Masimo isn't perfect by a long shot but I don't think you could call them unethical. Their pricing might be a bit off, but they'll figure that out and adjust it eventually. or they won't and the product will fail. In this day and age you can't force a new technology on hospitals. It's all about the bottom line.
Most of the negative posts are obviously from former or disgruntled reps who are venting. That is their right, but let's not discount the good that this company and its technology has done.
all technology companies find themselves in lawsuits. It is just part of business. They have to protect their patents and tech to protect shareholder value.
As for the lawsuit by the former reps. I don't know much about it, but the product they were selling had some problems and they didn't make the money they thought they would. So they sued. I doubt they'll win.
I heard sales people are suing Masimo. What is the deal with patents? I never worked for a healthcare company that was so involved in litigation, dont think I want to be part of this. How many sales people have they gone thru? It looks like a lot of people are unhappy