletism, you should have just signed it....this is why they are doing a 360....too full of .....why is everyone quitting if they r making so much money?????

I am not sure why all of you are saying you can't make money at masimo. I am an acute care rep and going to do 280k this year. It is true if you don't sell you wont make much so just go sell something. At plan pay is 170k. Base is 60k. You need to close business to make money so you need to decide if it is worth the risk. Most of my region is trending over 200 this year with some reaching over 300. There are very few companies that offer you the upside that Masimo provides.

this is obviously written by someone at Masimo in upper management as with the one who put Masimo phone #. There apper to be several writtnen by high ups at Masimo. Must not have a leg to stand on if corp people are posting on a website like this. Makes me believe even more this stuff is true, too many good jobs out there to take a chance on a company like this. It is funny that you guys are following what is being said!! Think I will wait for the next bus!!

their stock is hit hard, the latest round of studies KILLED them, look for letter in the NE Journal of Medicine>to the editor.
They lie to their reps, they lie to their customers, and they think everyone else is stupid enough to believe it.
The technology sux, the studies ( independent ones with more that 100 patients ) are all coming out against them right now. Stay clear.

Masimo, like all start up companies has its growing pains. The one consistent message from Masimo’s CEO, is to do what is best for the patient. The technology of the product is fundamentally superior to anything on the market. I will personally be happy to demonstrate the advantages of the product to anyone willing to “Take the Challenge”.

Masimo still has a $1,000,000 offer to anyone who will meet the agreed upon conditions for a side by by side comparison of the performance of Masimo SET Sp02 as compared to any other pulse oximetry technology available today.

I was a hospital administrator for many years before I joined Masimo and I can assure you that the product and service exceed expectations.

I do not have any experience or reference to comment on the compensation packages of the sales people. When I worked for a hospital, I always believed that a sales person would sell me anything to make a buck. I rarely trusted them and I was always skeptical of any or all of their marketing claims.

This product is different. If you do not want to provide any personal contact information on this blog, I clearly understand. Call Masimo corporate office (949) 297-7000 and ask for Clinical Services, leave you phone number and I will call you back

You will be amazed.

So you don't trust Masimo sales people and you work there? Wow. This is really helpful. Why are Masimo corp people trolling this website. Must be a lot of merit to what is being said