Marcia Marcia Marcia

He will do nothing. He's just as bad as her waiting for his golden parachute that's not happening. She should have been fired after her behavior in Hawaii.

Four more reps left and all left because if broken promises from the Queen MS.

I'm sure MS lied about something to get her here . Did you'll know we are the #1 Derm company in the industry for the last 12 years. According to who ? We surveyed 8 Dermatologists here in Ft. Worth , Texas.

I heard she came from Amgen/Celgene Derm out in NYC. Not sure why should would come to Galderma from Otezla?

No one any good is running from Otezla to Galderma. I'd suggest you check into that very carefully.

We may get the off label, scam the system creeps like we did in South Carolina for a few months, but they leave right away as well.

No one any good is running from Otezla to Galderma. I'd suggest you check into that very carefully.

We may get the off label, scam the system creeps like we did in South Carolina for a few months, but they leave right away as well.

she was the otezla DM in NYC. Heard she moved to Ohio for family and had to leave Otezla because of the move.

Anyone know her new scheme to bring in Epsolay #s? What docs can she get paid for No Show EODs , Non Educational Dinners , Fall Clinical drinks. Time for a new play book . Your unethical behavior can't bring in 20 extra scripts anymore.

Fyi she is already looking into calls per day, calls with signatures along with tracking visual use. She is going around managers and pulling data as a I Told You So now do something about it.

The times have changed for her and she no longer has her protection anymore, they all left. Now she can only place eyes ️ on Salesforce in order to justify her incompetence. If you get a call asking how you feel or the Temperature of the District Do Not be Negative by any means.